RBINS Staff Publications 2019
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 610 references in this bibliography folder.
Vellekoop, J, Van Tillborgh, KH, Van Knippenberg, P, Jagt, JW, Stassen, P, Goolaerts, S, and Speijer, RP
Rapid biological recovery following the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary catastrophe in the Maastrichtian type area
In: EGU 5th Galileo Conference Mass-Extinctions, Recovery and Resilience, Utrecht, The Netherlands 28-31 August 2019 Abstract book, pp. 15.
Verbeurgt, J, Van Camp, M, Stal, C, Camelbeeck, T, De Sloover, L, Poppe, H, Declercq, P, Voet, P, Constales, D, Troch, P, De Maeyer, P, and De Wulf, A
The gravity database for Belgium
Geoscience Data Journal, 6(2):116-125.
Verbrugghe, G, Goemaere, E, and Tourneur, F
Stone mortars in Dinant and Poilvache (prov. Of Namur): Mosan examples of diffusion production as far as Denmark via Dorestad and surroundings (Netherlands).
Pré-actes Deuxièmes journées d’actualité de la recherche archéologique en Ardenne-Eifel. Du Paléolithique au Moyen Âge, 1(1):48p., p. 42.
Verbrugghe, G, Goemaere, E, and Tourneur, F
Late medieval stone mortars in the Meuse valley : trade up to Danemark ?
Pré-actes du colloque AGSTR, 1:1.
Verheyden, S
Internationaal label voor acht gemeenten in karstgebied Het Famenne-Ardenne Global UNESCO Geopark
Spelerpes , 2019/1:56-54.
Verheyden, S
Berencultus bij de vroege neanderthaler?
Spelerpes, Verbond van Vlaamse speleologen, 2019/2:36-38.
Verheyden, S and Lemercinier, X
Role for researchers in (UNESCO global) geoparks - bibliometric analysis and discussion on national geopark committees
In: 15th Conference of European Geoparks - Sierra Norte de SevillaGeopark - Sevilla - Spain - 23rd -27th September 2019. Oral presentation.
Verheye, ML, d'Udekem d'Acoz, C, Salabao, L, Schön, I, and Van de Putte, A
Genetic diversity and connectivity of the Eusirus perdentatus species complex (Amphipoda, Crustacea) on the Antarctic continental shelf
International Colloquium on Amphipoda.
Verheyen, E, Keunen, H, Janssens de Bisthoven, L, Rochette, A, and de Koeijer, H
Working together to develop biodiversity research and monitoring related capacities in the DR Congo
In: The fourth Capacity Building for Conservation (CBC) conference, 30 July-1 August 2019, London, United Kingdom - Abstract Book, pp. 9.
Vermeersch, XH and Vanslembrouck, A
Update on the poorly known praying mantis Tamolanica leopoldi (Werner, 1923) with the description of the previously unknown male
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 90:1-13.
Vicari, D, McGowen, M, Lambert, O, Sabin, R, Brown, R, and Meloro, C
Cranial ecomorphology of odontocetes: a 3D-evolutionary approach
In: Journal of Morphology, vol. 280(S1), pp. S235, International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology.
Vidovic, J, Ponce de Leao, T, Schavemaker, Y, Tulstrup, J, van Gessel, S, Piessens, K, Host, J, Hildebrand, L, Käpyaho, A, Kuhns, B, Vagner, A, Svojtkova, I, Placido Martins, L, Witteman, T, Wall, P, and Solar, S
Establishing a geological survey for Europe
In: EGU2019.
Vranken, N, Van Steenberge, M, and Snoeks, J
Grasping ecological opportunities: not one but five paedophagous species of Haplochromis (Teleostei: Cichlidae) in the Lake Edward system
Hydrobiologia, 832:105-134.
Vranken, N, Van Steenberge, M, and Snoeks, J
The cichlids of the Lake Edward system: diversity and ecology
In: Cichlid Science 2019, National Museum of Natural Science (MNCN, CSIC) / Royal Botanical Garden (RJB, CSIC), September 9-12, 2019, Madrid, Spain - Abstract Book, pp. T2.7.
