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Inproceedings Reference Un grand serpent palaeophiidé dans le Lutétien marin du Bassin du Bas-Congo, enclave de Cabinda, Angola
Les expéditions scientifiques belges des 19ème et 20ème siècles ont permis de découvrir de nom-breuses localités fossilifères dans l’ouest de l’Afrique Centrale. Au moins 47 localités furent fouillées dans le cadre d’expéditions paléontologiques dont celles d’Edmond Dartevelle en 1933 et 1937-1938 ont fourni les plus importantes collections de vertébrés du Paléogène du Bassin du Bas-Congo. Parmi les spécimens récoltés dans les falaises de Landana (Cabinda, Angola) se trouvaient quelques vertèbres de serpent qui furent référées en 1964 au serpent aquatique Palaeophis aff. typhaeus. Une réévaluation récente des collections Dartevelle a permis d’identifier quelques vertèbres non décrites provenant de Landana et de la localité toute proche de Sassa Zao, permettant ainsi de compléter l’information concernant les pa-laeophiidés du Bassin du Bas-Congo. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que tous les spé-cimens de Landana proviennent du même niveau stratigraphique (couches 31-32) et sont d’âge Lutétien sur base de la riche faune d’élasmobranches associés. La localité de Sassa Zao est également lutétienne sur base des élasmobranches, similaires à ceux de la couche 32 de Lan-dana. Toutes les vertèbres, 10 au total, peuvent être attribuées à une seule espèce de Pa-laeophis de grande taille. La largeur maximale au niveau des prézygapophyses est de 35 mm et la longueur maximale du centrum est de 27 mm. La faible compression latérale des vertèbres troncales, les ptérapophyses basses, les diapophyses peu développées ventralement et l’extension latérale marquée des zygapophyses indiquent que cette espèce appartient au grade « primitif » de Palaeophis et diffère des espèces du grade « avancé » telles que P. casei, P. littoralis, P. toliapicus, P. typhaeus, P. grandis, et P. nessovi. Au sein du grade « primitif », l’espèce du Bassin du Bas-Congo diffère de l’espèce géante P. colosseus (Lutétien, Mali) par sa taille plus petite, ses vertèbres proportionnellement plus longues, les cotyle et condyle de forme plus ovale et le zygosphène pas plus large que le cotyle; de P. africanus (Lutétien, Nige-ria) par l’épine neurale qui n’atteint pas le zygosphène et les hypapophyses plus courtes et non prolongées par une carène ventrale; de P. vastaniensis (Yprésien, Inde), P. virginianus (Ypré-sien, USA), et P. zhylan (Thanétien ou Yprésian, Kazakhstan) par les vertèbres moins compri-mées latéralement. En taille et morphologie l’espèce se rapproche le plus de P. maghrebianus (Yprésien, Maroc) mais diffère par des hypapophyses et paradiapophyses plus développées qui ne s’étendent pas postérieurement au-delà du cotyle. Cette nouvelle espèce était apparemment peu adaptée à la vie aquatique et était plus étroitement apparentée à l’espèce yprésienne nord-africaine P. maghrebianus qu’aux espèces lutétiennes d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Ce résumé est une contribution au projet BR/121/A3/PalEurAfrica financé par la Politique Scientifique Belge.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Inproceedings Reference Un nouveau chiroptère archaeonycteridé dans l’Eocène inférieur du Sud de la France
Les recherches récentes sur les premières chauves-souris ont montré que la diversification des chiroptères a démarrée relativement tôt dans l’Eocène inférieur. La diversité était la plus éle-vée en Europe et en Inde et était composée des familles Onychonycteridae, Icaronycteridae, Archaeonycteridae, Palaeochiropterygidae et Hassianycteridae. Cependant, en Europe, les plus anciennes espèces n’ont été décrites que du nord de l’Europe à l’exception d’Archaeonycteris? praecursor de l’Eocène inférieur de Silveirinha (MP7, Portugal) connu à partir d’une seule dent. Dans cette étude nous présentons un nouveau chiroptère du gisement de La Borie (MP8+9, Saint-Papoul, Aude). Il s’agit ici de la première espèce de l’Eocène infé-rieur du sud de l’Europe identifiée à partir d’une dentition relativement complète: environ 40 dents isolées et fragments de dentaires. Les dents sont nyctalodontes et présentent les carac-tères suivants: canines de taille modérée; p4 de taille moyenne avec un métaconide bien déve-loppé; m1-2 larges avec un hypoconulide très lingual et un entoconide élevé; P4 de taille moyenne; M1-2 avec un ectoflexus profond, un paraconule faible, un métaconule faible à ab-sent et une centrocrista ne rejoignant pas le bord labial; m3/M3 plus petites que m1-2/M1-2. Ces caractères indiquent que cette espèce appartient aux archaeonycteridés et est proche du genre Archaeonycteris. Elle diffère de l’espèce-type Archaeonycteris trigonodon de l’Eocène moyen de Messel (MP11, Allemagne), d’A. brailloni de l’Eocène inférieur de Mutigny et Avenay (MP8+9, France) et de Protonycteris gunnelli de l’Eocène inférieur de Vastan (Guja-rat, Inde) par sa taille environ 25 % plus petite. Elle est similaire en taille à Archaeonycteris? praecursor, A? storchi de Vastan et au nouvel archaeonycteridé de Meudon (MP7, France). Elle diffère de A? storchi par une p4 plus petite et un dentaire moins élevé et de l’espèce de Meudon par un hypoconulide plus lingual, un entoconide plus élevé et la postcristide plus longue. En fait, l’espèce de La Borie est très similaire à A? praecursor par la m2 présentant un entoconide haut et une postcristide longue; la différence principale étant l’hypoconulide qui est un peu plus lingual. Ce dernier caractère suggère une dilambdodontie plus avancée que chez A? praecursor, ce qui est en accord avec l’âge des deux localités. Les deux espèces sem-blent appartenir à la même lignée évolutive qui serait restreinte géographiquement au sud de l’Europe. A côté de cette espèce abondante, deux autres chiroptères sont présents à La Borie. Le premier, représenté par une seule M1 portant un hypocone, appartient vraisemblablement à un icaronycteridé. Le second, représenté par une M1 et une M2 de petite taille pourrait appar-tenir à un palaeochiropterygidé primitif. Ce résumé est une contribution au projet BR/121/A3/PalEurAfrica financé par la Politique Scientifique Belge.