Thomas Vandenberghe, Robin Brabant, Yves Laurent, Claire Brabant, Bob Vandendriessche, Wout Willems, Steven Degraer, and Ruth Lagring (2024)
Digital Animal Sound Archive: a collaborative repository for bio-acoustics
In: International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems - Proceedings Volume, vol. 80, pp. 165-167. Miscellanea INGV.
The use of animal sounds is widespread but yields extensive and scattered individual collections. Making this data FAIR will lead to deeper knowledge. The overall objective of DASA is to set-up a robust data model and a user-friendly website enabling Belgian bio-acoustic workers to collect, archive and explore biological acoustic data. The starting point is bats, but the data model is kept open for any biological or mechanical sounds. We will build a digital archive that adds to RBINS' collections, serves as a reference collection of species and call types, offers a validated dataset for classifiers and will be a resource for meta-analyses.
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