Author summary One of the main causes of zoonotic related human morbidity and mortality is the transmission of arthropod-borne viruses such as dengue virus, Yellow Fever virus, and chikungunya virus. These viruses cannot only infect humans but also livestock, pets, and wildlife, though our understanding of their non-human hosts remains limited. Rodents are thought to be an important host for these viruses because they can be abundant, often live near humans, and some are already known to be viral hosts. However, research has focused mostly on non-human primates, neglecting other potential wild hosts. To address this gap, we have developed a high-throughput antibody test to screen rodent blood against 15 different arboviruses. Our findings reveal that Mastomys natalensis, a common African rodent species, carries antibodies that (cross-)react against these viruses. We hypothesize that immunologically naïve juveniles may drive transmission, particularly during population outbreaks. These outbreaks coincide with environmental conditions that are favorable for mosquitoes, thus increasing the risk of spillover to humans, livestock, and wildlife. Understanding the role of rodents in arbovirus transmission dynamics is crucial for mitigating zoonotic disease risks.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Bioerosional marks are frequently recognized as indicators of the dynamic interactions between the organisms and their surrounding environments. In the fossil record, these structures are frequently manifest in the skeletal remains of vertebrates, being commonly associated to predation activity, scavenging, or post-mortem degradation processes. In the case of the turtles, their shells offer a distinctive substrate, exposed for the development of bioerosional processes throughout the organism life, unlike other vertebrate osseous structures. These bioerosions can indicate the type of habitat in which the turtles live, their behavioral patterns, and even their state of health. Sea turtles, as other marine vertebrates, have been extensively studied in the realms of the biology, evolution, and conservation. However, relatively scarce information is available regarding the pathologies and infectious diseases affecting their shells, especially when extinct taxa are analyzed. The aim of this study is to analyze the diverse types of bioerosional marks on the shells of two sea turtle individuals, attributable to taxa, from the Lutetian (middle Eocene) of Belgium. One of them corresponds to the shell of the holotype of Eochelone brabantica (IRSNB R 0001). Its carapace exhibits multiple erosive anomalies on several costal plates. The second specimen is a carapace of Puppigerus camperi (IRSNB R 0004). It displays different typologies of shell deviations, also of erosive character. The analyses of these specimens have been performed through both the detailed macroscopic examination and the study of the cross-sectional images provided by CT scanning in the case of Eochelone brabantica, and a 3D model obtained through a surface scanner for Puppigerus camperi. As a result, insights into the shell modifications of these two turtle individuals induced by various external agents have been provided, enhancing our understanding of the physical stressors affecting these organisms in ancient marine environments and the organisms responsible for these changes.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2025