Un manuel de terrain pour standardiser les prélèvements des restes biologiques : une nécessité ou un luxe ? trois années d’expérience belge
Sur un chantier de fouille, l’archéologue est très fréquemment confronté à des vestiges organiques, ou biorestes. Qu’ils soient visibles ou invisibles, rares ou abondants, ils sont souvent source de questionnements : que prélever ? Où, comment et en quelle quantité ? Quelles sont les conditions de stockage idéales ¬? Quelle est la marche à suivre pour tamiser les sédiments ? Confrontés à des prélèvements très disparates, souvent à vue, ou sans réelle question de recherche ainsi qu’à des méthodologies d’extraction très différentes, l’équipe d’archéosciences de l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique a décidé de rédiger un ouvrage visant à répondre aux questions des archéologues et à standardiser les processus d’échantillonnage afin de pouvoir disposer d’un matériel d’étude pertinent et cohérent. Nous mentionnerons les problématiques qui ont concouru à la genèse de ce manuel par quelques exemples de terrain, parcourrons rapidement ce qu'il propose et ce qu'il n'aborde pas et ferons un bilan de son impact auprès des archéologues quelques années après sa première parution fin 2016.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Un nouveau chiroptère archaeonycteridé dans l’Eocène inférieur du Sud de la France
Les recherches récentes sur les premières chauves-souris ont montré que la diversification des chiroptères a démarrée relativement tôt dans l’Eocène inférieur. La diversité était la plus éle-vée en Europe et en Inde et était composée des familles Onychonycteridae, Icaronycteridae, Archaeonycteridae, Palaeochiropterygidae et Hassianycteridae. Cependant, en Europe, les plus anciennes espèces n’ont été décrites que du nord de l’Europe à l’exception d’Archaeonycteris? praecursor de l’Eocène inférieur de Silveirinha (MP7, Portugal) connu à partir d’une seule dent. Dans cette étude nous présentons un nouveau chiroptère du gisement de La Borie (MP8+9, Saint-Papoul, Aude). Il s’agit ici de la première espèce de l’Eocène infé-rieur du sud de l’Europe identifiée à partir d’une dentition relativement complète: environ 40 dents isolées et fragments de dentaires. Les dents sont nyctalodontes et présentent les carac-tères suivants: canines de taille modérée; p4 de taille moyenne avec un métaconide bien déve-loppé; m1-2 larges avec un hypoconulide très lingual et un entoconide élevé; P4 de taille moyenne; M1-2 avec un ectoflexus profond, un paraconule faible, un métaconule faible à ab-sent et une centrocrista ne rejoignant pas le bord labial; m3/M3 plus petites que m1-2/M1-2. Ces caractères indiquent que cette espèce appartient aux archaeonycteridés et est proche du genre Archaeonycteris. Elle diffère de l’espèce-type Archaeonycteris trigonodon de l’Eocène moyen de Messel (MP11, Allemagne), d’A. brailloni de l’Eocène inférieur de Mutigny et Avenay (MP8+9, France) et de Protonycteris gunnelli de l’Eocène inférieur de Vastan (Guja-rat, Inde) par sa taille environ 25 % plus petite. Elle est similaire en taille à Archaeonycteris? praecursor, A? storchi de Vastan et au nouvel archaeonycteridé de Meudon (MP7, France). Elle diffère de A? storchi par une p4 plus petite et un dentaire moins élevé et de l’espèce de Meudon par un hypoconulide plus lingual, un entoconide plus élevé et la postcristide plus longue. En fait, l’espèce de La Borie est très similaire à A? praecursor par la m2 présentant un entoconide haut et une postcristide longue; la différence principale étant l’hypoconulide qui est un peu plus lingual. Ce dernier caractère suggère une dilambdodontie plus avancée que chez A? praecursor, ce qui est en accord avec l’âge des deux localités. Les deux espèces sem-blent appartenir à la même lignée évolutive qui serait restreinte géographiquement au sud de l’Europe. A côté de cette espèce abondante, deux autres chiroptères sont présents à La Borie. Le premier, représenté par une seule M1 portant un hypocone, appartient vraisemblablement à un icaronycteridé. Le second, représenté par une M1 et une M2 de petite taille pourrait appar-tenir à un palaeochiropterygidé primitif. Ce résumé est une contribution au projet BR/121/A3/PalEurAfrica financé par la Politique Scientifique Belge.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2017
Uncertainties associated with long-term observations of suspended particulated matter concentration using optical and acoustic sensors.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018
Uncovering the diversity and evolutionary histories of viruses from archived specimens from the Afrotropics
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RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Understanding pre- and protohistoric settlement and land-use systems in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) through palaeoenvironment and climate change reconstructions: Pollen and NPP records
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RBINS Staff Publications
Understanding prehistoric settlement and land-use systems in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) since the last 15000 years: the high resolution palaeoenvironmental multiproxy records of the Moervaart area.
