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Article Reference application/x-troff-ms Seasonal variation of coastal currents and residual currents in the CAT BA – HA long coastal area (VIET NAM): Results of coherens model
The COHERENS model is used to investigate the temporal and spatial variation of the coastal currents in 2021 at the Cat Ba - Ha Long, northern Vietnam. The findings indicate that tidal oscillation has a notable impact on the current fields in short-term variations (hours to days). Meanwhile, the wind field and river discharge are the decisive factors affecting the seasonal variation of the current fields in Cat Ba - Ha Long coastal area. Furthermore, the characteristics of residual currents are significantly affected by river discharges and wind patterns, which vary across different months and seasons. During the southwest monsoon season (May to August), the residual currents have a prevailing direction towards the sea, from the west and south-southwest towards the east and north-northeast, reaching maximum speeds of approximately 0.1–0.15 m/s. Conversely, in the transitional and northeast monsoon seasons, the directions of residual currents are from the east-northeast to the west-southwest, with peak speed up to 0.2–0.25 m/s. Notably, the residual currents in the bottom and surface layers in the eastern-southwestern area of Cat Ba Island and the north of Ha Long Bay are in opposite directions
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference application/x-troff-ms A 3D numerical baroclinic application of the COHERENS model in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa
In this study, we have developed a three-dimensional (3D) numerical model based on COHERENS modelling system to describe the tidal, wind-driven and thermohaline induced hydrodynamic regime in the coastal water of the Gulf of Guinea. The model is validated with respect to water levels, sea currents, temperature and salinity during 2017. Validation for astronomical tides showed that the model is able to simulate observed tidal elevation and phases for both diurnal and semi-diurnal principal constituents with a consistent level of agreement at measurement station. A statistical analysis of the results showed that the correlation coefficient and skill index between the modelled and observed tidal elevations are both above 0.96 with an average RMSE of 9 cm. The atmospheric contribution to water levels was also validated. In this case, we observe a good agreement between modelled and measured water levels with a correlation coefficient of 0.75 and an average RMSE of 1.23 cm. The validation of spatial distribution and vertical evolution of zonal current, salinity and temperature also indicated a high model accuracy for these variables. Overall, we show that our model of the Gulf of Guinea leads to highly accurate simulations, providing a basis for further fundamental and applied research studies in the area.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Morphological and molecular characterization of Lepidonema magnum Morffe & García, 2010 (Nematoda: Oxyuridomorpha: Hystrignathidae) from Passalus interstitialis Eschscholtz, 1829 (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Cuba and new locality records for the species
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
The study of the global mass extinction event at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K/Pg) boundary can aid in understanding patterns of selective extinction, and survival and dynamics of ecosystem recovery. Outcrops in the Maastrichtian type area (south-east Netherlands, north-east Belgium) comprise a stratigraphically expanded K/Pg boundary succession that offers a unique opportunity to study marine ecosystem recovery within the first few thousand years following the mass extinction event. A quantitative analysis was performed on systematically sampled macrofossils of the topmost Maastrichtian and lowermost Danian strata at the former Ankerpoort-Curfs quarry (Geulhem), which represent ‘snapshots’ of the latest Cretaceous and earliest Palaeogene marine ecosystems, respectively. Molluscs in particular are diverse and abundant in the studied succession. Regional ecosystem changes across the K/Pg boundary are relatively minor, showing a decline in suspension feeders, accompanied by an ecological shift to endobenthic molluscs. The earliest Paleocene gastropod assemblage retains many ‘Maastrichtian’ features and documents a fauna that temporarily survived into the Danian. The shallow, oligotrophic carbonate platform in this area was inhabited by taxa that were adapted to low nutrient levels and resistant to starvation. As a result, the local taxa were less affected by the short-lived detrimental conditions related to K/Pg boundary perturbations, such as darkness, cooling, starvation and ocean acidification. This resulted in relatively high survival rates, which enabled rapid recolonization and recovery of marine faunas in the Maastrichtian type area
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Article Reference A late antique vessel with Greek texts and the makellon of Sagalassos (SW Anatolia): what a waste?
