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RBINS Staff Publications 2021

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 493 references in this bibliography folder.

Wilk, O, Olive, S, Pradel, A, Den Blaauwen, J, and Szrek, P (2021).
The first lower jaw of a ctenacanthid shark from the Late Devonian (Famennian) of Belgium
Jounal of vertebrate paleontology, 41(3):e1960537.

Wouters, S, Da Silva, A, Boulvain, F, and Devleeschouwer, X (2021).
StratigrapheR: Concepts for Litholog Generation in R
The R Journal, 13(2):153-178.

Wouters, W, Ervynck, A, and Van Neer, W (2021).
The pitfalls of diachronic comparisons: fish consumption in the medieval and postmedieval town of Aalst, Belgium
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13:article number 126.

Wyns, L, Roche, M, Barette, F, Van Lancker, V, Degrendele, K, Hostens, K, and De Backer, A (2021).
Near-field changes in the seabed and associated macrobenthic communities due to marine aggregate extraction on tidal sandbanks: A spatially explicit bio-physical approach considering geological context and extraction regimes
Continental Shelf Research, 229(104546).

Yans, J, Verhaert, M, Gautheron, C, Antoine, P, Moussi, B, Dekoninck, A, and Decrée, S (2021).
(U-Th)/He Dating of Supergene Iron (Oxyhydr-)Oxides of the Nefza-Sejnane District (Tunisia): New Insights into Mineralization and Mammalian Biostratigraphy.
Minerals, 11:260.

Yeo, D, Srivathsan, A, Puniamoorthy, J, Maosheng, F, Grootaert, P, Chan, L, Guénard, B, Damken, C, Wahab, RA, Yuchen, A, and Meier, R (2021).
Mangroves are an overlooked hotspot of insect diversity despite low plant diversity
BMC Biology, 19(202).

Zaher, H, Folie, A, Quadros, AB, Rana, RS, Kumar, K, Rose, KD, Fahmy, M, and Smith, T (2021).
Additional vertebral material of Thaumastophis (Serpentes: Caenophidia) from the early Eocene of India provides new insights on the early diversification of colubroidean snakes
Geobios, 66-67:35-43.

Zambon, R and Prestianni, C (2021).
Assessing the diversity of insect damage traces in the fossil flora of Gelinden (Limburg, Belgium).
International Agora Paleobotanica Meeting, Liège (Oral Presentation)..

Zambon, R and Prestianni, C (2021).
Assessing the diversity of insect damage traces in the fossil flora of Gelinden (Limburg, Belgium)
7th Geologica Belgica Meeting, Tervueren (Oral Presentation)..

Zaronikola, N, Debaille, V, Decrée, S, Mathur, R, and Christodoulos, H (2021).
Geochemistry, mineralogy, Cu, Zn and Fe isotopic composition of Gossans found in Cyprus-type VMS systems from the Troodos ophiolite.
In: GeoKarlsruhe 2021 conference. Abtract Book.

Zaronikola, N, Debaille, V, Decrée, S, Mathur, R, and Christodoulos, H (2021).
Copper and zinc isotopic compositions of mafic-dominated volcanogenic sulfide deposits in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus.
In: 3rd European Mineralogical Conference 2020. Abstract book.

Zaronikola, N, Debaille, V, Decrée, S, Mathur, R, Gavrilovic, G, and Hadjigeorgiou, C (2021).
Petrogenesis and isotopic investigation of Pillow Lavas from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus: Cu and Zn isotopes
In: Geologica Belgica conference 2021. Abstract book.

Zhao, T, Montereale Gavazzi, G, Lazendic, S, Zhao, Y, and Pizurica, A (2021).
Acoustic Seafloor Classification Using the Weyl Transform of Multibeam Echosounder Backscatter Mosaic.
Remote Sensing, 13(9), 1760..

Lansac-Tôha, FM, Bini, LM, Heino, J, Meira, BR, Segovia, BT, Pavanelli, CS, Bonecker, CC, de Deus, CP, Benedito, E, Alves, GM, Manetta, GI, Dias, JD, Vieira, LCG, Rodrigues, LC, do Carmo Roberto, M, Brugler, MR, Lemke, MJ, Tessler, M, DeSalle, R, Mormul, RP, Amadio, S, Lolis, SF, Jati, S, Siqueira, T, Silva, WM, Higuti, J, Lansac-Tôha, FA, Martens, K, and Velho, LFM (2020).
Scale-dependent patterns of metacommunity structuring in aquatic organisms across floodplain systems
Journal of Biogeography, 48:872-885.

van Rees, CB, Waylen, KA, Schmidt-Kloiber, A, Thackeray, SJ, Kalinkat, G, Martens, K, Domisch, S, Lillebø, AI, Hermoso, V, Grossart, H, Schinegger, R, Decleer, K, Adriaens, T, Denys, L, Jarić, I, Janse, JH, Monaghan, MT, De Wever, A, Geijzendorffer, I, Adamescu MC, and Jähnig, SC (2020).
Safeguarding freshwater life beyond 2020: Recommendations for the new global biodiversity framework from the European experience
Conservation Letters, 2021(14).

Dufrasnes, J, Doyen, J, Goemaere, E, Hanotte, A, Leblois, E, Picavet, P, Raepsaet-Charlier, M, Raepsaet, G, Thiébaux, A, and Van Assche, M (2019 (paru en 2020)).
Pommeroeul Le Grand Marais (Hainaut, Belgique) : un habitat, un moulin hydraulique et un atelier de bronzier gallo-romains ?
Vie archéologique, Bulletin de la Fédération des Archéologues de Wallonie et de Bruxelles asbl., 78:31-111.

De Prins, J (2017).
Lepidoptera Collection Curation and Data Management
In: Lepidoptera, ed. by Farzana Khan Perveen. IntechOpen, chap. 2, pp. 19-39.

Goffette, Q, Lepers, C, and Rots, V ().

Booklet, Booklet.

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