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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017 / Multiple oscillations during the Lateglacial as recorded in a multi-proxy, high-resolution record of the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium)

J.A.A. Bos, Ph. De Smedt, H. Demiddele, W.Z. Hoeck, R. Langohr, V. Marcelino, N. Van Asch, D. Van Damme, T. Van der Meeren, Jan Verniers, P. Boeckx, M. Boudin, Mona Court-Picon, P. Finke, V. Gelorini, S. Gobert, O. Heiro, K. Martens, F. Mostaert, L. Serbruyns, M. Van Strydonck, and Ph. Crombé (2017)

Multiple oscillations during the Lateglacial as recorded in a multi-proxy, high-resolution record of the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium)

Quaternary Science Reviews, 162:26-41.

Peer Review, International Redaction Board, Impact Factor

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