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Article Reference Biology and fisheries of the spotted flounder (Citharus linguatula) caught by multiple gears with partial spatiotemporal overlaps
Obtaining data to study fish biology can be a challenge if a stock is fished by a variety of gears with different effort units and different selectivity, particularly if these gears only partially overlap in space and time. In this work, we attempted to study the biology of the spotted flounder Citharus linguatula in the Patraikos Gulf and the adjacent central Ionian Sea (eastern Mediterranean) and to evaluate the current fisheries management. We characterized age composition and growth, length-at-maturity, and catch-perunit- effort (CPUE) of spotted flounder from the catches of bottom trawls, gillnets and trammel nets for the period autumn 2013–2014. Variation of fish total length, gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index and condition factor was analyzed using generalized additive models (GAMs) with regard to sex, date, fishing gear and depth.We also modeled CPUE fluctuations of each gear by date, depth, longitude and latitude using GAMs. Fish age ranged from 1 to 5 years. A slightly allometric growth was documented with females attaining larger sizes than males. Length-at-maturity was 163mm for females and 169mm for males. The seasonal change of gonad maturity stages and the gonadosomatic index indicated spawning in late summerautumn. Changes in length frequencies indicated that recruitment to the fisheries occurred in late springearly winter in shallow depth (<40 m). The catch composition of trawls and the CPUE model results suggested that the selectivity of this gear should be regulated to reduce catching immature individuals of spotted flounder. The results further indicated that the seasonal trawl closure of the Patraikos Gulf contributes to reduce catching juveniles.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Article Reference Biometrics of wild Red-breasted Geese Branta ruficollis
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Biomimetic and bio-inspired uses of mollusc shells
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference Biomineral Flocculation of Kaolinite and Microalgae: Laboratory Experiments and Stochastic Modeling.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA
Article Reference Biomineralization in living hypercalcified demosponges: Toward a universal mechanism?
Massive skeletons of living hypercalcified sponges, representative organisms of basal Metazoa, are uncommon models to improve our knowledge on biomineralization mechanisms and their possible evolution through time. Eight living species belonging to various orders of Demospongiae were selected for a comparative mineralogical characterization of their aragonitic or calcitic massive basal skeleton. The latter was prepared for scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. SEM results indicated distinctive macro- and micro-structural organizations of the skeleton for each species, likely resulting from a genetically dictated variation in the control exerted on their formation. However, most skeletons investigated shared submicron to nano-scale morphological and crystallographical patterns: (1) single-crystal fibers and bundles were composed of 20 to 100nm large submicronic grains, the smallest structural units, (2) nano-scale likely organic material occurred both within and between these structural units, (3) {110} micro-twin planes were observed along aragonitic fibers, and (4) individual fibers or small bundles protruded from the external growing surface of skeletons. This comparative mineralogical study of phylogenetically distant species brings further evidence to recent biomineralization models already proposed for sponges, corals, mollusks, brachiopods and echinoderms and to the hypothesis of the universal and ancestral character of such mechanisms in Metazoa.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Biophysical flocculation of suspended particulate matters in Belgian coastal zones
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Article Reference Biostratigraphic significance of brachiopods near the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary
The biostratigraphic significance of selected uppermost Famennian (Upper Devonian) and lower Tournaisian (Mississippian) brachiopod genera, belonging to the orders Rhynchonellida (e.g. Araratella), Spiriferida (e.g. Sphenospira, Prospira), Spiriferinida (Syringothyris) and Productida (except Chonetidina), is discussed. Owing to the difficulties of identifying productidine and strophalosiidine genera, in contrast to rhynchonellides and spiriferides, the biostratigraphic potential of the former has generally been overlooked. Brachiopods flourished in neritic environments that were unfavourable for conodonts and ammonoids. In the absence of the latter traditional marker fossils, they are potentially important for locating the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in shallow water depositional settings in conjunction with rugose corals and foraminifers. On a worldwide scale, further work is required to reach a better assessment of the aftermath of the Hangenberg biological Crisis on brachiopods, notably in revising the faunas from the classical areas of the Famennian and Tournaisian stages in Western Europe.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Biostratigraphie de l'Oligo-Miocène du bassin d'Aquitaine fondée sur les nannofossiles calcaires. Implications paléogéographiques
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Biostratigraphie et poissons fossiles de la Formation de l' Argile de Boom (Oligocène moyen du Bassin belge).
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Biostratigraphy of the Danian/Selandian transition in the southern Tethys. Special reference to the Lowest Occurrence of planktic foraminifera Igorina albeari.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications