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Article Reference Diacodexis gigasei n. sp., le plus ancien Artiodactyle (Mammalia) belge, proche de la limite Paléocène-Eocène
Les données acquises au cours de fouilles récentes ainsi que la mise en commun du matériel de plusieurs collections du gisement de Dormaal (localitt de référence du Niveau-Repère MP 7) ont permis de rassembler une douzaine de dents jugales de Diacodrxis. L'étude de ce matériel et sa comparaison avec diverses espèces primitives de Diacodrxis de I'Eocène inftrieur d'Europe, d'Amtrique du Nord et d'Asie ont permis de définir la nouvelle espèce, Diacodexis gigasri. Une position phylogénttique est proposée pour cette nouvelle espèce.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Book Reference Die Bryozoen des klassischen Dano-Montiens von Mons (Belgien)
Deze samenvatting is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands. Résumé Les Bryozoaires du Dano-Montian classique du nouveau forage scientifique de Mons (1969) et de l'ancien "Puits artésien de l'Ecole des Mines" (= Faculté Polytechnique de Mons) comportent 58 espèces, parmi lesquelles se trouvent 18 Cyclostomata et 40 Cheilostomata. Les espèces étudiées ne représentent qu'une partie de l'ensemble des Bryozoaires, plus nombreux, contenus dans le Tuffeau de Ciply, sa couche basale (Poudingue de la Malogne) et le "Postmaestrichtien" de la région de Maestricht (Pays-Bas). Les taxa suivants sont nouveaux : Genres Retecavella, Monticellaria, Diplobeisselina, Schizemiellopsis, Taenioporella et Puncturiellina nov. subg. Espèces Crisidia lagaaiji, Reteporidea pseudolichenoides, Rectecavella broodi, Callopora tegulata, Pithodella impar, Stamenocella marlierei, Planicellaria bugei, "Membranipora " rectangulata, "Membranipora " subclavatoides, Onychocella meijeri; Pseudothyracella ciplyensis, Floridina eisdenensis, Floridina membraniporoides, Lunulites ratheimensis, Hemistylus dissimilis, Monticellaria obscura n.g. n.sp., Porina hamulifera et Floridina scutata brevior n.subsp. Dans le forage de Mons, la partie la plus élevée (de 11,60 m à 24 m) contient une association très caractéristique de Bryozoaires cheilostomes presque uniquement constitués de segments de formes articulées ("cellariiformes") parmi lesquelles Monsella eocena (MEUNIER et PERGENS), Nellia pergensii DARTEVELLE, Nellia tenella (LAMARCK), Pseudothyracella mucronata, Poricellaria diplodidymioides (MEUNIER & PERGENS) et d'autres genres flexibles sont prédominants. Cette association faunistique doit être interprétée comme une faune d'eau agitée (habitat sur des algues), littorale à sublittorale.Bien que correspondant au stratotype du Montien (sensu stricto), elle n'est pas utilisable au sens stratigraphique. Elle correspond à peu près aux Couches à Triginglymus du puits artésien de l'Ecole des Mines (selon MARLIERE, 1958). Dans ce dernier puits, un niveau intermédiaire (à Cytheretta) conduit à ces couches plus profondes (à Cytherelloidea) qui correspondent au Tuffeau de Ciply ; mais du haut en bas, les Bryozoaires ne montrent aucun changement significatif. La forte représentation des espèces daniennes de Bryozoaires renforce les conclusions basées sur des études micropaléontologiques et paléontologiques (e.g. BERGGREN (1964), RASMUSSEN (1962, 1965), MEIJER (1969), POZARYSKA (1966), MOORKENS (1982) selon lesquelles le Tuffeau de Ciply équivaut au Danien moyen et supérieur, bien que d'autre part, beaucoup des Bryozoaires du Danien baltique manquent ici. Comme on ne connaît jusqu'à présent aucune faune de Bryozoaires (du Paléocène à l'Eocène) qui puisse être comparée aux précédentes, il est difficile de séparer le Danien du Montien sur la seule base des Bryozoaires. Pour éviter les malentendus, on ne peut pas encore renoncer à l'usage du terme "Dano-Montien" pour caractériser la faune de Bryozoaires d'une région méridionale (Belgique, Pays-Bas, Bas Rhin) à l'opposé d'une province boréale (Danien et Selandien baltique et polonais). On ne peut pas écarter la possibilité que les Bryozoaires étudiés et, avec eux, les faunes du Tuffeau de Ciply et du "Post-Maestrichtien" limbourgeois soient