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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 / Solving a taxonomic puzzle: integrative taxonomy reveals new cryptic and polymorphic species of Oscarella in south-eastern Brazil (Homoscleromorpha : Oscarellidae)

Daniele Stillitani, Alexander V Ereskovsky, Thierry Pérez, César Ruiz, Marinella S Laport, Gabriela Puccinelli, Cristiane CP Hardoim, Philippe Willenz, and Guilherme Muricy (2022)

Solving a taxonomic puzzle: integrative taxonomy reveals new cryptic and polymorphic species of Oscarella in south-eastern Brazil (Homoscleromorpha : Oscarellidae)

Invertebrate Systematics, 36(8):714-750.

RBINS Collection(s), PDF available, Impact Factor, Peer Review, International Redaction Board
This paper is accompanied by an electronic data supplement: Stillitani, D., Willenz, Ph., Muricy, G. & Laport, M. 2022. Collecting information and identification of Oscarella from Cabo Frio, Brazil (Porifera, Homoscleromorpha, Oscarellidae). Pangea.
  • DOI: 10.1071/IS21056