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Article Reference Parahiraciini planthoppers with elongate head from Vietnam: a new genus and species Pumatiracia venosa gen. et sp. nov. and first record of Laohiracia acuta Constant, 2021 (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Issidae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference Paropeas achatinaceum (Pfeiffer, 1846) and other alien Subuline and Opeatine land snails in European greenhouses (Gastropoda, Achatinidae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Article Reference Partial revision of the genus Dorysthenes (subgenus Paraphrus ) Thomson, 1861 with overall review of the species planicollis (Bates, (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Prionini )
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference Past beaked whale diversity in the North Sea: reappraisal through a new Miocene record and biostratigraphic analyses
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Inbook Reference Pathologies traumatiques, infectieuses et dégénératives observées sur le squelette.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference patternize: An R package for quantifying colour pattern variation
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Inproceedings Reference Pérénité et propriété des collections numériques de paléontologie de l'Institut royal des Sceinces naturelles de Belgique
Depuis près de 10 ans, l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique (IRSNB) s’équipe d’outils divers et variés pour numériser et valoriser ses 38 millions de spécimens : système de photostaking, microscope électronique à balayage, photogrammétrie en lumière structurée, micro- et nano-CT scanners et plus récemment scanner surfacique mobile. En Paléontologie, troisième plus grande collection sur les six que compte l’IRSNB, la priorité est pour l’instant donnée aux spécimens dits “Types et Figurés”. Avec plus de 40.000 spécimens types et figurés sur plus de 3 millions dans les collections générales, il y a déjà du pain sur la planche. Dans ce cadre, la plateforme numérique maison « Open Source » nommée Virtual Collections « » permet l’accès aux images et aux modèles tridimensionnels de ces spécimens de référence. C’est alors que se posent les questions de la pérennité et de la propriété des images. Les images réalisées à l’IRSNB ne posent pas de problèmes car elles sont protégées par une licence CC BY NC ND et sont conservées sur une plateforme de la Politique scientifique fédérale (BELSPO = ministère belge des affaires scientifiques) afin de pérenniser l’accès aux collections numériques. En revanche, qu’en est-il des images réalisées par d’autres institutions et déposées sur des plateformes externes telles que Morphosource, Digimorph, MorphoMuseuM, pour ne citer que les plus connues? Ces images et modèles des spécimens de l’IRSNB sont-ils également protégés, notamment contre des pratiques commerciales et qui sont les réels détenteurs des droits à l’image? Nous décrivons ici les divers cas de figures et tentons de répondre à ces questions qui taraudent de plus en plus les grands musées de histoires naturelles.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Article Reference Perturbation of a coastal Tethyan environment during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in Tunisia (Sidi Nasseur and Wadi Mezaz).
Despite the large number of studies on the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), the knowledge of environmental and biotic responses in shallow marine environments remains quite poor. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages of the Sidi Nasseur and Wadi Mezaz sections in Tunisia were studied quantitatively and the paleoecologic interpretations provide new insights into the complex relationship between PETM global warming and perturbations of shallow marine settings. These sections expose upper Paleocene to lower Eocene shales and marls of the El Haria Formation up to the phosphate layers of the Chouabine Formation underlying the El Garia limestones. The Sidi Nasseur section contains a more complete and expanded Paleocene–Eocene boundary interval compared to Wadi Mezaz, although being truncated at the top. The Wadi Mezaz section contains a more complete post-PETM interval. The studied interval can be subdivided into a sequence of 4 biofacies, representing respectively a latest Paleocene biofacies, two PETM biofacies and one post-PETM Eocene biofacies. The latest Paleocene biofacies 1 consists of numerous calcareous benthic foraminifera (e.g. Anomalinoides midwayensis, Frondicularia aff. phosphatica and various Bulimina and Lenticulina species), abundant noncalcareous taxa (Haplophragmoides) and rare planktic foraminifera, indicating a slightly hypersaline eutrophic inner neritic to coastal environment, regularly interrupted by oxygen deficiency (moderate dysoxia). During the latest Paleocene, this highly productive environment shallowed as indicated by the increasing abundances of A. midwayensis. The variable dominance of non-calcareous agglutinated taxa in biofacies 1 indicates post-mortem dissolution effects. The TOC δ13Corg record reveals a sharp negative excursion, marking the base of the Eocene. In general, the absence of lithologic changes, an increasing sedimentation rate and absence of reworking indicate that the initial part of the PETM is complete and expanded in the Sidi Nasseur section. A sharp faunal turnover coincides with this negative δ13Corg excursion and is characterized by the disappearance or diminution of common Paleocene taxa in this area. During the PETM, benthic foraminifera are less abundant and consist of opportunistic non-calcareous taxa together with deeper dwelling (middle neritic) lagenids and buliminids (biofacies 2 and 3). Planktic foraminifera, dominated by flat-spired Acarinina (mainly A. multicamerata), become more abundant, as observed in many open marine sequences worldwide. All these faunal parameters suggest more stressed probably severe dysoxic sea floor conditions within a transgressive phase during the onset of the PETM. An estimation of the total duration of the Sidi Nasseur PETM interval is difficult to establish, yet the lack of recovery carbon isotope values suggests that the preserved PETM interval reflects only a part of the CIE “core”. The top of the PETM interval is truncated due to local (?) erosion during the early Eocene. The Eocene recovery fauna is mainly composed of Lenticulina and Stainforthia species (biofacies 4), indicating restricted coastal to hyposaline lagoonal eutrophic conditions, distinctly different from earlier environmental conditions.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Phasmomantella gen.nov., a spectacular new genus of praying mantis from southern Central Vietnam (Mantodea, Mantidae, Deroplatyinae, Euchomenellini-
Located in Library / RBINS collections by external author(s)
Article Reference Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius 1793) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) a new invasive ant in the Galapagos Islands
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications