Carbon, iron and sulphur cycling in the sediments of a Mediterranean lagoon (Ghar El Melh, Tunisia)
Coastal lagoon sediments are important for the biogeochemical carbon cycle at the land-ocean transition, as they form hotspots for organic carbon burial, as well as potential sites for authigenic carbonate formation. Here, we employ an early diagenetic model to quantify the coupled redox cycling of carbon, iron and sulphur in the sediments of the shallow Ghar El Melh (GEM) lagoon (Tunisia). The model simulated depth profiles show a good correspondence with available pore water data (dissolved inorganic carbon, NH4+, total alkalinity, Ca2+, Fe2+ and SO42−) and solid phase data (organic matter, pyrite, calcium carbonate and iron (oxyhydr)oxides). This indicates that the model is able to capture the dominant processes influencing the sedimentary biogeochemical cycling. Our results show that sediment of the GEM lagoon is an efficient reactor for organic matter breakdown (burial efficiency < 10%), with an important role for aerobic respiration (32%) and sulphate reduction (61%). Despite high rates of sulphate reduction, free sulphide does not accumulate in the pore water, due to a large terrestrial input of reactive iron oxides and the efficient sequestration of free sulphide into iron sulphide phases. High pyrite burial (2.2 mmol FeS2 m−2 d−1) prevents the reoxidation of reduced sulphide, thus resulting in a low total oxygen uptake (4.7 mmol m−2 d−1) of the sediment and a relatively high oxygen penetration depth. The formation of pyrite also generates high amounts of alkalinity in the pore water, which stimulates authigenic carbonate precipitation (2.7 mmol m−2 d−1) and leads to alkalinity release to the overlying water (3.4 mmol m−2 d−1). Model simulations with and without an N-cycle reveal a limited influence of nitrification and denitrification on overall organic matter diagenesis. Overall, our study highlights the potential role of coastal lagoons for the global carbon and sulphur cycle, and their possible contribution to shelf alkalinity, which increases the buffering capacity of the coastal ocean for CO2 uptake.
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Elevated sedimentary removal of Fe, Mn, and trace elements following a transient oxygenation event in the Eastern Gotland Basin, central Baltic Sea
Iron, manganese, and trace elements play an important role in the marine carbon cycle as they are limiting nutrients for marine primary productivity. Water column concentrations of these bio-essential elements are controlled by the balance between input and removal, with burial in marine sediments being the main sink. The efficiency of this burial sink is dependent on the redox state of the water column, with sediments underlying a sulphidic (euxinic) water column being the most efficient sinks for Fe, but also Mn and trace elements (Co, Cd, Ni, Mo, As, W, V, and U). Transient changes in ocean redox state can hence affect trace element burial, and correspondingly, the ocean’s trace element inventory, but the impact of transient oxygenation events on trace element cycling is currently not well understood. Here, we investigate the impact of a natural oxygenation event on trace element release and burial in sediments of the Eastern Gotland Basin (EGB), a sub-basin of the Baltic Sea. After being anoxic (<0.5 mMO2) for ~10 years, the deep waters of the EGB experienced a natural oxygenation event (Major Baltic Inflow, MBI) in 2015. Following this oxygenation event, we deployed benthic chamber landers along a depth transect in the EGB in April 2016, 2017 and 2018. We complemented these in situ flux measurements with analyses of water column, solid phase and pore water chemistry. Overall, the event increased the benthic effluxes of dissolved trace elements, though particular responses were element-specific and were caused by different mechanisms. Enhanced fluxes of Cd and U were caused by oxidative remobilisation, while Ni showed little response to the inflow of oxygen. In contrast, enhanced release of Co, Mo, As, W, and V was caused by the enhanced transient input of Mn oxides into the sediment, whereas Fe oxides were of minor importance. Following the dissolution of the oxides in the sediment, Mn and W were nearly completely recycled back to the water column, while fractions of Fe, Co, Mo, As, and V were retained in the sediment. Our results suggest that transient oxygenation events in euxinic basins may decrease the water column inventory of certain trace elements (Fe, Co, Mo, As, and V), thus potentially affecting global marine primary productivity on longer timescales.
