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RBINS Staff Publications 2019

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 611 references in this bibliography folder.

Mayr, G and Smith, T (2019).
New Paleocene bird fossils from the North Sea Basin in Belgium and France
Geologica Belgica, 22(1-2):35-46.

Mayr, G, Gingerich, PD, and Smith, T (2019).
Calcardea junnei Gingerich, 1987 from the late Paleocene of North America is not a heron, but resembles the early Eocene Indian taxon Vastanavis Mayr et al., 2007
Journal of Paleontology, 93(2):359–367 (9 pages).

Meganck, K, Smitz, N, Gombeer, S, Van Bourgonie, YR, Backeljau, T, and De Meyer, M (2019).
DNA barcoding to identify invasive alien species targeted by EU policies
Genome, 62:408.

Meganck, K, Smitz, N, Gombeer, S, Van Bourgonie, YR, Backeljau, T, and De Meyer, M (2019).
DNA barcoding for forensics: experiences from three years of BopCo
Genome, 62:408.

Meisch, C, Smith, RJ, and Martens, K (2019).
A subjective global checklist (submitted)of the Recent non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea).
European Journal of Taxonomy(492):1-135.

Mizerovska, D, Nicolas, V, Demos, TC, Akaibe, D, Colyn, M, Denys, C, Kaleme, PK, Katuala, P, Kennis, J, Kerbis Peterhans, JC, Laudisoit, A, Missoup, AD, Sumbera, R, Verheyen, E, and Bryja, J (2019).
Genetic variation of the most abundant forest‐dwelling rodents in Central Africa (Praomys jacksoni complex): Evidence for Pleistocene refugia in both montane and lowland forests
Journal of Biogeography, 46(7):1466-1478.

Moens, J, De Groote, K, Maréchal, S, Lentacker, A, Ervynck, A, Wouters, W, Cooremans, B, Deforce, K, and Reniere, S (2019).
Romeinse sporen uit de 2de eeuw aan de Putberg te Asse (Vlaams-Brabant). Eindverslag van een toevalsvondst, Onderzoeksrapporten agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed 133, Brussel.
No source specified

Mogollon Avila, V and Breure, AS (2019).
Notes on Drymaeus species from Peru (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Bulimulidae), and description of a new species
Basteria, 83:13-18.

Monbaliu, J, Toorman, E, Troch, P, Lonneville, T, Van den Eynde, D, and Mertens, T (2019).
CREST Voortgangsverslag mei 2019. Prepared for IWT
KULeuven, UGent, Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium, VLIZ and KBIN.

Monsecour, K and Swinnen, F (2019).
A new species of Columbellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Saint Helena Island
Gloria Maris, 58(3):91-94.

Montereale Gavazzi, G, Roche, M, Degrendele, K, Lurton, X, Terseleer, N, Baeye, M, Francken, F, and Van Lancker, V (2019).
Insights into the short-term tidal variability of multibeam backscatter from field experiments on different seafloor types
Geosciences, 9:31.

Montereale Gavazzi, GAO (2019).
Development of seafloor mapping strategies supporting integrated marine management: application of seafloor backscatter by multibeam echosounders.
PhD thesis, Ghent University.

Morffe, J, Garcia, N, Breugelmans, K, Hasegawa, K, and Davis, AK (2019).
Morphological and molecular characterization of Lepidonema magnum Morffe & García, 2010 (Nematoda: Oxyuridomorpha: Hystrignathidae) from Passalus interstitialis Eschscholtz, 1829 (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Cuba and new locality records for the species
Zootaxa, 4551(2):221-230.

Morris, JP and Humphreys, MP (2019).
Modelling seawater carbonate chemistry in shellfish aquaculture regions: Insights into CO2 release associated with shell formation and growth
Aquaculture, 501:338-344.

Morris, JP, Backeljau, T, and Chapelle, G (2019).
Shells from aquaculture: a valuable biomaterial, not a nuisance waste product
Reviews in Aquaculture, 11:42-57.

Morse, PE, Chester, SG, Boyer, DM, Smith, T, Smith, R, Gigase, P, and Bloch, JI (2019).
New fossils, systematics, and biogeography of the oldest known crown primate Teilhardina from the earliest Eocene of Asia, Europe, and North America
Journal of Human Evolution, 128:103-131 (29 pages).

Mortelmans, J, Deneudt, K, Cattrijsse, A, Beauchard, O, Daveloose, I, Vyverman, W, Vanaverbeke, J, Timmermans, K, Peene, J, and Roose, P (2019).
Nutrient, pigment, suspended matter and turbidity measurements in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Scientific data, 6(1):1-8.

Mottequin, B and Cisterna G (2019).
Comments on some Syringothyridoidea (Brachiopoda) from the Carboniferous of North Africa
Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 125(3):789-804.

Mottequin, B and Weyer, D (2019).
Tournaisian and Viséan (Carboniferous) brachiopods from neptunian dykes of the Harz Mountains (Germany)
Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 23(228-229).

Mottequin, B and Weyer, D (2019).
On some Mississippian (Carboniferous) brachiopods from neptunian dykes of the Harz Mountains (central Germany)
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 99(3):447-475.

Mottequin, B, Bartzsch, K, Simon, E, and Weyer, D (2019).
Deep-water brachiopods at the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary (Hangenberg Crisis): the Thuringian data (Germany)
Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie,, 23:226-227.

Mottequin, B, Bartzsch, K, Simon, E, and Weyer, D (2019).
Brachiopod faunas from the basinal facies of southeastern Thuringia (Germany) before and after the Hangenberg Crisis (Devonian–Carboniferous boundary) Article
Palaeontologia Electronica, 22.1.16A:1-53.

Moucheron, B, Dahan, L, Delbol, M, Ignace, D, Limbourg, P, Raemdonck, H, and Drumont, A (2019).
Phloeosinus rudis Blanford, 1894, scolyte invasif et nouveau pour la faune belge (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae)
Lambillionea, 119:25-33.

Mukinzi, I, Gambalemoke, M, Komba, Y, Akuboy, D, Arama, O, Atembone, L, Dudu, A, Verheyen, E, and Leirs, H (2019).
Diversity of shrews and rodents of disturbed areas in Yoko forest Reserve and its vicinity : Recolonisation capacity in a slashed and burned area (Kisangani, DRC)
In: The 13th African Small Mammal Symposium (ASMS), 16-21 September 2019, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia - Programme and Abstract Book, pp. 61-62.

Nebesse, M, Gembu, G, Gambalemoke, M, Verheyen, E, and Dudu, A (2019).
Small mammal wild game in the periphery of the Rubi-Tele Hunting Estate (Bas-Uele, DRC)
In: The 13th African Small Mammal Symposium (ASMS), 16-21 September 2019, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia - Programme and Abstract Book, pp. 63-64.

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