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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 / Feasibility of eradication and spread limitation for species of Union concern sensu the EU IAS Regulation (EU 1143/2014) in Belgium. Volume 2. Species of the 2nd and 3rd update of the Union list

Jane Reniers, Arnaud Jacobs, Tim Adriaens, Etienne Branquart, Bram D'hondt, and Sonia Vanderhoeven (2023)

Feasibility of eradication and spread limitation for species of Union concern sensu the EU IAS Regulation (EU 1143/2014) in Belgium. Volume 2. Species of the 2nd and 3rd update of the Union list

Miscellaneous publication, National Scientific Secretariat on Invasive Alien Species - Belgium.

This report is the second assessment of management feasibility of Union list species in Belgium, focusing on species of the 2nd and 3rd update. It supports the implementation of the EU Regulation in Belgium, notably for the identification of cost-effective management goals and techniques as required by Article 17 and 19 on IAS eradication and management, respectively. It also provides an evidence base for Belgian management decisions through a transparent, standardized and repeatable process.
Invasive species
  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10091681

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