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Burrowing fauna mediate alternative stable states in the redox cycling of salt marsh sediments
The East Anglian salt marsh system (UK) has recently generated intriguing data with respect to sediment biogeochemistry. Neighbouring ponds in these salt marshes show two distinct regimes of redox cycling: the sediments are either iron-rich and bioturbated, or they are sulphide-rich and unbioturbated. No conclusive explanation has yet been given for this remarkable spatial co-occurrence. Here, we quantify the geochemical cycling in both pond types, using pore-water analyses and solid-phase speciation. Our results demonstrate that differences in solid-phase carbon and iron inputs are likely small between pond types, and so these cannot act as the direct driver of the observed redox dichotomy. Instead, our results suggest that the presence of bioturbation plays a key role in the transition from sulphur-dominated to iron-dominated sediments. The presence of burrowing fauna in marine sediments stimulates the mineralisation of organic matter, increases the iron cycling and limits the build-up of free sulphide. Overall, we propose that the observed dichotomy in pond geochemistry is due to alternative stable states, which result from non-linear interactions in the sedimentary iron and sulphur cycles that are amplified by bioturbation. This way, small differences in solid phase input can result in very different regimes of redox cycling due to positive feedbacks. This non-linearity in the iron and sulphur cycling could be an inherent feature of marine sediments, and hence, alternative stable states could be present in other systems.
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Quantification of Cable Bacteria in Marine Sediments via qPCR
Cable bacteria (Deltaproteobacteria, Desulfobulbaceae) are long filamentous sulfur-oxidizing bacteria that generate long-distance electric currents running through the bacterial filaments. This way, they couple the oxidation of sulfide in deeper sediment layers to the reduction of oxygen or nitrate near the sediment-water interface. Cable bacteria are found in a wide range of aquatic sediments, but an accurate procedure to assess their abundance is lacking. We developed a qPCR approach that quantifies cable bacteria in relation to other bacteria within the family Desulfobulbaceae. Primer sets targeting cable bacteria, Desulfobulbaceae and the total bacterial community were applied in qPCR with DNA extracted from marine sediment incubations. Amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V4 region confirmed that cable bacteria were accurately enumerated by qPCR, and suggested novel diversity of cable bacteria. The conjoint quantification of current densities and cell densities revealed that individual filaments carry a mean current of ~110 pA and have a cell specific oxygen consumption rate of 69 fmol O2 cell-1 day-1. Overall, the qPCR method enables a better quantitative assessment of cable bacteria abundance, providing new metabolic insights at filament and cell level, and improving our understanding of the microbial ecology of electrogenic sediments.
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Bistability in the redox chemistry of sediments and oceans
For most of Earth’s history, the ocean’s interior was pervasively anoxic and showed occasional shifts in ocean redox chemistry between iron-buffered and sulfide-buffered states. These redox transitions are most often explained by large changes in external inputs, such as a strongly altered delivery of iron and sulfate to the ocean, or major shifts in marine productivity. Here, we propose that redox shifts can also arise from small perturbations that are amplified by nonlinear positive feedbacks within the internal iron and sulfur cycling of the ocean. Combining observational evidence with biogeochemical modeling, we show that both sedimentary and aquatic systems display intrinsic iron–sulfur bistability, which is tightly linked to the formation of reduced iron–sulfide minerals. The possibility of tipping points in the redox state of sediments and oceans, which allow large and nonreversible geochemical shifts to arise from relatively small changes in organic carbon input, has important implications for the interpretation of the geological rock record and the causes and consequences of major evolutionary transitions in the history of Earth’s biosphere.
