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Article Reference Seven new species and two new genera of Physocypria sensu latu (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Brazilian floodplains
We describe seven new species in two new genera of the Physocypria sensu latu clade (Cyclocypridinae) from three of the main Brazilian floodplains. Brasilocypria pea gen. et spec. nov. and Brasilocypria ricardopintoi gen. et spec. nov. occur in the Upper Paraná River floodplain and the South Matogrossense Pantanal, Claudecypria mesquitai gen. et spec. nov., Brasilocypria alisonae gen. et spec. nov. and Claudecypria rochei gen. et spec. nov. were found in the South Matogrossense Pantanal, and Brasilocypria lordi gen. et spec. nov. and Brasilocypria namiotkoi gen. et spec. nov. occur in the Amazon River floodplain. All new species here described were found as sexual populations. Generally, they have a short and suboval carapace, with the left valve overlapping the right valve on all sides, except for the dorsal side in some species. The morphology of the hemipenis and the prehensile palps, together with the shape of the valves, were the most important characters to distinguish the species. Size differences between species can be substantial. Several characters, such as the absence in all new species of the short accompanying seta of the five natatory setae on the antenna; the presence in all new species of a long seta next to the two a-setae on the first thoracopod, and the presence/absence or differences in length of specific setae on the second and third thoracopod, are relevant for the generic diagnoses. We also redefine Keysercypria Karanovic, 2011.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Redescription of the type species of the genus Cypretta (Ostracoda, Crustacea), with notes on the taxonomy of the genus
With 53 formally described species, the genus Cypretta is one of the most common freshwater ostracod genera in the world. It has a mainly circumtropical distribution. The type species, Cypretta tenuicauda (Vávra, 1895), was described from Zanzibar (Africa) in a superficial way. Therefore, the morphology and identity of this species and of the genus remained problematic until today. Here, we redescribe Cypretta tenuicauda from the original type material and discuss the morphology of the species and the diagnosis of the genus. The species is characterized by the presence of anterior marginal septa in both valves, the sub-triangular carapace shape in lateral view, the right valve overlapping the left valve, the generally wide carapace and the presence of a serrated posteroventral inner list in the right valve. In addition, both α and β setae on the mandibular palp are long and thin, claws Ga and Gp on the caudal ramus are elongated and seta-like, while the caudal ramus itself is equally slender. The caudal ramus attachment is reduced to a simple branch. The present redescription of the type species will assist in creating order in what is now a taxonomically confused genus.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference MEMOR: A database of archeological human remains collections from Flanders, Belgium
Abstract The aim of this article is to describe a newly created open access database of archeological human remains collections from Flanders, Belgium. The MEMOR database ( was created to provide an overview of the current practices of loans, reburial, and the research potential of human skeletons from archeological sites currently stored in Flanders. In addition, the project aimed to provide a legal and ethical framework for the handling of human remains and was created around stakeholder involvement from anthropologists, geneticists, contract archeologists, the local, regional and national government agencies, local and national government, universities, and representatives of the major religions. The project has resulted in the creation of a rich database with many collections available for study. The database was created using the open-source Arches data management platform that is freely available for organizations worldwide to configure in accordance with their individual needs and without restrictions on its use. Each collection is linked to information about the excavation and the site the remains originate from, its size and time period. In addition, a research potential tab reveals whether any analyses were performed, and whether excavation notes are available with the assemblage. The database currently contains 742 collections, ranging in size from 1 to over 1000 individuals. New collections will continue to be added when new assemblages are excavated and studied. The database can also be expanded to include human remains collections from other regions and other material categories, such as archaeozoological collections.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Need for harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring of African Great Lakes
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference Limitations for informed decision making and better management of the transboundary Lake Albert fisheries resources
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference The Megachilidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Apiformes) of the Democratic Republic of Congo curated at the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA, Belgium)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference The common morphospecies Cypridopsis vidua (O.F. MÜLLER, 1776) (Crustacea, Ostracoda) is not an obligate parthenogen
The common non-marine ostracod Cypridopsis vidua (O.F. Müller, 1776) is used as a proxy in various biological disciplines, such as (palaeo-)ecology, evolutionary biology, ecotoxicology and parasitology. This morphospecies was considered to be an obligate parthenogen. We report on the discovery of the first population of C. vidua with males from Woods Hole (MA, USA) and determine that it is a population with mixed reproduction. We describe the morphology of the males and of the sexual and asexual females. We illustrate a copula of a male and a sexual female as well insemination in a sexual female, showing that males are functional. Therefore, Cypridopsis vidua is a morphospecies with mixed reproduction, not a full apomictic parthenogen. We use, for the first time, polychromatic polarization microscope technology to illustrate soft parts of ostracods. In addition, we compare the sexual species C. bisexualis, C. okeechobei, C. howei and C. schwartzi and conclude that these species, especially the latter three, are morphologically very close to C. vidua.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Brachiopods from the Early Carboniferous Erdbach limestones in Hesse (Germany, Kulm Basin)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference Sonotype-level responses of Afrotropical hipposiderid bats to local-scale effects of rainforest structure
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance between 2020 and 2021 of All Mammalian Species in Two Flemish Zoos (Antwerp Zoo and Planckendael Zoo)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA