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Article Reference Molecular methods for the detection and identification of parasitoids within larval wheat midges
Three species of cecidomyiid midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) cause significant yield losses on wheat in Europe: Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin), Contarinia tritici (Kirby) and Haplodiplosis marginata (von Roser). Eggs and young larvae may be parasitised by a complex of hymenopteran parasitoids belonging to the Pteromalidae and Platygastridae families which contributes to natural pest control. We have developed molecular tools for detecting and identifying seven parasitoid species previously encountered in Belgium inside individual wheat midge larvae. Barcode DNA sequences from COI, 18S and 28S genes were obtained from the midges and parasitoid species. Each of the three genes allowed all the species to be distinguished although 18S was the only one displaying a barcoding gap, both between parasitoids and midges, and at the species level. Based on the 18S gene, we developed a TaqMan assay to assess parasitism in midge larvae, regardless of the midge and parasitoid species. Next, two group-specific PCR primer pairs were generated, allowing the separate amplification of midge DNA or parasitoid DNA in parasitised individuals and subsequent identification by Sanger sequencing. Finally, species-specific primers were designed to identify six parasitoid species by simple PCR amplification. These tools were successfully applied to assess the parasitism rate of S. mosellana larvae in seven Belgian fields.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Neanderthal exploitation of birds in north-western Europe: Avian remains from Scladina Cave (Belgium)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference High water temperature significantly influences swimming performance of New Zealand migratory species
Anthropogenic structures in freshwater systems pose a significant threat by fragmenting habitats. Effective fish passage solutions must consider how environmental changes introduce variability into swimming performance. As temperature is considered the most important external factor influencing fish physiology, it is especially important to consider its effects on fish swimming performance. Even minor alterations in water properties, such as temperature and velocity, can profoundly affect fish metabolic demands, foraging behaviours, fitness and, consequently, swimming performance and passage success. In this study, we investigated the impact of varying water temperatures on the critical swimming speeds of four migratory New Zealand species. Our findings revealed a significant reduction in critical swimming speeds at higher water temperatures (26°C) compared to lower ones (8 and 15°C) for three out of four species (Galaxias maculatus, Galaxias brevipinnis and Gobiomorphus cotidianus). In contrast, Galaxias fasciatus exhibited no significant temperature-related changes in swimming performance, suggesting species-specific responses to temperature. The cold temperature treatment did not impact swimming performance for any of the studied species. As high water temperatures significantly reduce fish swimming performance, it is important to ensure that fish passage solutions are designed to accommodate a range of temperature changes, including spatial and temporal changes, ranging from diel to decadal fluctuations. Our research underscores the importance of incorporating temperature effects into fish passage models for habitat restoration, connectivity initiatives, and freshwater fish conservation. The influence of temperature on fish swimming performance can alter migration patterns and population dynamics, highlighting the need for adaptive conservation strategies. To ensure the resilience of freshwater ecosystems it is important to account for the impact of temperature on fish swimming performance, particularly in the context of a changing climate.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Recent non-marine ostracods (Crustacea) from New Caledonia (Melanesia, Pacific Ocean)
The New Caledonian Archipelago is a hot spot for biodiversity and endemism. Here, we report on new records of nine species from localities on the main island, Grande Terre, and illustrate these: Ilyodromus viridulus (Brady, 1886), Stenocypris hislopi Ferguson, 1969, S. macedonica Petkovski & Meisch, 1996¸ S. malayica Victor & Fernando, 1981, Bradleytriebella lineata (Victor & Fernando, 1981), Hemicypris pyxidata (Moniez, 1892), Heterocypris incongruens (Ramdohr, 1808), Cypridopis vidua (O.F. Müller, 1776) and Limnocythere stationis Vávra, 1891. We also provide redescriptions and illustrations of the valves and carapace of Stenocypris marginata Daday, 1910 sensu Méhes, 1939, Cypris granulata Daday, 1898 and Kennethia major (Méhes, 1939); for the latter species also including some soft parts. Therefore, twenty two certain species have thus far been reported from the New Caledonian Archipelago. The status of seven uncertain species is also discussed. Previous records of Stenocypris major (Baird, 1859) from Grande Terre, mainly by Méhes, are here considered to belong to S. hislopi. We propose to reject the presence of Cyprinotus cingalensis Brady, 1886 in New Caledonia and suggest to consider Cypridopsis sarasini Méhes, 1939 as an “uncertain species” (sensu Meisch et al. 2019). We also argue that Eucypris wolffhuegeli Méhes, 1914 might be a synonym of H. incongruens and suggest that Strandesia rouxi Méhes, 1939 might be considered a junior synonym of an existing species, pending further research.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Ergasilid copepods in Africa: first application of next-generation sequencing and update on distribution and phylogenetic position of Ergasilus kandti, a parasite of cichlid fishes
Ergasilidae are a family of globally distributed copepods parasitizing freshwater fishes. Despite their widespread occurrence, their phylogeographic patterns are poorly understood, specifically in the African Great Lakes. Here, we aim to provide an update on distribution of Ergasilus kandti, a copepod species infecting Tylochromis polylepis, an endemic cichlid fish species in Lake Tanganyika, and the phylogenetic relationship of African ergasilids. We present the first record of E. kandti parasitizing the gills of T. polylepis in Lake Tanganyika proper, identified through light microscopy and, for the first time for any ergasilid, confocal laser scanning microscopy. We suggest that this technique adds spatial context to characters and are hardly visible while using light microscopy. Phylogenetic analyses based on ribosomal DNA fragments suggest two monophyletic groups of African ergasilids. However, the phylogenetic relationships of Ergasilus remain unresolved, possibly because of the insufficient resolution of these widely used phylogenetic markers and low taxonomic coverage. A comparison of ergasilid mitochondrial genomes highlights traits found in other parasite lineages including genome shrinkage and low evolutionary rates of the cox1 gene. This study presents the most extensive molecular characterization of any ergasilid species to date.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Binkhorstiidae, a new family of crabs (Decapoda, Brachyura, Retroplumoidea) from the upper Cretaceous of the Netherlands and Belgium.
In addition to the type species, Binkhorstia ubaghsii, which is fairly common in the upper part of the Nekum Member (Maastricht Formation) in the wider vicinity of Maastricht (the Netherlands) and Binkhorstia euglypha, which appears to be restricted to the overlying Meerssen Member of the same formation (uppermost Maastrichtian), a third member, B. desaegheri nov. sp., is recorded from the upper middle Santonian of the Campine area in north-east Belgium. The history of Binkhorstia is convoluted, serving as a prime example of how attempts to unravel the higher-level taxonomic position of late Mesozoic crabs may prove difficult. Over time, the genus has been referred to various families or subfamilies, either podotreme or putative eubrachyuran; here the new family Binkhorstiidae is placed in the superfamily Retroplumoidea. Binkhorstiids appear to have been a relatively short-lived endemic group that fell victim to Cretaceous‒Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary perturbations.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Article Reference Amplified seasonality in western Europe in a warmer world
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Inproceedings Reference PSS V, a modular techno-economic simulation tool for deep subsurface uses
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Inproceedings Reference Building a regional telescoped model of the Campine Basin for subsurface management
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Inproceedings Reference Sustainability impact assessment of deep subsurface use in Flanders
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2024