en partie plus jeunes et correspondent éventuellement au Sélandien. Abstract The Bryozoa of the classic Dano-Montien near Mons. In this paper the Bryozoa of the Dano-Montian from the new scientific Borehole in Mons and the older classic Borehole of the "puits artésien de l'Ecole des Mines" (now Faculté des Mines) in Mons are described. Among the 58 species of Bryozoa are 18 Cyclostomata and 40 Cheilostamata. These comprise only a part of the very much richer Bryozoan Fauna of the Dano-Montian, in particular that of the Tuffeau de Ciply and its basal bed (Poudingue de la Malogne) in Belgium and the so-called "Postmaastrichtian", of the Netherlands (South Limburg). The following genera are new: Retecavella, Monticellaria, Diplobeisselina, Schizemiellopsis and Taenioporella. The subgenus Puncturiellina is new. New species are : Crisidia lagaaiji, Reteporidea pseudolichenoides, Rectecavella broodi, Callopora tegulata, Pithodella impar, tamenocella marlierei, Planicellaria bugei, "Membranipora" rectangulata, "Membranipora" subclavatoides, Onychocella meijeri, Pseudothyracella ciplyensis, Floridina eisdenensis, Floridina membraniporoides, Lunulites ratheimensis, Hemistylus dissimilis, Monticellaria obscura n.g. n.sp., Porina hamulifera and Floridina scutata brevior n.subsp. The uppermost 12 m of the Mons Borehole, corresponding to the stratotype of the Montian sensu stricto, has yielded a very characteristic assemblage of cheilostomatous Bryozoa consisting almost entirely of segments of articulated ("cellariiform") zoaria, among which Monsella eocena (MEUNIER & PERGENS), Poricellaria diplodidymyoides (MEUNIER & PERGENS), Pseudothyracella (?) mucronata, Nellia pergensii DARTEVELLE and Nellia tenella LAMARCK and other flexible genera predominate. This assemblage settling on seaweeds indicates a high energy environment in Litoral and Sublitoral zones, and is itself of no biostratigraphical significance. This part of the succession approximately equates with the upper Triginglymus horizon of the ostracod zonation established by MARLIERE (1958) for the Ecole des Mines Borehole. The underlying succession of the Mons Borehole comprises a transition zone with Cytheretta and a deeper horizon with Cytherelloidea, which corresponds to the Tuffeau de Ciply. In contrast to the Ostracoda, the Bryozoa exhibit no significant faunal change between the upper and lower units. The considerable number of bryozoan species in the Tuffeau de Ciply, which are known also from the Baltic Danian, supports the idea - already suggested by other palaeontological and micropalaeontological studies (e.g. BERGGREN (1964) RASMUSSEN (1962, 1965) MEIJER (1969), POZARYSKA (1966), MOORKENS (1982), that the Tuffeau de Ciply equates with the Middle and Upper Danian, even though many of the characteristic species of the type Danian are lacking in the Belgian and Dutch Dano-Montian. Due to the fact, that no bryozoan faunal sequences are known from the Paleocene, which continue through to the Eocene and which can be compared with the material considered here, it is not yet possible to erect a zonation for the Dano-Montian and later Paleocene based on Bryozoa alone. To avoid misunderstanding, the term "Dano-Montian" is retained here to cover the bryozoan faunes of the southern faunal province comprising Belgium, the Netherlands and western Germany in contradistinction to those of the boreal province comprising the Baltic - Polish Danian and Selandian. The possibility cannot be excluded, that the bryozoan faunas in question, including those of the Tuffeau de Ciply and the Limburg "Postmaastrichtian", are partly later, and perhaps even of Selandian age. This problem is discussed in the light of micropalaeontological investigations. Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit behandelt die Bryozoen aus dem Dano-Montien der wissenschaftlichen Bohrung Mons (= "Obourg") und der alten Bohrung "puits artésien de l'Ecole des Mines" (jetzt Faculté polytechnique in Mons). Unter den 58 Arten der in den Proben beider Bohrungen angetroffenen Arten befinden sich 18 Cyclostomata und 40 Cheilostomata. Diese stellen jedoch nur einen Teil der sehr viel reicheren Bryozoenfauna des Dano - Montiens, insbesondere des Tuffeau de Ciply und seiner Basalschicht (Poudingue de la Malogne) in Belgien und des sog. "Postmaastrichtiens" in Südlimburg (Niederlande) dar. Neu aufgestellte Genera sind : Retecavella, Monticellaria, Diplobeisselina, Schizemiellopsis und Taenioporella.Ein neues Subgenus ist Puncturiellina. Neue Arten sind : Crisidia lagaaiji, Reteporidea pseudolichenoides, Rectecavella broodi, Callopora tegulata, Pithodella impar,Stamenocella marlierei, Planicellaria bugei, "Membranipora " rectangulata, "Membranipora » subclavatoides, Onychocella meijeri; Pseudothyracella ciplyensis, Floridina eisdenensis, Floridina embraniporoides, Lunulites ratheimensis, Hemistylus dissimilis, Monticellaria obscura n.g. n.sp., Porina hamulifera und die neue Unterart Floridina scutata brevior n.subsp. In der Bohrung Mons weisen die oberen 12 m eine sehr charakteristische Assoziation cheilostomer Bryozoen auf, die fast nur aus den Segmenten artikulierter ("cellariiformer") Zoarien besteht, unter denen Monsella eocena (MEUNIER & PERGENS), Poricellaria diplodidymioides (MEUNIER & PERGENS), Nellia pergensii DARTEVELLE, Nellia tenella (LAMARCK), Pseudothyracella mucronata (MEUNIER & PERGENS) und andere flexible Genera vorherrschen. Diese Assoziation ist als eine Fauna des bewegten Wassers (Algenbewuchs) im Littoral bis Sublittoral zu deuten und stellt, obwohl sie den Stratotyp des Montiens (s. str.) repräsentiert, keine stratigraphisch verwertbare Faunenassoziation dar. Sie entspricht etwa dem Triginglymus- Horizont der Ostracodengliederung des Profils nach MARLIERE (1958) in der Bohrung der Ecole des Mines. Die darunter folgende Schichtfolge der Bohrung Mons leitet über einen Zwischenbereich mit Cytheretta zu dem tieferen Horizont mit Cytherellidea über, der dem Tuffeau de Ciply entspricht; doch zeigen die Bryozoen keinen deutlichen Faunenwechsel zwischen dem oberen und unteren Abschnitt an. Der grosse Anteil von Danienbryozoenarten stützt die Auffassung auf Grund palaeontologischer und micropaläontologischer Arbeiten z.B. BERGGREN (1964), RASMUSSEN (1962, 1965), MEIJER (1959, 1969), MOORKENS (1982), dass der Tuffeau von Ciply ein Äquivalent des mittleren und oberen Daniens ist, obwohl andererseits viele der charakteristischen Danienbryozoen des baltischen Daniens hier fehlen. Da es im Paläocän bisher keine vom Danien bis zum Eocän durchgehende Bryozoenfauna gibt, die mit der vorliegenden Fauna verglichen werden kann, ist es unmöglich allein mit Hilfe der Bryozoen eine Zonierung des Dano - Montiens und des jüngeren Paläocäns durchzuführen. Es ist daher schwierig, auf Grund der vorliegenden Fauna das Danien gegen das Montien abzugrenzen. Zur Vermeidung von Missverständnissen kann daher auf den Begriff "Dano - Montien" noch nicht verzichtet werden, der hier die Bryozoenfaunen der südlichen Faunenprovinz in Belgien, Holland und am Niederrhein im Gegensatz zu dem borealen Bereich im baltisch - polnischen Danien und Selandien beleichnet. Die Möglichkeit, dass die vorliegende Bryozoenfauna und mit ihr die Fauna des Tuffeau de Ciply und des limburgischen "Postmaastrichtiens" teilweise jünger sind und ev. dem Selandien entsprechen, ist nicht auszuschliessen und wird anhand der bisherigen ikropalaeontologischen Forschunsergebnisse diskutiert.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Dierenresten uit een vroege Swifterbank-nederzetting te Doel-Deurganckdok (Vlaanderen, België): jachtwild, maar vooral veel vis
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inbook Reference Diestiaan ijzerzandsteen: de erfgoedsteen van het Hageland
