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RBINS Staff Publications 2023

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 347 references in this bibliography folder.

Van Nieuwenhove, A, KVan Roozendael, B, Scheldeman, K, Merveille, J, Haelters, J, Van Roy, W, and Schallier, R (2023).
30 Years of Belgian North Sea Aerial Surveillance – Evolution, Trends, and Developments
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, .

Van Nieuwenhove, A, Van Roozendael, B, Scheldeman, K, Merveille, J, Haelters, J, Van Roy, W, and Schallier, R (2023).
30 Years of Belgian North Sea Aerial Surveillance – Evolution, Trends, and Developments.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment.

Van Roy, W, Merveille, J, Scheldeman, K, Van Nieuwenhove, A, Schallier, R, Van Roozendael, B, and Maes, F (2023).
Assessment of the Effect of International Maritime Regulations on Air Quality in the Southern North Sea.
Atmosphere , 14(969).

Van Roy, W, Merveille, J, Scheldeman, K, Van Nieuwenhove, A, Van Roozendael, B, Schallier, R, and Maes, F (2023).
The Role of Belgian Airborne Sniffer Measurements in the MARPOL Annex VI Enforcement Chain
Atmosphere , 14(623).

Van Roy, W, Scheldeman, K, Van Nieuwenhove, A, Merveille, J, Schallier, R, and Maes, F (2023).
Current progress in developing a MARPOL Annex VI enforcement strategy in the Bonn Agreement through remote measurements.
Marine Policy, 158(105882).

Van Roy, W, Van Roozendael, B, Vigin, L, Van Nieuwenhove, A, Scheldeman, K, Merveille, J, Weigelt, A, Mellqvist, J, Van Vliet, J, Van Dinther, D, Beecken, J, Tack, F, Theys, N, and Maes, F (2023).
International maritime regulation decreases sulfur dioxide but increases nitrogen oxide emissions in the North and Baltic Sea.
Commun Earth Environ., 4(391).

Van Roy, W, Van Roozendael, B, Vigin, L, Van Nieuwenhove, A, Scheldeman, K, Merveille, J, Weigelt, A, Mellqvist, J, Van Vliet, J, van Dinther, D, Beecken, J, Tack, F, Theys, N, and Maes, F (2023).
International maritime regulation decreases sulfur dioxide but increases nitrogen oxide emissions in the North and Baltic Sea
Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1):391.

van Vliet, HJ, Bosselaers, M, Paijmans, T, and Calzada, S (2023).
An archaeocete vertebra re-examined: indications for a small-sized species of Pachycetus from Spain, Europe
Deinsea, 21:1-16.

van Vredendaal, R, Laurent, N, Baelo, P, Ngoy, S, Akaibe, D, Joffrin, L, Pascetta, V, Ansobi, P, Adroabadrio, D, Kahandi, C, Muhindo, H, Mitashi, P, Mariën, J, Gryseels, S, Leirs, H, Gembu, G, and Verheyen, E (2023).
Diversity of small mammals and their viruses from pristine to degraded habitats in DR Congo
In: Scientific programme & abstracts - 14th African Small Mammal Symposium, 17-22 September 2023, Swakopmund, Namibia, pp. 56.

Vanaverbeke, J, Moens, T, Boeckx, P, Gamella, E, Braeckman, U, Degraer, S, Le, H, Van den Eynde, D, and Bodé, S (2023).
Annual Report OUTFLOW. Contract Nr. B2/212/P1/OUTFLOW. Reporting period 15/04/2022 – 14/04/2023
Belspo and Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Vandenboer, Y, Dupont, D, and Schön, I (2023).
Developing eDNA metabarcoding as a tool for zero-impact and internationally coordinated biodiversity monitoring
Abstract of the Zoology 2023 conference, Leiden, the Netherlands.

Vandorpe, T, Hermans, T, Baeye, M, Praet, N, Urban, P, Van Roozendael, B, and Roche, M (2023).
Annual Report TURBEAMS. Contract Nr. B2/RV/21/Turbeams. Specific Call RV Belgica, Belspo
VLIZ, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and FOD Economy, COPCO.

Vankerkhoven, F, Berx, P, Bosmans, B, Dekoninck , W, Janssen, M, Stassen, E, and Crevecoeur, L (2023).
Faunistic survey of myrmecophilous and other ant-associated beetles and spiders in the Belgian province of Limburg (Araneae, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 141.