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RBINS Staff Publications
Understanding Prehistoric settlement dynamics, farming systems and mining activities in Wallonia (SE Belgium): Pollen and Non-Pollen Palynomorphs records from two Neolithic sites
The study presented in this contribution is part of a new multidisciplinary research program undertaken by the “Service Public de Wallonie” since 2011 on archaeological sites uncovered in the Walloon region (SE Belgium). Indeed, very few archaeoenvironmental studies have been done in this area, especially in archaeobotany, and none of them was employed in combination. Up to now, most of the studies have been concentrated on the Neolithic period which is thus the best documented so far. In this context, we analysed pollen and NPPs from two Neolithic sites of primary importance for the understanding of the first sedentary occupations and/or their specific activities. Our data represent the first NPPs records in Wallonia. The first site (Fehxe-le-Haut-Cloché) is an Early Neolithic village (Belgian LBK) situated on the Belgian High Speed Train path Brussels-Liege. It is characterized by outlying houses which are older than the rest of the village’s houses located within an enclosure. Pottery style, techno-functional aspects of flint-tools and AMS C14 dating attest that these isolated houses may be considered as pioneer installations. Pollen and NPPs analyses are based on 35 samples coming from 18 pits and ditches linked to 8 houses belonging to both pioneer and secondary phases. The second site (Spiennes), located in the outskirts of Mons, is well known for its Middle-Late Neolithic flint mines which are listed on the UNESCO World heritage Sites since 2000. The men who started to dig mines in Spiennes had just discovered a profuse deposit of quality, which was to be exploited for more than 1 800 years. In total, around one hundred hectares were to be exploited and thousands of shafts were to be bored. Pollen and NPPs samples (48) have been retrieved from exploited flint layers, extraction shafts infillings and flint knapping workshops of 12 structures scattered on 3 different parcels of the exploitation. The purposes of this study are (i) to reconstruct the vegetation around each site and its evolution between the different occupation phases by means of pollen and NPPs analyses, (ii) to try to characterize local settlement dynamics, nature and function of different structure types, and specialized activities such as animal husbandry, cultures, waste management or mining, and (iii) to compare the pollen and NPPs results with those of the other palaeoenvironmental analyses undertaken (charcoal, seeds and fruit, phytoliths, archaeozoology). Questions relating to the economy and organisation of Neolithic society are also considered.
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RBINS Staff Publications
Understanding prehistoric settlement and land-use systems in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) since the last 15000 years: the high-resolution palaeoenvironmental multiproxy records of the Moervaart area
After three decades of intense archaeological prospection in Sandy Flanders, detailed archaeological distribution maps have been produced, showing a distinct pattern regarding the temporal and spatial distribution of the archaeological sites. In order to explain the observed changes in site location an inter-disciplinary project 'Prehistoric settlement and land-use systems in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium): a diachronic and geoarchaeological approach' has been undertaken. The starting point is that, besides human factors, environmental conditions may have influenced settlement conditions through time, and our research aims thus at analyzing the occupational history of the area in terms of environmental potentials. Indeed, since the Late Pleniglacial the landscape in this area was subjected to major changes due to abrupt climatic fluctuations, and numerous, generally small but elongated sand dunes and shallow lakes were formed, which may have played a role in the settlement dynamics. Palaeoecological (pollen and NPPs, plant macroremains, charcoal, diatoms, ostracods, molluscs, beetles, chironomids) and sedimentological (water content, LOI, magnetic susceptibility, gamma-density, granulometry) analyses are ongoing to reconstruct local and regional past environments and climate change at high resolution during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene. This contribution presents the first palaeoenvironmental results obtained for three sedimentary sequences collected in the Moervaart area, first densely inhabited and then deserted, where a trench and 15 mechanical corings have been made at five different locations along a N-S transect: from a deksandridge to a palaeochannel crossing a shallow but large palaeolake, through the deepest part of the depression. They provide new insights in the palaeolandscape evolution of this area, and may allow us to evaluate in detail how and to which degree this evolution determined the prehistoric occupation and exploitation within Sandy Flanders.