SAMENVATTING. Een donkerbruine, ijzerhoudende zandsteen tekent het landschap en de karakteristieke archi- tectuur van het Hageland, het oostelijk deel van de provincie Vlaams-Brabant. Deze regio wordt gekenmerkt door een heuvelachtig landschap, waar in Romeinse tijden op de zuidelijk gerichte flanken al wijn werd verbouwd. Op de talrijke heuveltoppen, stille getuigen van versteende zandbanken in de Laat-Miocene zee die het landschap in lang vervlogen tijden overspoelde, komen donkerbruine lagen van ijzerzandsteen voor. Al sinds de vroege Middeleeuwen werd deze steen voor lokaal gebruik ontgonnen, waaruit later de voor de streek typische ‘Demergotiek’ ontstond. De ijzerzandsteen is zeer heterogeen en gevoelig voor verwering. Over het algemeen betreft het een bouwmateriaal met een lage druksterkte, zeker in vergelijking met Gobertange, Lede- of Doornikse steen. De hedendaagse restauratie van deze karakteristieke architectuur wordt geconfronteerd met diverse problemen: natuursteenherstelling is omwille van de donkere kleur minder evident en vaak niet duurzaam, beschikbare reserves zijn zeer beperkt en er zijn geen actieve steengroeves. Een maximale conservering van het authentieke materiaal, geheel in overeenkomst met het Charter van Venetië overigens, dient daarom vaak vooropgesteld. Materiaaltechnisch onderzoek van ijzerzandsteen, gelicht uit gesteentelagen in vijf sites, was noodzakelijk om de wisselende kenmerken van deze natuursteen beter te interpreteren vanuit zijn geologische diversiteit, teneinde de inzetbaarheid als bouwmateriaal te kunnen evalueren. Bovendien werd bestudeerd in hoeverre een mogelijke steen- verstevigende behandeling door middel van ethylsilicaat (TEOS) van ijzerzandsteen tot een verbetering van zijn duur- zaamheid zou kunnen leiden. ABSTRACT. Diest ferruginous sandstone, heritage stone of the Hageland. A dark-brown ferruginous sandstone characterizes the landscape and the typical architecture of the Hageland, the eastern part of the Belgian province Flemish Brabant. The landscape of this region is recognised by an alternation of hills. The southern flanks of these hills are well-suited for cultivating wine, something the Romans already learned some two thousand years ago. On these numerous hill tops, the silent witnesses of petrified shoals from the Diestian sea which overran the landscape long ago, dark-brown layers of ferruginous sandstone occur. Already in the Middle Ages, this stone has been quarried for local use which gradually led to the development of a specific architecture, also known as Demer Gothic. This ferruginous sandstone is however very heterogeneous and sensitive to weathering. In general, it is considered a rather weak building material, especially in comparison with other typical local building materials such as Gobertange, Lede or Tournais stones. However, the restoration of this characteristic architecture is nowadays confronted with various problems: the use of repair mortars is because of the dark color less evident and often not durable, available reserves are restricted and there are actually no active quarries. A maximal conservation of the authentic material, fully in agreement with the Charter of Venice, is hence often required as a premise. Material-technical research of fer- ruginous sandstone, retrieved from sedimentary beds from five locations, was deemed necessary to describe the vary- ing characteristics of this stone within its geological context in order to evaluate the possibility to use the material for restoration purposes. In addition, the effect of a consolidation treatment of the ferruginous sandstone with ethylsilicate (TEOS) to ameliorate its durability was examined.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inbook Reference Différenciation des hématites oolithiques à partir d’observations macroscopiques non destructives : essais de comparaison des matériaux ordoviciens normands et dévoniens belges.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference Differentiation between two salt marsh beetle ecotypes: Evidence for ongoing speciation