Walstra, J, Declercq, P, Barbier, C, Croonenborghs, T, Derauw, D, Drougkas, A, Hayen, R, Hocquet, F, Shimoni, M, Van Balen, K, and Verstrynge, E
The GEPATAR project: GEotechnical and Patrimonial Archives Toolbox for ARchitectural conservation in Belgium
In: Abstract Book of RSPSoc2019 Annual Conference, pp. 1, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society.
Waqas, M, Rana, RS, Folie, A, and Smith, T
High diversity of Raoellidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the middle Eocene Subathu Group of Kalakot, Northwest Himalaya, India
In: International Symposium PalEurAfrica Evolution and Paleoenvironment of Early Modern Vertebrates during the Paleogene - September 10-13, 2019, vol. Program and abstracts, pp. 55, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium.
Weiberg, E, Bevan, A, Kouli, K, Katsianis, M, Woodbridge, J, Bonnier, A, Engel, M, Finné, M, Fyfe, R, Maniatis, Y, Palmisano, A, Panajiotidis, S, Roberts, N, and Shennan, S
Long-term trends of land use and demography in Greece: a comparative study
The Holocene.
Weiss, M, Didham, R, Procházka, J, Schlaghamerský, J, Basset, Y, Odegaard, F, Tichechkin, A, Schmidl, J, Floren, A, Curletti, G, Aberlenc, H, Bail, J, Barrios, H, Leponce, M, Medianero, E, Fagan, L, Corbara, B, and Cizek, L
Saproxylic beetles in tropical and temperate forests – A standardized comparison of vertical stratification patterns
Forest Ecology and Management, 444:50-58.
Welkenhuysen, K, Meyvis, B, and Dusar, M
Documentering van de tijdelijke ontsluiting ‘De Torens, Aarschot’.
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen - Belgische Geologische Dienst.
Welkenhuysen, K, Meyvis, B, and Dusar, M
Documentering van de tijdelijke ontsluiting ‘zandgroeve Roelants, Lubbeek’
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen - Belgische Geologische Dienst.
Wiesner, J and Constant, J
Records of tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) collected in Cambodia, with description of a new species. 149 Contribution towards the knowledge of the Cicindelidae
Insecta Mundi, 0700:1-12.
Williams, F, Schmidt, C, Droke, J, Willman, J, Semal, P, Becam, G, and de Lumley, M
Dietary reconstruction of Spy I using dental microwear texture analysis
C.R. Palevol, 18(8):1083-1094.
Wißing, C, Rougier, H, Baumann, C, Comeyne, A, Crevecoeur, I, Drucker, D, Gaudzinski-Windheuser, S, Germonpré, M, Gómez-Olivencia, A, Krause, J, Matthies, T, Naito, Y, Posth, C, Semal, P, Street, M, and Bocherens, H
Stable isotopes reveal patterns of diet and mobility in the last Neandertals and first modern humans in Europe
Scientific Reports, 9(1):4433.
Wißing, C, Rougier, H, Crevecoeur, I, Draily, C, Germonpré, M, Gómez-Olivencia, A, Naito, Y, Posth, C, Semal, P, and Bocherens, H
When diet became diverse: Isotopic tracking of subsistence strategies among Gravettian hunters in Europe
In: Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution, vol. 8, pp. 204, Liège, Belgium, European Society for the study of Human Evolution.
Wood, C, Sokolow, S, Jones, I, Chamberlin, A, Lafferty, K, Kuris, A, Jocque, M, Hopkins, S, Adams, G, Buck, J, Lund, A, Garcia-Vedrenne, A, Fiorenza, E, Rohr, J, Allan, F, Webster, B, Rabone, M, Webster, J, Bandagny, L, Ndione, R, Senghor, S, Schacht, A, Jouanard, N, Riveau, G, and De Leo, G
Precision mapping of snail habitat provides a powerful indicator of human schistosomiasis transmission
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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