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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017 / Chronostratigraphy and geomorphology of washover fans in the Exmouth Gulf (NW Australia) – A record of tropical cyclone activity during the late Holocene

Simon May, Dominik Brill, Matthias Leopold, John Callow, Max Engel, Anja Scheffers, Stephan Opitz, Maike Norpoth, and Helmut Brückner (2017)

Chronostratigraphy and geomorphology of washover fans in the Exmouth Gulf (NW Australia) – A record of tropical cyclone activity during the late Holocene

Quaternary Science Reviews, 169:65 - 84.

Palaeotempestology, Washover fans, Storm deposits, Late Holocene tropical cyclones, Western Australia, Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)

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