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Article Reference Pleuropholis germinalis n. sp. a new Pleuropholidae (Neopterygii, Teleostei) from the Early Cretaceous of Bernissart, Belgium
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference Priorities for ocean microbiome research
Microbial communities have essential roles in ocean ecology and planetary health. Microbes participate in nutrient cycles, remove huge quantities of carbon dioxide from the air and support ocean food webs. The taxonomic and functional diversity of the global ocean microbiome has been revealed by technological advances in sampling, DNA sequencing and bioinformatics. A better understanding of the ocean microbiome could underpin strategies to address environmental and societal challenges, including achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals way beyond SDG 14 ‘life below water’. We propose a set of priorities for understanding and protecting the ocean microbiome, which include delineating interactions between micro- biota, sustainably applying resources from oceanic microorganisms and creating policy- and funder-friendly ocean education resources, and discuss how to achieve these ambitious goals.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference Physiological response to seawater pH of the bivalve Abra alba, a benthic ecosystem engineer, is modulated by low pH
The presence and behaviour of bivalves can affect the functioning of seafloor sediments through the irrigation of deeper strata by feeding and respiring through siphonal channels. Here, we investigated the physiological response and consecutive impact on functioning and body condition of the white furrow shell Abra alba in three pH treatments (pH = 8.2, pH = 7.9 and pH = 7.7). Although no pH effect on survival was found, lowered respiration and calcification rates, decreased energy intake (lower absorption rate) and increased metabolic losses (increased excretion rates) occurred at pH ~ 7.7. These physiological responses resulted in a negative Scope for Growth and a decreased condition index at this pH. This suggests that the physiological changes may not be sufficient to sustain survival in the long term, which would undoubtedly translate into consequences for ecosystem functioning.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference The Impact of the Honeybee Apis mellifera on the Organization of Pollination Networks Is Positively Related with Its Interactive Role throughout Its Geographic Range
Abstract: Studies at local spatial scales have shown that the generalist honeybee Apis mellifera L. can strongly affect the structural organization and properties of pollination networks. However, there is still little knowledge on how the connectivity of the honeybee within networks (i.e., interactive role) could affect pollination networks at a global scale. To fill this gap, we evaluated how the interactive role of A. mellifera could affect niche overlap, specialization, and robustness of pollination networks. We used 109 weighted pollination networks spread across about 94 degrees of latitude and 227 degrees of longitude. We developed a new standardized framework based on species removal to assess the impact of the honeybee on plant-pollinator networks. We found that when the honeybee was removed from the networks, plant species had less niche overlap (i.e., shared fewer interactions via their pollinators) and the networks became more specialized and more robust to species extinctions. Our findings indicate that A. mellifera’s effects on pollination networks vary geographically and could influence several ecological and evolutionary factors acting at local scales, including pollination services. We hope this contribution will stimulate new macroecological studies involving abundant and generalist species and their functional roles within ecological communities.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Inproceedings Reference Reaching for new heights: canopy laser scanning in the Peruvian Amazon
Large trees are vital for the functioning of tropical forests. They house a wide range of organisms, making them true biodiversity hotspots and play a key role in forest biomass storage.The Life On Trees (LOT) project is a research program in which all eukaryotic organisms on individual trees are surveyed, including plants, fungi, animals and protists. One of the goals of the research program is to explore the link between the distribution of the occurring organisms and the tree architecture of those large trees. To accurately quantify the structure of such trees and investigate the interplay between the tree and its surroundings, terrestrial laser scanning is currently used as a state-of-the-art technology. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) generally uses a laser scanner to scan trees from multiple viewpoints from the ground. In dense tropical forests, the tree canopy often reaches a height of 50 m or more. Due to the large distance between the scanner and the tree crown, even the best laser scanners have difficulty getting a clear view of the top of the canopy. For those large, colossal trees, data is limited and suffers a lot of occlusion. Since all scans are taken from the ground, data on the upperpart of branches is nonexistent. To assess this limitation of TLS, we explore how much additional 3D information is gained from the tree structure by collecting 3D scans inside the tree crown. With the aid of professional climbers, we lifted a RIEGL vz-400 laser scanner into a Dussia tree in Rio Abiseo National park located in the Peruvian Amazon. The selected tree is quite spectacular, it reaches a height of 50 m and a width of 45 m, and is covered with vegetation including many orchids and epiphytes hosting a wide variety of life forms. The first results of this project will be presented, focusing on the tree architecture with its impressive volume and branch length, and the benefits and challenges of scanning inside the tree crown.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022