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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 / A peculiar ornamental stone in the civitas Treverorum used in funeral monuments and the antique theatre of Dalheim (Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg).

Eric Goemaere, Roland Dreesen, Gabrielle Kremer, and Christine Ruppert (2022)

A peculiar ornamental stone in the civitas Treverorum used in funeral monuments and the antique theatre of Dalheim (Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg).

In: Abstract book ASMOSIA XIII, ed. by Austrian Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences & Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, vol. -(-), chap. -, pp. 56-57, Asmosia III, Vienna, Austria, Asmosia XIII, 1 ed.. -.

Peer Review, International Redaction Board, Abstract of an Oral Presentation or a Poster
13th International Congress ASMOSIA, Vienna, September 19th – September 23rd, 2022, Austria. Poster - Abstract book ASMOSIA XIII, 166p.

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