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Inproceedings Reference New insights into near-bed SPM concentration and sand/mud fraction in the use of Sediment Composition Index
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Inproceedings Reference A tool for feeding and mating: the Swiss Army stylet of Gyratrix hermaphroditus (Rhabdocoela, Platyhelminthes)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Inproceedings Reference A new large species of the snake Palaeophis from the Lutetian marine margin of the Congo Basin, Cabinda, Angola
Numerous fossil localities were investigated in western central Africa during the Belgian expeditions that started in the 19th century. At least 47 localities were excavated or analyzed in the framework of Edmond Dartevelle’s paleontological expeditions of 1933 and 1937-1938, producing a large and unique collection of Mesozoic-Cenozoic vetebrates from the margin of the Congo Basin along the coastal area of Angola to Gabon. Among them, snake vertebrae from the marine Paleocene-Eocene Landana section, Cabinda enclave, Angola have been referred to the aquatic snake Palaeophis aff. typhaeus. New investigation of the old Dartevelle’s collections has led to relocation of a few undescribed snake vertebrae from Landana and the nearby locality of Sassa Zao, permitting a revision of Palaeophis aff. typhaeus. The results of this work indicate that all specimens from Landana originate from the same stratigraphic level (layers 31-32) and are of Lutetian age based on the rich associated elasmobranch fauna. The locality of Sassa Zao is also Lutetian based on elasmobranchs that are similar to those of layer 32 of Landana. All of the vertebrae, ten in total, can be attributed to a single large species of Palaeophis. The maximum width across the prezygapophyses is 35 mm and the maximum length of the centrum is 27 mm. The weak lateral compression of trunk vertebrae, low development of the pterapophyses, diapophyses not very low, and the marked lateral projection of the zygapophyses indicate that this species belongs to the ‘primitive’ grade of Palaeophis and thus differs from species of the ‘advanced’ group such as P. casei, P. ferganicus, P. littoralis, P. toliapicus, P. typhaeus, P. grandis, P. tamdy, P. nessovi, and P. udovichenkoi. Among ‘primitive’ grade species, it differs from the giant P. colossaeus by smaller size, proportionally longer vertebrae, the cotyle and condyle more oval in shape, and the zygosphene not larger than the cotyle; from P. africanus by the neural spine that does not approach the zygosphene and shorter hypapophyses that are not prolonged by a ventral carina; from P. vastaniensis, P. virginianus, and P. zhylan by less depressed vertebrae. In size and morphology it most closely resembles P. maghrebianus but differs by more developed hypapophyses and paradiapophyses that do not extend over the cotyle posteriorly. This new species was apparently poorly adapted to aquatic life and was more closely related to the North African Ypresian P. maghrebianus than to West African Lutetian species. Grant Information This abstract is a contribution to the project BR/121/A3/PalEurAfrica funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Inproceedings Reference A new hapalodectid (Mesonychia, Mammalia) from the Late Paleocene of the Qianshan Basin (Anhui Province, China): new data on the radiation of the hapalodectids
Mesonychians are an extinct group of primitive hoofed mammals. They have been found all over Laurasia and were well diversified: more than 20 genera are presently recorded. Mesonychia are divided into two families: Hapalodectidae and Mesonychidae. Hapalodectidae are recorded from the late Paleocene to the middle Eocene in Asia (Gashatan to Irdinmanhan), and in the early Eocene in North America (from Wasatchian to early Bridgerian). Hapalodectids remained small: the species of Hapalodectes, the type genus of the family, weighed between 500 g and 1 kg. Because the hapalodectids are relatively rare mammals, the discovery of new specimens, especially in the Paleocene, is crucial for understanding the evolution of these peculiar mammals. Field work in Qianshan Basin (Anhui Province, China) led to the discovery of a new lower jaw of the mesonychian Hapalodectes in Gashatan (late Paleocene) sediments. It is worth noting that the fragmentary mandible is only the third specimen of Hapalodectidae discovered in the Paleocene, and the first in southeast China. The premolars and molars of the new fossil are morphologically similar to Hapalodectes dux, the most primitive hapalodectid, but their relative proportions recall H. paleocenus and the Eocene Hapalodectes species. As a result, the fossil described herein appears to be different from the other previously described species of Hapalodectes in being morphologically intermediate between