Vellekoop, J (2023).
Een tijdelijke ontsluiting bij Euverem: nieuwe inzichten in de Campanien/Maastrichtien overgang in het type-Maastrichtien
Sprekende Bodem, 67(2):47-52.

Verbrugghe, G and Goemaere, E (2023).
Mortiers en pierre de Tournai et en grès micacé : actualité sur un ustensile commercialisé par voies fluviales et maritimes.
Abstract book JARAAE (Journée d’actualité de la recherche archéologique en Ardenne-Eifel), 6-8 avril 2023. Charleville-Mézières, France, 1:à préciser.

Verhulst, I, Herremans, V, Dusar, M, and Snaet, J (2023).
De toepassing van natuursteen voor de bouw en de restauratie van het Justitiepaleis van Brussel
Geological Survey of Belgium Professional Paper , 322:121-166.

Vernes, R, Deckers, J, Walstra, J, Kruisselbrink, A, Menkovic, A, Bogemans, F, De Ceukelaire, M, Dirix, K, Dusar, M, Hummelman, H, Maes, R, Meyvis, B, Munsterman, D, Reindersma, R, Rombaut, B, Van Baelen, K, van de Ven, T, Van Haren, T, and Welkenhuysen, K (2023).
Geologisch en hydrogeologisch 3D model van het Cenozoïcum van de Belgisch-Nederlandse grensstreek van De Noorderkempen / West-Brabant (H3O-De Voorkempen).

Vicari, D, McGowen, M, Lambert, O, Brown, R, Bianucci, G, Sabin, R, and Meloro, C (2023).
Ecomorphology of toothed whales (Cetacea, Odontoceti) as revealed by 3D skull geometry
Journal of Mammalian Evolution.

Vila, E, Chahoud, J, Bouzid, S, Albesso, M, Amane, A, De Cupere, B, Davoudi, H, Fathi, H, Mohaseb, A, and Mashkour, M (2023).
Exploring the Morphometric Characteristics of sheep breeds in the Ancient Near East
In: 14th ICAZ International Conference, 07-12/08/2023, Cairns (Australia).

Vuillien, M, Mashkour, M, Chahoud, J, Albesso, M, Amane, A, Berthon, R, Bouzid, S, De Cupere, B, Davoudi, H, Fathi, H, Helmer, D, Lesur, J, Mohaseb, A, Vautrin, A, Gourichon, L, Cucchi, T, and Vila, E (2023).
How ‘Shaun the sheep’ looked like in the past? Evolution and archaeological diversity of sheep morphotypes in Southwest Asia
In: 14th ICAZ International Conference, 07-12/08/2023, Cairns (Australia).

Walstra, J and Heyvaert, V (2023).
From field to models: Creating a geological framework for groundwater
In: RESPONSE Workshop: Contaminant migration from point sources to groundwater: from data to models, Leuven, 12 May 2023, pp. 1, SCK-CEN.

Walstra, J, Deckers, J, Kruisselbrink, A, Menkovic, A, Bogemans, F, De Ceukelaire, M, Dirix, K, Dusar, M, Hummelman, H, Maes, R, Meyvis, B, Munsterman, D, Reindersma, R, Rombaut, B, Van Baelen, K, Van de Ven, T, Van Haren, T, Welkenhuysen, K, and Vernes, R (2023).
H3O: the legacy of a decade of cross-border 3D geological modelling.
In: : 6th European Meeting on 3D Geological Modelling, Copenhagen, 23-16 May 2023.

Werkgroep Zeespiegelstijging (2023).
Kennisrapport Zeespiegel Vlaanderen ‘anno 2022’.
FHR (bijdrage D Van den Eynde).

Wichern, NM, de Winter, NJ, Johnson, AL, Goolaerts, S, Wesselingh, F, Hamers, MF, Kaskes, P, Claeys, P, and Ziegler, M (2023).
The fossil bivalve Angulus benedeni benedeni: a potential seasonally resolved stable isotope-based climate archive to investigate Pliocene temperatures in the southern North Sea basin
Biogeosciences, 20:2317-2345.

Wouters, T (2023).
2nd international conference on biodiversity in the Congo Basin
Luc Janssens de Bisthoven.

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