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Article Reference Investigating the co-occurrence of Neanderthals and modern humans in Belgium through direct radiocarbon dating of bone implements
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Inproceedings Reference Investigating the exploitation of birds during the Upper Palaeolithic with the assemblages from the Trou des Nutons and Trou du Frontal caves (Belgium)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Investigating urban ant community (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in port cities and in major towns along the border in Côte d’Ivoire: a rapid assessment to detect potential introduced invasive ant species
Objective: This study aimed at examining ant communities of port and border cities in order to identify introduced and potential invasive ant species and microhabitats likely to contribute to the spread of these ant species. Therefore, the sampling design are linear transects of 200 metres on which ants were collected using tuna baits at 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes in the two port cities of Abidjan and San Pedro, and seven cities that are Man, Touba, Odienne, Ferkéssedougou, Bouna, Bondoukou and Abengourou located near the borders of Côte d’Ivoire. The results showed 83 ant species including 9 potential introduced or invasive ant species. These invasive ants contributed importantly to the ant assemblage in port cities (23.95±2.7 % of total richness and 37±6.1 % of total abundance) and border cities (20.17±4.7 % / 30.6±7 %). In addition two notorious invaders, Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius, 1804) (Tropical fire ant) and Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius, 1793) (Big-headed ant) were detected during this study. The results also indicated that potential introduced or invasive ant species were mostly detected in microhabitats where human activities are uninterrupted such port zones, markets, domestic streets and residential. Conclusion: In the end, this study has shown that ant communities in port and border cities harbour invasive potential ant species, particularly microhabitats characterized by high human activities such as port areas, markets, domestic streets and residential areas.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Article Reference Investigation of metasomatism using Cu, Zn and Fe stable isotopes
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Inproceedings Reference Investigation of the Five Fuji Lakes and their potential of recording paleoearthquakes
Located in Library / No RBINS Staff publications
Article Reference Investment Decisions with Two-Factor Uncertainty
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Inbook Reference Irish-type deposits in Tunisia: a new perspective to assign the Pb-Zn deposits of the Nefza District
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Incollection Reference Iron Age Cultural Interactions, Plant Subsistence and Land Use in Southeastern Europe Inferred from Archaeobotanical Evidence of Greece and Bulgaria
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Article Reference Iron and sulfur cycling in the cGENIE.muffin Earth system model (v0.9.21)
The coupled biogeochemical cycles of iron and sulfur are central to the long-term biogeochemical evolution of Earth’s oceans. For instance, before the development of a persistently oxygenated deep ocean, the ocean interior likely alternated between states buffered by reduced sulfur (“euxinic”) and buffered by reduced iron (“ferruginous”), with important implications for the cycles and hence bioavailability of dissolved iron (and phosphate). Even after atmospheric oxygen concentrations rose to modern-like values, the ocean episodically continued to develop regions of euxinic or ferruginous conditions, such as those associated with past key intervals of organic carbon deposition (e.g. during the Cretaceous)and extinction events (e.g. at the Permian–Triassic boundary). A better understanding of the cycling of iron and sulfur in an anoxic ocean, how geochemical patterns in the ocean relate to the available spatially heterogeneous geological observations, and quantification of the feedback strengths between nutrient cycling, biological productivity, and ocean redox requires a spatially resolved representation of ocean circulation together with an extended set of (bio)geochemical reactions. Here, we extend the “muffin” release of the intermediate complexity Earth system model cGENIE to now include an anoxic iron and sulfur cycle (expanding the existing oxic iron and sulfur cycles), enabling the model to simulate ferruginous and euxinic redox states as well as the precipitation of reduced iron and sulfur minerals (pyrite, siderite, greenalite) and attendant iron and sulfur isotope signatures, which we describe in full. Because tests against present-day (oxic) ocean iron cycling exercises only a small part of the new code, we use an idealized ocean configuration to explore model sensitivity across a selection of key parameters. We also present the spatial patterns of concentrations and d56Fe and d34S isotope signatures of both dissolved and solid-phase Fe and S species in an anoxic ocean as an example application. Our sensitivity analyses show that the first-order results of the model are relatively robust against the choice of kinetic parameter values within the Fe–S system and that simulated concentrations and reaction rates are comparable to those observed in process analogues for ancient oceans (i.e. anoxic lakes). Future model developments will address sedimentary recycling and benthic iron fluxes back to the water column, together with the coupling of nutrient (in particular phosphate) cycling to the iron cycle.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Article Reference Iron mineralization in a volcanic and sedimentary Mio-Pliocene complex (Tamra mine, Northern Tunisia): the influence of diagenesis and pedogenesis
Located in Library / No RBINS Staff publications