Jolien Buyse, Kris Hostens, Steven Degraer, Marleen De Troch, Jan Wittoeck, and Annelies De Backer (2022)
Increased food availability at offshore wind farms affects trophic ecology of plaice Pleuronectes platessa
Science of the Total Environment, 862(160730):1-13.
Offshore wind farms (OWFs) and their associated cables, foundations and scour protection are often constructed in soft-
sediment environments. This introduction of hard substrate has been shown to have similar effects as artificial reefs by
providing food resources and offering increased habitat complexity, thereby aggregating fish around the turbines and
foundations. However, as most studies have focused their efforts on fish species that are typically associated with reef
structures, knowledge on how soft sediment species are affected by OWFs is still largely lacking. In this study, we analysed
the trophic ecology and condition of plaice, a flatfish species of commercial interest, in relation to a Belgian OWF. The
combination of a stomach and intestine content analysis with the use of biomarkers (i.e. fatty acids and stable isotopes)
identified a clear shift in diet with increased occurrences of typical hard-substrate prey species for fish in the vicinity of
the foundations and this both on the short and the long term. Despite some condition indices suggesting that the hard
substrate provides increased food availability, no clear increases of overall plaice condition or fecundity were found.
Samples from within the wind farm, however, contained larger fish and had a higher abundance of females compared
to control areas, potentially indicating a refuge effect caused by the cessation of fisheries activities within the OWF.
These results suggest that soft-sediment species can potentially benefit from the presence of an OWF, which could lead
to fish production. However, more research is still needed to further elucidate the behavioral ecology of plaice within
OWFs to make inferences on how they can impact fish populations on a larger spatial scale.
RBINS Publication(s), PDF available
OWFs, Fish condition, Trophic ecology, North Sea, Artificial reef effect, Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
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