Speleothem science - A short review and state of the art - in press
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RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Sphaeroptica: A tool for pseudo-3D visualization and 3D measurements on arthropods
Natural history collections are invaluable reference collections. Digitizing these collections is a transformative process that improves the accessibility, preservation, and exploitation of specimens and associated data in the long term. Arthropods make up the majority of zoological collections. However, arthropods are small, have detailed color textures and share small, complex and shiny structures, which poses a challenge to conventional digitization methods. Sphaeroptica is a multi-images viewer that uses a sphere of oriented images. It allows the visualization of insects including their tiniest features, the positioning of landmarks, and the extraction of 3D coordinates for measuring linear distances or for use in geometric morphometrics analysis. The quantitative comparisons show that the measures obtained with Sphaeroptica are similar to the measurements derived from 3D μCT models with an average difference inferior to 1\%, while featuring the high resolution of color stacked pictures with all details like setae, chaetae, scales, and other small and/or complex structures. Shaeroptica was developed for the digitization of small arthropods but it can be used with any sphere of aligned images resulting from the digitization of objects or specimens with complex surface and shining, black, or translucent texture which cannot easily be digitized using structured light scanner or Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024 OA
Sphaeroptica: A tool for pseudo-3D visualization and 3D measurements on arthropods
Natural history collections are invaluable reference collections. Digitizing these collections is a transformative process that improves the accessibility, preservation, and exploitation of specimens and associated data in the long term. Arthropods make up the majority of zoolog- ical collections. However, arthropods are small, have detailed color textures and share small, complex and shiny structures, which poses a challenge to conventional digitization methods. Sphaeroptica is a multi-images viewer that uses a sphere of oriented images. It allows the visualization of insects including their tiniest features, the positioning of land- marks, and the extraction of 3D coordinates for measuring linear distances or for use in geo- metric morphometrics analysis. The quantitative comparisons show that the measures obtained with Sphaeroptica are similar to the measurements derived from 3D μCT models with an average difference inferior to 1%, while featuring the high resolution of color stacked pictures with all details like setae, chaetae, scales, and other small and/or complex struc- tures. Shaeroptica was developed for the digitization of small arthropods but it can be used with any sphere of aligned images resulting from the digitization of objects or specimens with complex surface and shining, black, or translucent texture which cannot easily be digi- tized using structured light scanner or Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Spider Stowaways: molecular Data Support the Synonymization of Selenops galapagoensis with Selenops mexicanus (Araneae: Selenopidae) and Indicate Human-Mediated Introduction to the Galapagos Islands
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RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Spinnen en loopkevers ingezameld tijdens een korte bodemvalbemonstering te Doeveren (Zedelgem‐Oostkamp)
Spiders and carabid beetles were collected with pitfall traps during a short sampling campaign in the spring of 2017 (from 24/05 to 11/07) in the nature reserve Doeveren at Zedelgem‐Oostkamp. 49 species of spiders and 34 species of carabid beetles were found. We here discuss some particular species of both arthropod groups that are mentioned as threatened on the Red list for Flanders. We comment the management and heathland restoration measures of the last years and its impact on both faunas
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RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Spring Water Geochemistry: A Geothermal Exploration Tool in the Rhenohercynian Fold-and-Thrust Belt in Belgium
Spring water geochemistry is applied here to evaluate the geothermal potential in Rhenohercynian fold and thrust belt around the deepest borehole in Belgium (Havelange borehole:5648 m MD). Fifty springs and (few) wells around Havelange borehole were chosen according to a multicriteria approach including the hydrothermal source of “Chaudfontaine” (T =~ 36 °C) taken as a reference for the area. The waters sampled, except Chaudfontaine present an in-situ T range of 3.66–14.04 °C (mean 9.83 °C) and a TDS (dry residue) salinity range of 46–498 mg/L. The processing methods applied to the results are: hierarchical clustering, Piper and Stiff diagrams, TIS, heat map, boxplots, and geothermometry. Seven clusters are found and allow us to define three main water types. The first type, locally called “pouhon”, is rich in Fe and Mn. The second type contains an interesting concentration of the geothermal indicators: Li, Sr, Rb. Chaudfontaine and Moressée (=~5 km East from the borehole) belong to this group. This last locality is identified as a geothermal target for further investigations. The third group represents superficial waters with frequently high NO3 concentration. The application of conventional geothermometers in this context indicates very different reservoir temperatures. The field of applications of these geothermometers need to be review in these geological conditions.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2021 OA
Srilankamyia - a new dolichopodine genus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae).
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RBINS Staff Publications
Stable isotope evidence for late medieval (14th-15th C) origins of the eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) fishery
Although recent historical ecology studies have extended quantitative knowledge of eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)exploitation back as far as the 16th century, the historical origin of the modern fishery remains obscure. Widespreadarchaeological evidence for cod consumption around the eastern Baltic littoral emerges around the 13th century, threecenturies before systematic documentation, but it is not clear whether this represents (1) development of a substantialeastern Baltic cod fishery, or (2) large-scale importation of preserved cod from elsewhere. To distinguish between thesehypotheses we use stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis to determine likely catch regions of 74 cod vertebrae andcleithra from 19 Baltic archaeological sites dated from the 8th to the 16th centuries.d13C and d15N signatures for six possiblecatch regions were established using a larger sample of archaeological cod cranial bones (n=249). The data stronglysupport the second hypothesis, revealing widespread importation of cod during the 13th to 14th centuries, most of itprobably from Arctic Norway. By the 15th century, however, eastern Baltic cod dominate within our sample, indicating thedevelopment of a substantial late medieval fishery. Potential human impact on cod stocks in the eastern Baltic must thus betaken into account for at least the last 600 years
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RBINS Staff Publications
Stable isotopes reveal agricultural practices in the Swifterbant period
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Stable isotopes reveal patterns of diet and mobility in the last Neandertals and first modern humans in Europe
Correlating cultural, technological and ecological aspects of both Upper Pleistocene modern humans (UPMHs) and Neandertals provides a useful approach for achieving robust predictions about what makes us human. Here we present ecological information for a period of special relevance in human evolution, the time of replacement of Neandertals by modern humans during the Late Pleistocene in Europe. Using the stable isotopic approach, we shed light on aspects of diet and mobility of the late Neandertals and UPMHs from the cave sites of the Troisième caverne of Goyet and Spy in Belgium. We demonstrate that their diet was essentially similar, relying on the same terrestrial herbivores, whereas mobility strategies indicate considerable differences between Neandertal groups, as well as in comparison to UPMHs. Our results indicate that UPMHs exploited their environment to a greater extent than Neandertals and support the hypothesis that UPMHs had a substantial impact not only on the population dynamics of large mammals but also on the whole structure of the ecosystem since their initial arrival in Europe.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2019