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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017 / Collaborative development of globally connected data and information systems for Arctic observing: Results of the polar connections interoperability workshop

Peter L Pulsifger, D. Arthurs, Jan R Larsen, C. Strawhacker, Julie Friddell, Maarten Tacoma, Mark Parsons, A. Fleming, S. Tronstad, Serge Scory, Ø. Godøy, D. Church, G. Alix, L. Yarmey, and H. Savela (2017)

Collaborative development of globally connected data and information systems for Arctic observing: Results of the polar connections interoperability workshop

In: THE ARCTIC SCIENCE SUMMIT WEEK 2017 31 MARCH – 7 APRIL 2017, PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC "A Dynamic Arctic in Global Change “ Book of Abstracts.

he 2016 Arctic Observing Summit Conference Statement ( confirms the need for continued development of a globally connected data and information system of systems. Following on developments during the IPY and further evolved over a series of workshops and publications, the polar data community has been working together towards practical, useful, stable, and interoperable infrastructures to support Arctic research and communities. The Arctic community identified interoperability as a foundational goal and theme. Interoperability can be defined as properties of data and information systems that allow them to connect to, and share with, other information products or systems in the present or future without unintended restrictions. However, interoperability is far more than an exercise in engineering. A truly interoperable, globally connected polar data system is a socio-technical system that crosses many scales and knowledge domains. Although developing an interoperable system is complex and challenging, significant progress is being made. In November of 2016, 60 representatives from 17 countries and more than 15 polar data organizations and initiatives participated in the Polar Connections Interoperability Workshop. Based on a pre-workshop analysis and survey, several themes were used to organize the meeting activities: Data discovery and services. Representing Indigenous Knowledge, Community Based Monitoring, and the social sciences. Virtual Research Environments and Cloud computing. Governance and sustainability. Capacity building (cross-cutting). During the workshop, participants. Recognized that many remaining challenges are social rather than technical, such as supporting human networks, promoting standards, and aligning policy with implementation; Confirmed the need for interoperable, federated data discovery and identified existing systems to address this need; Identified key data services and models in support of priority goals; Enhanced models for engaging Indigenous people(s); Initiated connections to global data and information communities for broader interoperability and engagement, including RDA, ESA, and others. We conclude by summarizing outcomes to date, benefits to researchers and communities and proposing next steps.
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