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Inproceedings Reference Geotouristic initiatives in the province of Limburg: information stimulates awareness of geological heritage
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference Gestion de la Pendjari: identification des perspectives des différentes parties prenantes par la Q methodology. Pendjari EVAMAB workshop, Sept. 2018
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
A l’occasion des fouilles préventives réalisées sur le site de la ZAC Avaricum à Bourges, une approche géoarchéologique a été développée en parallèle des études stratigraphiques et mobilières traditionnelles. Localisé à l’intérieur de l’enceinte médiévale, le site correspond à une large fenêtre d’1,2 ha ouverte au bas du versant septentrional de l’éperon calcaire, dans une zone humide traversée par un cours d’eau, l’Yévrette. Cette rivière, probablement canalisée à la fin du haut Moyen Age, polarise un quartier d’habitat qui se densifie à partir de la fin du 12e s. Le 13e s. est marqué par l’intensification des activités artisanales, attirées par la rivière. Dans ce contexte, un moulin est aménagé en 1180 dans le cours de la rivière. La fonction de cette imposante structure hydraulique, rare exemple attesté en France en milieu urbain, pourrait être en lien avec les officines de tannerie (plains utilisant la chaux et la cendre, autres cuves utilisant des agents tannants) déjà en activité au milieu du 12e s. en berges nord et sud de la rivière (moulin à tan ? à foulons ?). Le cuir ainsi obtenu est alors utilisé sur place par les cordonniers dont les dépotoirs, découverts partiellement dans l’Yévrette (chutes de découpe, objets en cours de réparation, outils), montrent qu’ils ont réparé et produit des chaussures durant tout le 13e siècle. En parallèle, des épandages massifs d’ossements (mandibules et bas de pattes de bœuf), dans des cours ou des fonds de parcelle, attestent le traitement intensif de carcasses animales pour l’extraction de graisse, de peaux et de corne, qui entrent dans la chaîne opératoire de la tannerie, de la corroierie, peut-être de la chamoiserie et de la cornaterie. La démarche interdisciplinaire, associant micromorphologie, analyses chimiques, archéozoologie, microarchéologie, carpologie, palynologie et paléoparasitologie, a permis de mettre en évidence la spatialisation des activités artisanales à travers la nature, la distribution et l’agencement des rejets (rejets spécialisés ou mixtes, en fosses ou sous formes d’épandages, parfois réutilisés comme remblais pour la voirie et pour certains correspondant à des dépotoirs collectifs). L’impact des activités artisanales, centrées principalement autour de la tannerie et du traitement des matières animales, se traduit par une contamination des sols sous la forme de produits minéraux et organiques (ossements, jus de décomposition, pépins de raisin, cendres et chaux …). Au début du 14e s., la disparition des activités artisanales polluantes se double d’une reconstruction quasi intégrale du quartier, précédée d’une importante campagne de remblais d’exhaussement : l’habitat se densifie, se réorganise sur une trame redevenue stricte de parcelles laniérées, avec la systématisation des boutiques en façade de rue et les zones de jardins et de rejets domestiques sont reportées encore plus au nord. Plus que de simples initiatives privées, ces modifications témoignent peut-être d’une politique d’urbanisme repensant la salubrité des lieux, en même temps qu’une réorientation, davantage commerciale, du quartier.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference Get off on the right foot. The importance of initial steps in NGS data analysis
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference Getting more out of the marine equipment budget by applying open source technology
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Inproceedings Reference Graphic correlation of the upper Eifelian to lower Frasnian (Middle–Upper Devonian) conodont sequences in the Spanish Central Pyrenees.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Proceedings Reference Grey monazite paleoplacers in Lower Cretaceous continental formations in the Mons Basin, Belgium.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference Grey seals Halichoerus grypus choking on common sole Solea solea
Between 2007 and 2015, we recorded three cases of asphyxiation of grey seals Halichoerus grypus caused by a fish lodged in the respiratory tract. In all cases, the fish involved was a common sole Solea solea, which had found its way to the trachea of the unfortunate seal, as such completely blocking it. That this fish species was involved, is not surprising: it has a very agile body, with a spectacular ability to bend longitudinally into a circular shape, as well as laterally into the form of a cigar - the way it was found in the gluttonous grey seals. The common sole currently occurs abundantly in coastal waters of the southern North Sea, and it constitutes an important part of the diet of grey seals in this area. Asphyxiation due to fish has been described in odontocetes, including in harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena, bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus, and very recently in long-finned pilot whale Globicephala melas. To our knowledge however, this cause of death has not been described before in grey seals. Furthermore, the significance of this cause of mortality in a single population has not been documented, with in particular aspects of prey abundance, seal behaviour and the limited number of stranded adult grey seals that are being investigated to be considered. Keywords: grey seal; Halichoerus grypus; common sole; Solea solea; asphyxiation; respiratory tract
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Proceedings Reference Grey seals predating on harbour porpoises: a recent and spreading phenomenon? 27th Conference of the European cetacean society: Interdisciplinary approaches in the study of marine mammals.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference Ground Deformations Observed for Three Decades (1992-2022) above Old and Deep Coal Mines Reused for Deep Gas Storage Sites (Wallonia, Belgium) using PS-InSAR Time-series.
The coal mining exploitations in Wallonia was gradually phased out till the end of the last century. Groundwater pumping was ceased, implying a groundwater rebound at varying rates that can still be observed by radar interferometry. The sustainability of architectural and technical facilities within those zones must be monitored to reduce environmental concerns during the post-mining phase and their reuse as gas storage reservoir locations. PS-InSAR approach has shown land surface deformations during three decades in a large area (96 km²) covering the cities from Binche to Anderlues (Wallonia, Belgium). Two coal mines are concerned: (i) to the West, the Ressaix-Mariemont-La Louvière concession where a small part was used as the Peronnes Gas Storage (PGS) reservoir; (ii) to the East, the Bois de la Haye concession where about half of the area has been used as the Anderlues Gas Storage (AGS) reservoir. To maintain the PGS reservoir dry, a private company has maintained groundwater pumping activities till 1998 with a dewatering rate of 40 m³/h. After 1998, the water levels raised from 8 m/yr at the beginning to 2.5 m/yr around 2010. The gas storage reservoir of Anderlues is known to be relatively dry. Using a multi-sensor radar dataset including radar images acquired by the European Space Agency’s satellites of ERS1/2, ENVISAT ASAR, and Sentinel-1A, 236 interferograms were constructed. Ground displacements are mapped and subdivided into three successive time intervals showing: (1) during ERS1/2 (1991-2000), a gradient from positive annual average velocities (West) to negative ones (East) across the PGS site and mostly negative values (-0.5 to -3.0 mm/yr) above the AGS site; (2) during ENVISAT ASAR (2003-2010), the positive LOS velocities (0.5 to 2.89 mm/yr) are present along an NW-SE ellipsoid across PGS leaving only negative LOS values in the NW corner while negative LOS velocities were also recorded along the Binche city (-0.5 to -2 mm/yr). During the same period, the AGS is facing negative LOS velocity values and extending to the south as well; (3) during Sentinel-1A (2015-2022), almost all the PGS is affected by positive annual LOS velocities (0.5 to about 4-5 mm/yr) even extending towards the north outside the limits of PGS. AGS is still affected by negative LOS values in the middle and SE parts. Ground displacements measured at the surface of old coal mine concessions and recent gas storage sites allow following the impact of the use of the subsurface through time.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022 OA