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No RBINS Staff publications
Understanding the biodiversity and evolutionary history of the amphipod genus Eusirus in the Southern Ocean
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RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Understanding the Earth for the people that inhabit it: Belgian and Flemish institutes joining hands in the framework of GeoERA
Societies rely on a secure, responsible and affordable supply of resources to meet their basic needs, in order to live life in a safe and healthy environment. The natural resources from the subsurface, i.e. groundwater, geo-energy and raw materials, represent essential elements in this provision. Safety from catastrophic events, such as those linked to earthquakes, or continuous ones, such as subsidence, can be improved by understanding the causes, frequency or rates of processes, and their impacts. These applied goals require a correct and intimate understanding of the regional geology. While geological surveys and other organisations working on the subsurface were initially very much focussed on national supply of resources, issues such as environmental consequences have increasingly come to the forefront. Europe has now become the relevant scale when considering import or export of raw materials. This results in an increasing pressure to place regional knowledge in a cross-border or pan-European context. To support cross-border, thematic research, the European Commission issued a call for an ERA-NET to which a consortium of 33 national and 15 regional organisations responded. An ERA-NET is a project that internally organises a competitive call for projects. In 2017, GeoERA officially started. After an internal call for project proposals, 15 projects were approved that receive about 30% top-up funding under H2020. The remainder of the resources comes from different sources of funding, totalling the budget to 30.3 M€. Projects are funded under the themes Geo-Energy, Raw Materials, and Ground Water. A fourth theme, Data Infrastructure, will realise the shared ambition of all projects to jointly store and publish their data on-line as an extension of country specific databases (e.g. DOV, Gisel). The starting date of the GeoERA research projects granted funding is 1 July 2018, and the projects will run for three years. Belgian and Flemish institutes involved are: the Geological Survey of Belgium (GSB), the Bureau for Environment and Spatial Development – Flanders (VPO), the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) and the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN). Although not involved as official partner, the Geological Survey of Wallonia supports the initiative by means of data provision. The GSB is involved in seven projects, VITO, as linked third partyof VPO in two projects, VPO itself in one project, and VMM in three projects of which two will be elaborated in close cooperation with SCK-CEN, the linked third party of VMM. Together with VPO-VITO, the GSB is coordinator of GeoConnect³d, a strongly crossthematic Geo-Energy project that aims to disclose geological information for policy support and subsurface management. Other funded Geo-Energy projects in which the GSB is involved are MUSE, a project on shallow geothermal energy in European urban areas, and HIKE, on induced hazards and impacts related to the exploitation of subsurface resources throughout Europe. Under the theme Raw Materials the GSB participates in Mintell4EU, which aims to improve the European knowledge base on raw materials, as well as in FRAME, that is designed to research the critical and strategic raw materials in Europe. For groundwater the GSBeis directly involved in the HOVER project, mainly on data collection related to natural springs. VMM is also involved in HOVER, but in a work package on the distinction between anthropogenic and geogenic causes of groundwater contamination (especially how to deal with it in groundwater policy and management) with substances like arsenic. Moreover, VMM is, together with SCK-CEN, participating and leading a work package in two other Ground Water projects, namely VoGERA on investigating the vulnerability of shallow groundwater resources to deep subsurface energy-related activities, and RESOURces about harmonization of information about Europe’s groundwater resources through cross-border demonstration projects. Finally, the GIP-P project, where the GSB is work package leader, will establish a common platform for organising, disseminating and sustaining the digital results of the GeoERA projects. GeoERA is more than the occasional H2020 project. The combined efforts by the Belgian and Flemish institutes to engage in 10 different projects is a cooperative approach, with clear ambitions to demonstrate how cross-thematic research links can be set-up by different institutes, and how these can provide fruitful results for policy makers and other stakeholders. This is a notable effort in a project that is about establishing and demonstrating the added value of a European geological surveys research area, and finding how to optimally link regional, national and European efforts and interests. Acknowledgements This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731166
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RBINS Staff Publications 2018