The plausibility of trait divergence under divergent natural selection in the presence of gene flow in natural populations is a contentious issue in evolutionary research. Its importance lies in the fact that this process is thought to be one of the key triggers in ecological speciation in which a species splits into ecologically distinct forms when separate niches are occupied. in this study we demonstrate strong genetic divergence at the IDH1 locus between pond- and canal-inhabiting individuals of the salt marsh beetle Pogonus chalceus from the Guerande salt fields. Moreover, wing size, a trait that has a heritable basis in this species, was significantly larger in the pond populations, which is in concordance with the unstable nature of this habitat. The relationship between IDH1 allele frequencies and wing size variation was consistent with patterns seen across western European populations. By means of neutral allozymes and microsatellites we detected a small but significant degree of sexual isolation between ecotypes. We conclude that speciation is ongoing and that divergence reflects a balance between selection and gene flow.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Discovery of a new inland population of Amara strenua Zimmerman, 1832 at Heverlee, central Belgium (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference Dispersal model alert on the risks of alien species introduction by ballast waters in protected areas from the Western Antarctic Peninsula
Aim The Western Antarctic Peninsula is challenged by climate change and increasing maritime traffic that together facilitate the introduction of marine non-native species from warmer regions neighbouring the Southern Ocean. Ballast water exchange has been frequently reported as an introduction vector. This study uses a Lagrangian approach to model the passive drift of virtual propagules departing from Ballast water hypothetic exchange zones, at contrasting distances from the coasts. Location Western Antarctic Peninsula. Methods Virtual propagules were released over the 2008–2016 period and at three distances from the nearest coasts: 200 (convention for the management of Ballast Water, 2004), 50 or 11 nautical miles (NM). Results Results show that exchanging Ballast water at 200 NM considerably reduces the arrival of propagules in proposed marine protected areas of the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula. On the eastern side, propagules can reach north-eastern marine protected areas within a few days due to strong currents for all tested scenarios. Seasonal and yearly variations indicate that exceptional climate events could influence the trajectory of particles in the region. Ballast water should be exchanged at least 200 NM offshore on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula and avoided on the eastern side to limit particle arrival in proposed marine protected areas. Focusing on Deception Island, our results suggested that the Patagonian crab (Halicarcinus planatus) observed in 2010 could have been introduced in case of Ballast water exchange at 50 NM or less from the coast. Main conclusions This study highlights the importance of respecting Ballast water exchange convention to limit the risk of non-native species introduction. Ballast water exchange should be operated at least at 200 NM from the coasts, which further limits particle arrival in shallow water areas. This is especially important in the context of a more visited and warmer Southern Ocean.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference Dispersal of continental vertebrates during the Paleogene: Preface
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Dispersals of placental carnivorous mammals (Carnivoramorpha, Oxyaenodonta & Hyaenodontida) near the Paleocene-Eocene boundary: a climatic and almost worldwide story
During the Late Paleocene and around the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, there were important mammalian dispersals in Laurasia involving earliest modern mammals such as rodents, primates, perissodactyls, and artiodactyls. The placental carnivorous mammals (Viverravidae, “Miacidae”, Hyaenodontida, Oxyaenodonta) importantly took part in these dispersals. The present article shows that these latter mammals allow reconstructing faunal dispersal scenarios during the early Paleogene. Indeed, they evidenced several dispersal ways among Laurasia, but also with Africa and possibly India. The dispersal phases discussed in the present paper concern the Early Paleocene, Late Paleocene, latest Paleocene (Clarkforkian NALMA), and Paleocene-Eocene transition.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications