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Article Reference The first record of Early Devonian ammonoids from Belgium and their stratigraphic significance
The first ammonoids from the Lower Emsian (Devonian) of Belgium are described. They belong to the Anetoceratinae, which show the most plesiomorphic characters of all ammonoids. This is the second report of Early Emsian ammonoids within the Rhenish facies of the Rhenish Slate Mountains (Belgium, Germany), in this case from the Belgian part of the Eifel (Burg Reuland). It highlights the possible importance of ammonoids for the correlation of the Emsian in its traditional German sense and the Emsian in the global sense as delimited by the GSSPs. Newly collected, age-significant brachiopods of the genera Arduspirifer and Euryspirifer and other previously reported fossils indicate a middle or late Early Emsian (Singhofen or Vallendar) age (in German sense) for this locality. We extend the range of Ivoites schindewolfi outside of the Hunsrück Basin and further corroborate an age younger than Ulmen for parts of the Hunsrück Slate.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference Quantifying the CO2 storage potential in Belgium: Working with theoretical capacities.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Pipeline Design for a Least-cost Router Application for CO2 Transport in the CO2 Sequestration Cycle
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Strategy for ranking potential CO2 storage reservoirs: A case study for Belgium
CO2 capture and storage (CCS) is likely to become a necessary option in mitigating global climate change. However, lack of detailed knowledge on potential deep geological reservoirs can hamper the development of CCS. In this paper a new methodology is presented to assess and create exploration priority lists for poorly known reservoirs. Geological expert judgements are used as a basis in a two-stage geotechno-economic approach, where first an estimate of the practical reservoir capacity is calculated, and secondly source–sink matching is used for calculating an estimate of the matched capacity and the reservoir development probability. This approach is applied to Belgium, demonstrating how a priority ranking for reservoirs can be obtained based on limited available data and large uncertainties. The results show the Neeroeteren Formation as the most prospective reservoir, followed by the Buntsandstein Formation and the Dinantian reservoirs. The findings indicate that CO2 export to reservoirs in neighbouring countries seems inevitable; still, there is a 70% chance storage will happen in Belgian reservoirs, with an average matched capacity estimate of 110 Mt CO2 . These quantitative results confirm the qualitative resource pyramid classification of potential reservoirs. For Belgium, a high economic risk is attached to reservoir exploration and development. Exploration remains however a necessity if CCS is to be deployed. Furthermore, it is shown that the presented methodology is indeed capable of producing realistic results, and that using expert judgements for reservoir assessments is valid and beneficial.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inbook Reference Het vroeg-Eoceen
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inbook Reference Het Paleoceen.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inbook Reference Opmars van de zoogdieren en prelude van het heden.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Early and Middle Eocene (Ypresian-Lutetian) holoplanktonic Mollusca (Gastropoda) from Uzbekistan.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference New calcareous nannofossil taxa from the Ypresian (Early Eocene) of the North Sea Basin and the Turan Platform in West Kazakhstan.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Belgocaranx luypaertsi gen. and sp. nov., a new skeleton-based Carangid Fish from the Boom Clay (Rupelian, Early Oligocene) at Kallo (N. Belgium).
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications