Alberto Borges, Thomas Vandenberghe, and Francis Strobbe (2017)
4 Decades of Belgian Marine Monitoring: Uplifting historical data to today’s needs - WP5 Ocean Acidification
There is a clear relation between pH and eutrophication, ocean acidification (increase CO2 in air), S-N atmospheric deposition and oligotrophication. The compiled datasets of pH show the seasonal dynamics of high pH in summer versus low pH in winter. Plotted time trends indicate a link to the stop of land-input of phosphates in the end of the ‘80s. An overall decrease in methane concentrations, salinity, temperature and wind speed is observed in the BCZ. It should be studied whether this is related to long-term climate changes.
Abstract of an Oral Presentation or a Poster
There is a clear relation between pH and eutrophication, ocean acidification (increase CO2 in air), S-N atmospheric deposition and oligotrophication. The compiled datasets of pH show the seasonal dynamics of high pH in summer versus low pH in winter. Plotted time trends indicate a link to the stop of land-input of phosphates in the end of the ‘80s. An overall decrease in methane concentrations, salinity, temperature and wind speed is observed in the BCZ. It should be studied whether this is related to long-term climate changes.
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