Kate Van Lokeren-Campagne, Sylvia Pereira, Luc Megens, Oğuzhan Çopuroğlu, Eric Goemaere, Norman H Tennent, and Maarten van Bommel (2017)
‘Not too white’: an investigation into the influence of the use of imported calcium carbonate-rich imported marls on 17 - 18th century Dutch tin-glaze tiles.
In: Abstract et communication orale: Technart 2017. Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage, ed. by Technart - Bilbao (Portugal), vol. 1(1), chap. 1, pp. 1, Technart, Bilbao (Portugal), Technart.
Abstract et communication orale: Technart 2017. Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage; International Conference, Bilbao (Portugal), May 2-6, 2017
Abstract of an Oral Presentation or a Poster
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