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Inproceedings Reference The defensive secretions of the giant millipede Anurostreptus sculptus (Spirostreptida, Harpagophoridae): their chemical composition and antimicrobial activity
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Article Reference The dercetid fishes (Teleostei, Aulopiformes) from the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) of Belgium and The Netherlands
Several partial skeletons from the marine Maastrichtian deposits of Belgium and the Netherlands allow to recognize four species of Dercetidae, two of which are new: Dercetis triqueter, Ophidercetis italiensis, Cyranichthys jagti sp. nov. and Apuliadercetis indeherbergei sp. nov. This newly studied material greatly enlarges the stratigraphic and paleogeographic ranges of the four concerned dercetid genera.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference The Devonian and Carboniferous of southern Belgium (14th-16th July 2023)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Article Reference The Diest Formation: a review of insights from the last decades
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Article Reference The discovery of a Balaenomorpha (Persufflatius renefraaijeni n. gen., n. sp.) from the upper Miocene of the Netherlands sheds new light on the cranial anatomy of archaic rorqual relatives
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Article Reference The distribution of the non-araeneae and non-acari arachnids of Galapagos
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference The earliest Eocene mammal fauna of the Erquelinnes Sand Member near the French-Belgian border
The earliest Eocene Erquelinnes site was discovered in 1880, but its mammal fauna has been frequently ignored. This paper provides the first detailed overview of the Erquelinnes mammals since 1929. The new faunal list doubles the known diversity at Erquelinnes to a total of 16 species, now also including amphilemurids, hyaenodontids, mesonychids, louisinids, equids and diacodexeids. The majority of the Erquelinnes species is also present in the earliest Eocene Dormaal MP7 reference fauna, with as most notable exceptions the presence of a potentially dwarfed specimen of Dissacus, and of two perissodactyl taxa at Erquelinnes. The ceratomorph perissodactyl Cymbalophus cuniculus is also known from the earliest Eocene of England, but a specimen identified as cf. Sifrhippus sandrae is closely similar to contemporaneous primitive North American equids. This specimen represents the oldest unambiguous European equid and highlights faunal similarities between Europe and North America during this time interval. Faunal differences between Erquelinnes and Dormaal seem mostly due to depositional differences, and the Erquelinnes fauna represents a typical earliest Eocene fauna, closely similar to other MP7 and PEI faunas in Europe.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference The Early Holocene Humid Period in N Arabia – proxy evidence from a unique varved lake record
There is growing interest in deciphering the hydroclimatic dynamics on the Northern Arabian Peninsula during and after the Early Holocene Humid Period (EHHP) as a key for better understanding the role of climate in driving neolithisation and the evolution of new lifestyles in the poorly studied Arabian Desert. However, our knowledge about the magnitude, timeframe and sources of increased moisture in Northern Arabia during the EHHP is limited due to a lack of robust proxy data. Here we provide the first high-resolution and precisely dated multi-proxy reconstruction of the hydroclimatic variability during the EHHP for northern Arabia, retrieved from annually laminated (varved) sediments of the Tayma palaeolake record. We found pronounced seasonal variability during the lake’s evolution, which we reconstructed through micro-facies analyses of the varved sediments. Changing lake water evaporation and the lake-internal productivity was inferred using stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositions (δ18O and δ13C) of carbonates. The compound-specific hydrogen isotope composition of plant-wax n-alkanes (δDwax) was used as a proxy for changing moisture supply. Our robust age model is well constrained by a floating varve chronology anchored through 14C dating of pollen concentrates and the well-dated ‘S1’ cryptotephra. Our results show that slightly wetter conditions started at Tayma at ca. 9300 yrs BP. The highest moisture availability was only achieved during a ca. 600 years lasting deep-lake phase from ca. 8500 to 7900 yrs BP, when varves formed in the lake. This implies that the EHHP was comparably short in northern Arabia. Furthermore, we found a complex regional hydrological pattern during the EHHP on centennial time-scales, which we discuss with respect to alternative moisture sources and mechanisms that led to the observed hydroclimatic signature at Tayma. This study is a contribution to the research project “CLEAR – Holocene Climatic Events of Northern Ara- bia” (
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Article Reference The EASIN Editorial Board: quality assurance, exchange and sharing of alien species information in Europe
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference The Ecology and Feeding Habits of the Arboreal Trap-Jawed Ant Daceton armigerum
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications