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Inproceedings Reference Analysing CO2 capture, transport, and storage chain options for cement industry in the LEILAC2 project
In order to reach greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, atmospheric CO2 emissions from all industrial sectors need to be avoided. Globally, the cement production industry emits 2.4 Gt CO2 per year, or 7% of all CO2 emissions (IEA). While about a third of this could be reduced by using renewable energy sources, the remainder are process emissions from the calcination process. Lime or CaO is produced by heating limestone (CaCO3), emitting CO2. The Australian company Calix has developed a direct separation technology for capturing these process emissions; a pilot-scale installation is operational at the Lixhe cement plant in Belgium (Figure 1). The EU H2020-funded LEILAC2 project (Low Emission Intensity Lime and Cement 2: Demonstration Scale) upscaling and integrating a novel type of carbon capture technology. This technology aims to capture, at low cost, unavoidable process emissions from cement and lime plant. This large-scale capture plant will be installed at the Heidelberg Cement’s plant in Hannover, Germany, capturing 20% of a typical cement plant’s CO2 emission. Apart from the physical installation and operation of the capture unit, a business case will be developed for the downstream components of transport, use and geological storage for the captured CO2. In order to develop a business case, a very large number of options, combinations and scenarios for each these components need to be evaluated, taking into account the intricacies of for example dealing with geological data in economic calculations. The PSS suite of geo-techno-economic simulators has been developed by the Geological Survey of Belgium, specifically for creating forecasts on the deployment of CO2 capture and geological storage (CCS) technologies (Welkenhuysen et al., 2013). In PSS, investment decisions for the full CCS chain are simulated as a forecast in a non-deterministic way, considering uncertainty and flexibility. Especially for matching storage, these elements are essential. While capture in this demonstration project is a given, several scenarios will be analyzed: the current demo-scale, full-scale capture, and CO2-network integration. Due to its location, several CO2 transport options can be considered at the Hannover plant: from low-volume truck, railway or barge transport, up to ships and pipelines. Special attention is given to possible connections with ongoing and planned initiatives for infrastructure and hub development such as the Porthos project in the port of Rotterdam or the Northern Lights project offshore Norway. In the wider area around the capture location, North-Western Europe including the North Sea offshore area, there are many potential storage options available. Offshore storage options will be the primary targets for assessment, with many (nearly) depleted hydrocarbon fields and saline aquifers that are present in the southern North Sea. Storage aspects are treated as stochastic parameters, with for example storage capacity and injectivity of the reservoirs represented by probability density functions. In order to compare storage options, the degree of knowledge, uncertainty and economic and practical development feasibility of such a storage location needs to be assessed. An analysis of such storage classification systems is created by Tovar et al. (this conference). With the above-mentioned PSS method and CCS project development options, source-sink matching is performed to create forecasts on project and network development. Results will provide insight in the probability of preferred storage option development for steering exploration and development efforts, preferred transport modes and routes, the optimal timing of investments, and the influence of market parameters, such as the ETS price of CO2 emissions. Acknowledgments This research is carried out under the LEILAC2 project, which receives funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement number 884170. The LEILAC2 consortium consists of: Calix Europe SARL, HeidelbergCement AG, Ingenieurbüro Kühlerbau Neustad GmbH (IKN), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS-GSB), ENGIE Laborelec, Port of Rotterdam, Calix Limited, CIMPOR-Indústria de Cimentos SA and Lhoist Recherche et Development SA. References IEA, 2020. Energy Technology Perspectives 2020. Tovar, A., Piessens, K. & Welkenhuysen, K., this conference. Ranking CO2 storage capacities and identifying their technical, economic and regulatory constraints: A review of methods and screening criteria. Welkenhuysen K., Ramírez A., Swennen R. & Piessens K., 2013. Strategy for ranking potential CO2 storage reservoirs: A case study for Belgium. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 17, 431-449.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Booklet Reference Analysis of ancient DNA of a Medieval chess piece. Journées d'archéologie en Wallonie
Nous présentons les résultats de l'analyse de l'ADN ancien provenant d'un pion d'échecs en ivoire découvert dans une occupation médiévale lors de fouilles archéologiques au pied de l'Enjambée, à Jambes (Namur). Le léger endommagement de la pièce lors des fouilles nous a permis de prélever quelques fragments d'ivoire ne pouvant pas être recollés lors de la restauration. Les analyses ADN nous ont permis de vérifier qu'il s'agit bien d'ivoire d'éléphant et plus précisément, d'un éléphant provenant vraisemblablement de l'est ou du sud de l'Afrique. Nous reconstituons également le trajet le plus probable de l'ivoire en territoire africain.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Article Reference Ancient asexual scandals
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference Ancient asexuals and time frames
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference Ancient DNA and the dispersal of the domestic cat in Italy.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023
Inproceedings Reference Ancient DNA preservation in cat mummies from Egypt. Preservation of DNA in cat mummies from ancient Egypt
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Inproceedings Reference Angiostrongylus chabaudi natural infection in wild caufght gastropods
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA
Inproceedings Reference Animal consumption and herding practices during the early Middle Ages across the modern city of Huy (Belgium)
Since the 1990s, the modern town of Huy, located at the borders of the river Meuse (Liege province, Belgium), has undergone several preventive archaeological excavations in the context of urban development. Each of these excavations brought to light numerous traces of human activity, mainly from the mediaeval period. A publication project aims to bring together the numerous data collected over the last 30 years through this substantial fieldwork, which leads to close cooperation of many specialised disciplines, including archaeozoology. A major effort invested in the study of the ceramics made it possible to provide a fine chronological phasing allowing a more in-depth diachronic analysis. The rich archaeological material uncovered includes more than 50,000 animal remains, both collected by hand and by sieving. Although the fauna[ material collected ranges chronologically from the late Roman period to the early modern period, we will focus mainly on remains attributed to the Early and High Middle Ages, periods that are well represented. The sites analysed are scattered on both banks of the river, some of them are present close to the primitive core of the town, while others represent peripheral craft areas. The study of these different settlements makes it possible to illustrate the food practices and meat supply strategies since the redeployment of the core of human occupation in the early mediaeval period.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2022
Inproceedings Reference Animaux, plantes et société en Gaule romaine. Un bilan des recherches archéozoologiques et carpologiques sur la période romaine en Wallonie
L’objectif de cette communication est de dresser un bilan des recherches archéozoologique et carpologique menées sur les sites romains de Wallonie. L’exposé présentera tout d’abord l’inventaire des données archéozoologiques et carpologiques disponibles pour les différentes provinces de Wallonie. Cet inventaire sera discuté en fonction de la nature des sites, de leur chronologie, des méthodes de collecte des vestiges, du type d’information bioarchéologique disponible et des questions de recherche abordées. Les principaux apports à la connaissance de l’exploitation animale et végétale par l’homme, en Gaule romaine, seront ensuite illustrés par des études de cas. Au terme de ce bilan, nous formulerons des recommandations et proposerons une série de pistes à explorer pour les recherches futures.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Inproceedings Reference Ant differential response to nutrient addition in an Andean forest.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications