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RBINS Staff Publications 2023

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 372 references in this bibliography folder.

Montereale Gavazzi, G, Roche, M, and Van Lancker, V (2023).
A pragmatic at-sea solution to comply with the multisource multibeam backscatter conundrum
In: Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping (GeoHab '23). Saint-Gilles-Les-Bains, La Réunion, France, May 8-12, ed. by Cawthra, H.C., Devillers, R, pp. p 100.

Moreau, A, Choopani, A, Declercq, P, Orban, P, Devleeschouwer, X, and Dassargues, A (2023).
Difficulties arising when PS-InSAR displacement measurements are compared to results from geomechanical and groundwater flow computations
In: EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienne, Austria.

Moreau, A, Choopani, A, Declercq, P, Orban, P, Devleeschouwer, X, and Dassargues, A (2023).
A Summary Review Based on Case Studies of the Challenges Related to the Comparison of Displacements Measured by PS-InSAR and Simulated by Geomechanical Coupled to Groundwater Models.
In: Proceedings of IAHS (PIAH, ed. by Copernicus Publicatioins. Göttingen, Germany.

Morelle, S and Polet, C (2023).
Étude ostéologique de deux crémations provenant du site de Postel (Province d'Anvers, âge du Bronze)
Anthropologica et Praehistorica, 133(Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique).

Mottequin, B and Marion, J (2023).
Carte géologique de Wallonie : Tongeren - Herderen (34/5-6). 1/25.000 (+ notice explicative)
Service public de Wallonie/EDIWALL.

Mottequin, B and Robin, N (2023).
Rediscovery of the Mathieu collection of Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)–Permian (Cisuralian) arthropods from the Kaiping Coalfield (northeastern China)
Geologica Belgica, 26(1-2):79-92.

Mottequin, B, Amler, M, and Weyer, D (2023).
Brachiopods from the Early Carboniferous Erdbach limestones in Hesse (Germany, Kulm Basin)
Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 97(4):785-806.

Mottequin, B, Maletz, J, and Goolaerts, S (2023).
New data on the Devonian and Carboniferous Graptolithina (Dendroidea) from Belgium with notes on possible occurrences of Rhabdopleuridae in the Belgian Carboniferous
Annales de Paléontologie, 109612(102).

Nahar, R, Costa, P, Dawson, S, Engel, M, Scheder, J, Heyvaert, V, De Batist, M, and the NORSEAT Belgica 2022-31 Shipboard Pa, T (2023).
Storegga and beyond – North Sea tsunami deposits offshore Shetland Islands.
In: EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna.

Namiotko, T, de Moor, FC, Barber-James, HM, Schön, I, and Martens, K (2023).
Environmental correlates of non-marine ostracod (Crustacea: Ostracoda) assemblages of the Eastern Cape (South Africa)
Hydrobiologia, 850:4859–4878.

Nicolas, A, Olivier, C, Stéphane, G, Quentin, G, and Nicolas, P (2023).
Taintignies (Rumes). Un site artisanal (et d’extraction ?) du Haut-Empire et réoccupation rurale tardo-romaine au lieu-dit "Le Pèlerin"
Amicale des Archéologues du Hainaut Occidental, 10:101-106.

Nsengimana, V and Dekoninck, W (2023).
Journal of East African Natural History, 112(6):63-73.

Nsengimana, V, Nsenganeza, JdD, Hagenimana, T, and Dekoninck, W (2023).
Impact of chemical fertilizers on diversity and abundance of soil-litter arthropod communities in coffee and banana plantations in southern Rwanda
Current Research in Environmental Sustainability , 5(2023)( 100215):1-9.

Ouattara, K, Yeo, K, Kouakou, LMM, and Dekoninck, W (2023).
Ant nests effect on organic matter, carbon, and nitrogen flux in the soil under grasses tufts in Lamto savannah (Côte d’Ivoire)
Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 6( e20374):1-8.

Owusu Bonsu, P, Letschert, J, Yates, KL, Svendsen, JC, Berkenhagen, J, Rozemeijer, MJ, Kerkhove, TR, Rehren, J, and Stelzenmüller, V (2023).
Co-location of fisheries and offshore wind farms: Current practices and enabling conditions in the North Sea
Marine Policy, 159(105941):11.

Paoletti, S, Rumes, B, Pierantonio, N, Panigada, S, Jan, R, Folegot, T, Schilling, A, Riviere, N, Carrier, V, Dumoulin, A, Van Hamme, D, Marquis-Laisné, G, Bruliard, F, Petitpierre, F, and Demoor, D (2023).
SEADETECT: developing an automated detection system to reduce whale-vessel collision risk
Research Ideas and Outcomes.

Parmentier, T, Baugnée, J, Braem, S, Cammaerts, R, Ignace, D, and Dekoninck, W (2023).
Recent and old records of the rare myrmecophilous beetle Haeterius ferrugineus (Olivier 1789) in Belgium, Luxembourg and North-East of France
Entomologie faunistique – Faunistic Entomology , 76:197-202.

Pauwels, O (2023).
Reptile fauna of Kungulu and Mbiye islands, upper Congo River: current knowledge and new records.
Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society, 58(1):1-11.

Pauwels, O, Ruizendaal, A, Carlino, P, Christy, P, Cleuet, J, De Bruyne, G, Dibanganga, G, Guidosse, Q, Mabaza, G, Scalbert, M, Sineux, L, and Oslisly, R (2023).
Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica XIX
Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society, 58(11):179-187.

Pelckmans, I, Belliard, J, Dominguez-Granda, L, Slobbe, C, Temmerman, S, and Gourgue, O (2023).
Mangrove Ecosystem Properties Regulate High Water Levels in a River Delta
Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences, 23(9):3169-3183.

Pereira, JS, da Rocha, CE, Martens, K, Pinto, RL, and DaSilva, MB (2023).
Six new species of Elpidium Müller, 1880 (Podocopida: Limnocytheridae) from Eastern Brazil
Zootaxa, 5258(1):001–038.

Pham, T, Ho, Q, Lee, S, Fettweis, M, and Lee, B (2023).
Isolation and characterization of the molecular composition of algal dissolved organic matter
In: Proceedings 17th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes September 18-22, 2023, Inha University, Incheon, Republic of Korea, pp. 2 pp.

Picavet, P, Goemaere, E, Reniere, S, Leduc, T, Goovaerts, T, and Dreesen, R (2023).
Du négoce viking à la mise en place d’un système commercial pérenne au Moyen Âge : identification de pierres à aiguiser norvégiennes dans le nord de la France et en Belgique.
Abstract book du Congrès du GMPCA, Nice (17-21/04/2023). Session 1.3. Traces biologiques, chimiques et matérielles des mobilités et interactions humaines : qui, quoi, comment ? , 1:242p. ; pp.72-73.

Poesen, J and Dusar, M (2023).
Bouwstenen: hoe de mens de ondergrond gebruikte. In: Bart Vercoutere (red.) Brabantse Wouden. Het verhaal van een landschap. Nationaal Park Brabantse Wouden.
Booklet, Booklet.

Posth, C, Yu, H, Ghalichi, A, Rougier, H, Crevecoeur, I, Huang, Y, Ringbauer, H, Rohrlach, A, Nägele, K, Villalba-Mouco, V, Radzeviciute, R, Ferraz, T, Stoessel, A, Tukhbatova, R, Drucker, D, Lari, M, Modi, A, Vai, S, Saupe, T, Scheib, C, Catalano, G, Pagani, L, Talamo, S, Fewlass, H, Klaric, L, Morala, A, Rué, M, Madelaine, S, Crépin, L, Caverne, J, Bocaege, E, Ricci, S, Boschin, F, Bayle, P, Maureille, B, Le Brun-Ricalens, F, Bordes, J, Oxilia, G, Bortolini, E, Bignon-Lau, O, Debout, G, Orliac, M, Zazzo, A, Sparacello, V, Starnini, E, Sineo, L, van der Plicht, J, Pecqueur, L, Merceron, G, Garcia, G, Leuvrey, J, Garcia, C, Gómez-Olivencia, A, Połtowicz-Bobak, M, Bobak, D, Le Luyer, M, Storm, P, Hoffmann, C, Kabaciński, J, Filimonova, T, Shnaider, S, Berezina, N, González-Rabanal, B, González Morales, M, Marín-Arroyo, A, López, B, Alonso-Llamazares, C, Ronchitelli, A, Polet, C, Jadin, I, Cauwe, N, Soler, J, Coromina, N, Rufí, I, Cottiaux, R, Clark, G, Straus, L, Julien, M, Renhart, S, Talaa, D, Benazzi, S, Romandini, M, Amkreutz, L, Bocherens, H, Wißing, C, Villotte, S, de Pablo, J, Gómez-Puche, M, Esquembre-Bebia, M, Bodu, P, Smits, L, Souffi, B, Jankauskas, R, Kozakaitė, J, Cupillard, C, Benthien, H, Wehrberger, K, Schmitz, R, Feine, S, Schüler, T, Thevenet, C, Grigorescu, D, Lüth, F, Kotula, A, Piezonka, H, Schopper, F, Svoboda, J, Sázelová, S, Chizhevsky, A, Khokhlov, A, Conard, N, Valentin, F, Harvati, K, Semal, P, Jungklaus, B, Suvorov, A, Schulting, R, Moiseyev, V, Mannermaa, K, Buzhilova, A, Terberger, T, Caramelli, D, Altena, E, Haak, W, and Krause, J (2023).
Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers
Nature, 615(7950):117--126.

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