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Dominance-diversity relationships in ant communities differ with invasion
The relationship between levels of dominance and species richness is highly contentious, especially in ant communities. The dominance-impoverishment rule states that high levels of dominance only occur in species-poor communities, but there appear to be many cases of high levels of dominance in highly diverse communities. The extent to which dominant species limit local richness through competitive exclusion remains unclear, but such exclusion appears more apparent for non-native rather than native dominant species. Here we perform the first global analysis of the relationship between behavioral dominance and species richness. We used data from 1,293 local assemblages of ground-dwelling ants distributed across five continents to document the generality of the dominance-impoverishment rule, and to identify the biotic and abiotic conditions under which it does and does not apply. We found that the behavioral dominance-diversity relationship varies greatly, and depends on whether dominant species are native or non-native, whether dominance is considered as occurrence or relative abundance, and on variation in mean annual temperature. There were declines in diversity with increasing dominance in invaded communities, but diversity increased with increasing dominance in native communities. These patterns occur along the global temperature gradient. However, positive and negative relationships are strongest in the hottest sites. We also found that climate regulates the degree of behavioral dominance, but differently from how it shapes species richness. Our findings imply that, despite strong competitive interactions among ants, competitive exclusion is not a major driver of local richness in native ant communities. Although the dominance-impoverishment rule applies to invaded communities, we propose an alternative dominance-diversification rule for native communities.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Ants impact the composition of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of a myrmecophytic tank bromeliad
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Ant–plant relationships in the canopy of an Amazonian rainforest: the presence of an ant mosaic
Using different techniques to access the canopy of an Amazonian rainforest, we inspected 157 tree crowns for arboreal ants. Diversity statistics showed that our study sample was not representative of the tree and ant populations due to their high diversity in Amazonian rainforests, but permitted us to note that a representative part of territorially dominant arboreal ant species (TDAAs) was inventoried. Mapping of TDAA territories and use of a null model showed the presence of an ant mosaic in the upper canopy, but this was not the case in the sub-canopy. Among the TDAAs, carton-nesting Azteca dominated (52.98% of the trees) whereas ant-garden ants (Camponotus femoratus and Crematogaster levior), common in pioneer formations, were secondarily abundant (21.64% of the trees), and the remaining 25.37% of trees sheltered one of 11 other TDAAs. The distribution of the trees forming the upper canopy influences the structure of the ant mosaic, which is related to the attractiveness of some tree taxa for certain arboreal ant species and represents a case of diffuse coevolution.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Aquatic life in Neotropical rainforest canopies: Techniques using artificial phytotelmata to study the invertebrate communities inhabiting therein
In Neotropical rainforest canopies, phytotelmata ("plant-held waters") shelter diverse aquatic macroinvertebrate communities, including vectors of animal diseases. Studying these communities is difficult because phytotelmata are widely dispersed, hard to find from the ground and often inaccessible. We propose here a method for placing in tree crowns "artificial phytotelmata" whose size and shape can be tailored to different research targets. The efficacy of this method was shown while comparing the patterns of community diversity of three forest formations. We noted a difference between a riparian forest and a rainforest, whereas trees alongside a dirt road cutting through that rainforest corresponded to a subset of the latter. Because rarefied species richness was significantly lower when the phytotelmata were left for three weeks rather than for six or nine weeks, we recommend leaving the phytotelmata for twelve weeks to permit predators and phoretic species to fully establish themselves.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018
How common is trophobiosis with hoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) inside ant nests (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)? Novel interactions from New Guinea and a worldwide overview
Trophobiotic interactions between ants and honeydew-providing hemipterans are widespread and are one of the key mechanisms that maintain ant super-abundance in ecosystems. Many of them occur inside ant nests. However, these cryptic associations are poorly understood, particularly those with hoppers (suborder Auchenorrhyncha). Here, we study tree-dwelling ant and Hemiptera communities in nests along the Mt. Wilhelm elevational gradient in Papua New Guinea and report a new case of this symbiosis between Pseudolasius Emery, 1887 ants and planthoppers. Furthermore, we provide a worldwide review of other ant-hopper interactions inside ant-built structures and compare their nature (obligate versus facultative) and distribution within the suborder Auchenorrhyncha. The novel interactions were observed in nests located at the tree trunk bases or along the whole trunks. Only immature planthopper stages were found inside nests, so full species identifications were not possible. However, nymph morphology and molecular data (18S and COI genes) indicated four related species of the family Flatidae (infraorder Fulgoromorpha) associated with Pseudolasius. Ant-planthopper occurrences were relatively rare (6% of all trophobiotic interactions) and peaked at mid-elevation (900 m above sea level). Pseudolasius was the only genus associated with planthoppers in the communities, with most cases monopolised by a single species, P. breviceps Emery, 1887. In contrast, all other ant genera tended various scale insects (Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea). This apparent partner-specificity is rare: Worldwide, there are only about ten reported cases of obligate symbiosis in ant nests, distributed in five of the thirty-three Auchenorrhyncha families. Those trophobioses are randomly dispersed across the Auchenorrhyncha phylogeny, and thus likely originated multiple times independently. Further research on both adult and nymph hopper life history is needed to answer how these symbioses, notably rare in hoppers compared with other hemipterans, are maintained.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018