H. dux and the other Hapalodectes species; it is thus identified as a new species. Its discovery is important because it sheds light on the initial radiation of the hapalodectids. The presence of the most primitive hapalodectids in Mongolia (e.g., H. dux) suggests that the Mongolian area is the center of origination of this carnivorous family. The differences between the new species and the Eocene hapalodectids from China, H. huanghaiensis and H. hetangensis, imply that these species do not derive from the newly described species. Therefore, the new Chinese hapalodectid allows reconstructing the existence of two dispersals from the Mongolian area to the southeast of China, before and shortly after the Paleocene–Eocene boundary. At that latter time, Hapalodectes also dispersed from Asia to North America; this event was part of the 'East of Eden' dispersals. The Paleocene/Eocene transition thus appears as a crucial event for the distribution and radiation of the hapalodectids with the establishment of two distinct groups, respectively in North America and in the southeast of China. Grant Information This abstract is a contribution to the Belgian Bilateral Cooperation Project Belspo BL/36/C54 and China International S&T Cooperation Project MOST 2009DFA32210.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Inproceedings Reference Radiation of plesiadapid mammals at the end of the Paleocene evidenced by new discoveries from the Latest Paleocene of France: one more example of bush-like evolution
Plesiadapidae are usually considered to be the closest relatives to the crown-group primates, despite their disappearance at the Paleocene–Eocene Boundary (PEB) in North America, right when the first euprimates appear. In Europe, however, the family survives a few million years after the PEB, though only represented by the genus Platychoerops. Because Plesiadapis was restricted to the Paleocene and Platychoerops restricted to the Eocene, a linear evolution was implied: the genus Plesiadapis was thought to give rise to Platychoerops at the PEB due to the particular environmental conditions of that time. However, one species of Platychoerops was recently described from the late Paleocene of Berru, France, casting doubts on this hypothesis. The recently discovered locality of Petit-Pâtis (Rivecourt, Oise, France) delivered for the first time the most diagnostic tooth of Platychoerops in the Paleocene, its long and derived I1. This discovery confirms the presence of the genus Platychoerops in the Paleocene and attests a quick diversification, bush-like radiation of the family into three genera, before the PEB. The locality of Petit-Pâtis also delivered specimens referable to a new species morphologically intermediate between Plesiadapis tricuspidens and Platychoerops antiquus, with a critical I1 very similar to P. tricuspidens but closer to P. antiquus by its more molarized and proportionally larger p4; this latter derived character is shared with Platychoerops, so that the hypothesis of the North American species P. cookei being the most derived species of Plesiadapis and having given rise to Platychoerops can now be questioned, and a more geographically parsimonious hypothesis of a European origin of the European genus Platychoerops is supported. Finally, the third European genus of Plesiadapidae, Chiromyoides, is also present in Petit-Pâtis, where it is represented by a new species characterized by a smaller size than C. campanicus and the presence of relatively large accessory cuspules aside the posterocone on I1. The specimens from Petit-Pâtis also confirm the hypothesis that Platychoerops georgei from the earliest Eocene is likely a composite species based on the assemblage of a few specimens from different localities of similar estimated age, most specimens likely belonging to Plesiadapis or Platychoerops, while the holotype (a short I1) belongs either to Chiromyoides or to Plesiadapis, its preservation state making the identification difficult. Grant Information This abstract is a contribution to the project BR/121/A3/PalEurAfrica funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Unpublished Reference Methane Dynamics in the Belgian Coastal Zone
Very high CH4 concentrations (up to 1,100 nmol L-1) were observed in surface waters of the BCZ compared to open oceanic conditions (<5 nmol L-1) due to release of CH4 from sediments (in-situ production and leakage from gassy sediments) and the well-mixed water column that allows an efficient transfer of CH4 from bottom waters to surface waters. Our data suggest that further warming of surface waters could increase CH4 emissions and provide a positive feedback on warming climate. This feedback will be expected to be acute in shallow gassy areas such as the BCZ since they are natural hotspots of CH4 emission, and the well-mixed water column will allow an efficient propagation of additional heat to the sediment that will be buffered by seasonal thermal stratification in deeper seep areas. The increase of temperature will stimulate the biogenic CH4 production, as well as, decrease Henry’s constant promoting bubbling from sediments. Poster presentation at North Sea Conference 2016, Oostende.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Inproceedings Reference Angiostrongylus chabaudi natural infection in wild caufght gastropods
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Inproceedings Reference A Barcoding Facility for Organisms and Tissues of Policy Concern
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA