Sheep was one of the first domesticated animals in Neolithic West Eurasia. The zooarchaeological record suggests that domestication first took place in Southwest Asia, although much remains unresolved about the precise location(s) and timing(s) of earliest domestication, or the post-domestication history of sheep. Here, we present 24 new partial sheep paleogenomes, including a 13,000-year-old Epipaleolithic Central Anatolian wild sheep, as well as 14 domestic sheep from Neolithic Anatolia, two from Neolithic Iran, two from Neolithic Iberia, three from Neolithic France, and one each from Late Neolithic/Bronze Age Baltic and South Russia, in addition to five present-day Central Anatolian Mouflons and two present-day Cyprian Mouflons. We find that Neolithic European, as well as domestic sheep breeds, are genetically closer to the Anatolian Epipaleolithic sheep and the present-day Anatolian and Cyprian Mouflon than to the Iranian Mouflon. This supports a Central Anatolian source for domestication, presenting strong evidence for a domestication event in SW Asia outside the Fertile Crescent, although we cannot rule out multiple domestication events also within the Neolithic Fertile Crescent. We further find evidence for multiple admixture and replacement events, including one that parallels the Pontic Steppe-related ancestry expansion in Europe, as well as a post-Bronze Age event that appears to have further spread Asia-related alleles across global sheep breeds. Our findings mark the dynamism of past domestic sheep populations in their potential for dispersal and admixture, sometimes being paralleled by their shepherds and in other cases not.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023
We redescribe the type material of Phyllodactylus siamensis Boulenger, 1899, type species of the Southeast Asian gekkonid genus Dixonius Bauer, Good & Branch, 1997, using external morphology and cranial osteology (by Micro-Computed Tomography, µ-CT). There is some evidence that the type series contains more than one species; we hence designate a lectotype in order to stabilize nomenclature and provide more precision on the geographical location of the type locality. Because the current concept of Dixonius siamensis auctorum is incomplete and composite, we provide a revised diagnosis based on the presently designated lectotype and a paralectotype from the same locality, as well as observations on new material from the type locality and the first photographs of live topotypical individuals. We regard Dixonius siamensis as probably geographically restricted to the Dong Phaya Yen mountain range in central Thailand, and the numerous published mentions of this species from outside this range likely refer to other or undescribed taxa. We treat Phyllodactylus burmanicus Annandale, 1905 from Tavoy, southern Myanmar, as a valid species, as Dixonius burmanicus comb. nov.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024