A new artiodactyl of moderate size, Rajouria gunnelli nov. gen., nov. sp., is described on the basis of several dentaries, maxillae and isolated teeth from the middle Eocene Subathu Group of the Kalakot area, Rajouri District, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Despite its general resemblance with the family Dichobunidae by the retention of a paraconid on m1-2 and a simple P4 where endocristids do not form an anterior loph, this taxon shares with Raoellidae two unambiguous characters: the presence of a hypoconid on p4, and an asymmetrical P4. The phylogenetic position of the new taxon within the Cetacea–Raoellidae clade is strongly supported by seven non ambiguous synapomorphies, among which a cristid obliqua on lower molars anteriorly pointing towards the postectoprotocristid, and a P3 with only two roots. The presence of a new basal raoellid in the middle Eocene Subathu Group sheds new light on the phylogeny and paleobiogeography of raoellid artiodactyls.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2021