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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017 / How different are the Kebara 2 ribs to modern humans?

Tara Chapman, Benoît Beyer, Victor Sholukha, Patrick Semal, Veronique Feipel, Stéphane Louryan, and Serge Van Sint Jan (2017)

How different are the Kebara 2 ribs to modern humans?

Journal of anthropological sciences = Rivista di antropologia: JASS, 95:183-201.

This study analyses rib geometric parameters of individual ribs of 14 modern human subjects (7 males and 7 females) in comparison to the reconstructed ribs of the Kebara 2 skeleton which was taken from the reconstruction of a Neandertal thorax by Sawyer & Maley (2005). Three-dimensional (3D) models were segmented from CT scans and each rib vertex cloud was placed into a local coordinate system defined from the rib principal axes. Rib clouds were then analysed using best fitting ellipses of the external contours of the cross-section areas. The centroid of each ellipse was then used to measure the centroidal pathway between each slice (rib midline). Curvature of the ribs was measured from the mid-line of the ribs as the sum of angles between successive centroids in adjacent cross sections. Distinct common patterns were noted in all rib geometric parameters for modern humans. The Kebara 2 reconstructed ribs also followed the same patterns. This study demonstrated that there are differences between the sexes in rib geometrical parameters, with females showing smaller rib width, chord length and arc length, but greater curvature (rib torsion, rib axial curvature, rib anterior-posterior bending) than males. The Kebara 2 reconstructed ribs were within the modern human range for the majority of geometrical parameters.

Peer Review, International Redaction Board, Impact Factor, Open Access
  • DOI: 10.4436/JASS.95004
  • ISSN: 2037-0644
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