Les ossements humains des minières néolithiques de silex de Spiennes : le début d’une enquête
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RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Les restes humains non-incinérés d’époque gallo-romaine du Musée Gallo-Romain de Tongres. Une étude anthropologique et paléopathologique
En Belgique, les restes humains datés de la période gallo-romaine restent peu étudiés par rapport aux époques plus récentes. Cela s’explique notamment par la pratique de l’incinération qui est majoritaire à cette période ainsi que par le peu de nécropoles découvertes dans nos régions, en particulier celles comportant des sépultures à inhumation. À travers cette étude, nous avons étudié les ossements humains de 56 individus principalement issus de la nécropole principale de l’importante ville de Tongres (province de Limbourg, Flandre, Belgique). L’espace funéraire fut utilisé du Ier au IVe siècle bien que l’inhumation concerne majoritairement le IIIe et le IVe siècle. Le but de notre approche était de proposer une caractérisation de la population (sexe, âge, stature) ainsi qu’une large étude paléopathologique (pathologies dentaires, infections, fractures, marqueurs de stress non-spécifiques, modifications dégénératives des articulations ainsi que de nombreux cas pathologiques individuels). Les nombreuses observations réalisées ont été confrontées entre elles mais aussi avec des données contextuelles connues telles que le type de tombe, la répartition spatiale, la datation et les résultats de sites similaires. Ce qui nous a permis de distinguer des tendances intéressantes au sein de la population ainsi que des différences en fonction du groupe social. La présente étude a permis de mieux connaître la population de Tongres, l’une des cités antiques gallo-romaines les plus importantes de Belgique, ainsi que les nombreuses pathologies et stress auxquels elle était soumise. Mais également de comprendre leur répartition au sein de l’espace et de la vie sociale et proposer de nombreuses perspectives.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Les tombes tardo-romaines dans le bassin moyen de la Meuse au travers des découvertes du Tienne del Baticulle à Nismes
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RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Lessons from assembling UCEs: A comparison of common methods and the case of Clavinomia (Halictidae)
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Lessons from the calibration and sensitivity analysis of a fish larval transport model
ABSTRACT: Numerous fish populations show strong year-to-year variations in recruitment. The early life stages play a crucial role in determining recruitment and dispersal patterns. A helpful tool to understand recruitment and dispersal involves simulations with a Lagrangian transport model, which results from the coupling between a hydrodynamic model and an individual-based model. Larval transport models require sound knowledge of the biological processes governing larval dispersal, and they may be highly sensitive to the parameters selected. Various assumptions about larval traits, behaviour and other model parameters can be tested by comparing simulation results with field data to identify the most sensitive parameters and to improve model calibration. This study shows that biological parameterization is more important than inter-annual variability in explaining the year-to-year differences in larval recruitment of common sole in the North Sea and the eastern English Channel. In contrast, year-to-year variability of connectivity leads to higher variability than changes in the biological parameters. The most influential parameters are pelagic larval duration, spawning period and mortality. Calibration over a 12 yr recruitment survey shows that a scenario with low mortality associated with a long larval duration and behaviour involving nycthemeral and tidal migration best reproduces the observations. This research provides insights into factors influencing fish dispersal and recruitment, suggesting a strategy for enhancing the accuracy of models in upcoming studies. The study supports the improvement of larval dispersal modelling by incorporating an easily applicable sensitivity analysis for both calibration and validation. Incorporating sensitivity analyses enhances larval dispersal models, providing performing tools that can contribute to informed fisheries management and understanding of recruitment variability.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Lettre à Jules. Un grand coup de chapeau...
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RBINS Staff Publications
Leveraging ecosystem restoration for zoonotic spillover risk mitigation
As disease regulation is a key ecosystem service, it is crucial that we better understand the role that restoring landscapes can play in reducing disease risks. Ongoing One Health studies suggest that declining biodiversity and increasing zoonotic pathogen spill-over risk are linked. Restoration processes normally aim at increasing species diversity, wherefore it is assumed that pathogens will be diluted in restored ecosystems, hence reducing the risk of zoonotic spillover. Nonetheless, the developing species composition during restorative processes will impact dilution-amplification effects. To estimate the threshold beyond which a restored ecosystem can be considered to have reached the pathogen dilution phase, it is crucial to characterise the communities of hosts, and the prevalence of pathogens, at the different stages of recovery of an ecosystem. Using interdisciplinary methods, this project has the dual aim of examining the amplification-dilution of zoonotic pathogens in a mangrove forest of the western Peninsular Malaysia, and to estimate the frequency and duration of exposure of local communities to this hazard, so as to best mitigate the risk of zoonotic pathogen spillover.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2025
Limitations for informed decision making and better management of the transboundary Lake Albert fisheries resources
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Limitations of Predicting Substrate Classes on a Sedimentary Complex but Morphologically Simple Seabed
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RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Limited historical admixture between European wildcats and domestic cats
Summary Domestic cats were derived from the Near Eastern wildcat (Felis lybica), after which they dispersed with people into Europe. As they did so, it is possible that they interbred with the indigenous population of European wildcats (Felis silvestris). Gene flow between incoming domestic animals and closely related indigenous wild species has been previously demonstrated in other taxa, including pigs, sheep, goats, bees, chickens, and cattle. In the case of cats, a lack of nuclear, genome-wide data, particularly from Near Eastern wildcats, has made it difficult to either detect or quantify this possibility. To address these issues, we generated 75 ancient mitochondrial genomes, 14 ancient nuclear genomes, and 31 modern nuclear genomes from European and Near Eastern wildcats. Our results demonstrate that despite cohabitating for at least 2,000 years on the European mainland and in Britain, most modern domestic cats possessed less than 10% of their ancestry from European wildcats, and ancient European wildcats possessed little to no ancestry from domestic cats. The antiquity and strength of this reproductive isolation between introduced domestic cats and local wildcats was likely the result of behavioral and ecological differences. Intriguingly, this long-lasting reproductive isolation is currently being eroded in parts of the species’ distribution as a result of anthropogenic activities.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023