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Article Reference 'Vertition' of integumental organs in mites revisited: a case of fluctuating asymmetry
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference (U-Th)/He Dating of Supergene Iron (Oxyhydr-)Oxides of the Nefza-Sejnane District (Tunisia): New Insights into Mineralization and Mammalian Biostratigraphy.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021
Article Reference ) The significance of palaeoecological indicators in reconstructing estuarine environments: A multi-proxy study of increased Middle Holocene tidal influence in the lower Scheldt river, N-Belgium
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Article Reference 2.7 First occurrence of Menoethius monoceros Latreille, 1825 in the Gulf of Tunis (Northern Tunisia) [pp. 243-244 in Siokou, I. et al. "New Mediterranean marine biodiversity records (June 2013)"]
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference 3D computational imaging of the petrosal of a new multituberculate mammal from the Late Cretaceous of China and its paleobiologic inferences
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference 3D geobody reconstruction and CO2-origin of Pleistocene travertine deposits in the Ballık area (SW Turkey)
The Denizli Basin in the West Anatolian Extensional Province in western Turkey is well-known for its numerous travertine occurrences. A combined sedimentological, diagenetic and geochemical investigation is executed on the Ece and Faber travertines of the Ballık area, the largest travertine site in the Denizli Basin. The first aim of this study is the reconstruction of a three-dimensional geo-model in combination with a detailed sedimentological description from fabric to lithotype, lithofacies and geobody scale, with a focus on integrating pore-typing. The second aim involves the delineation of the CO2-origin of ancient travertine precipitating waters. Peloidal, phyto and dendritic lithotypes dominate the studied travertines and honeycomb and bacteriform shapes and encrusted bacterial or fungal filaments related to their fabrics suggest a microbial influence. The environment of travertine precipitation evolved from dominantly sub-aqueous, as represented by the sub-horizontal and biostromal reed travertine facies, to dominantly sub-aerial in a thin water film, resulting in the cascade, waterfall and biohermal reed travertine facies. A general progradation of the travertine mound is indicated by the occurrence of stacked waterfall travertines. This results in sigmoidal clinoforms inside a general mound boundary configuration. Strontium and oxygen-carbon isotope signatures of the travertines point to a mixing mechanism of palaeofluids with deeply originated, heavy carbon CO2 with lighter carbon CO2 of shallow origin. These deposits can thus be considered as endogenic travertines. Carbonates of the Lycian Nappes acted as main parent carbon source rocks. The relative contribution of the lighter carbon isotopes is most likely to have originated from organic matter or soil CO2. This study provides a unique three-dimensional insight into the Ballık travertine architecture that potentially can be used as an analogue for subsurface travertine reservoirs worldwide and illustrates the importance of the combined use of δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr signatures in the delineation of the CO2-origin of travertine precipitating waters.
Located in Library / No RBINS Staff publications
Article Reference 3D reconstruction of fang replacement in the venomous snakes Dendroaspis jamesoni (Elapidae) and Bitis arietans (Viperidae)
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications
Article Reference 3D subsurface characterisation of the Belgian Continental Shelf: a new voxel modelling approach
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2019
Article Reference 13th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta, Brno, Czech Republic, 7–11 September, 2015
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2016
Article Reference 33 million year old Myotis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) and the rapid global radiation of modern bats
The bat genus Myotis is represented by 120+ living species and 40+ extinct species and is found on every continent except Antarctica. The time of divergence of Myotis has been contentious as has the time and place of origin of its encompassing group the Vespertilionidae, the most diverse (450+ species) and widely distributed extant bat family. Fossil Myotis species are common, especially in Europe, beginning in the Miocene but earlier records are poor. Recent study of new specimens from the Belgian early Oligocene locality of Boutersem reveals the presence of a relatively large vespertilionid. Morphological comparison and phylogenetic analysis confirms that the new, large form can be confidently assigned to the genus Myotis, making this record the earliest known for that taxon and extending the temporal range of this extant genus to over 33 million years. This suggests that previously published molecular divergence dates for crown myotines (Myotis) are too young by at least 7 million years. Additionally, examination of first fossil appearance data of 1,011 extant placental mammal genera indicates that only 13 first occurred in the middle to late Paleogene (48 to 33 million years ago) and of these, six represent bats, including Myotis. Paleogene members of both major suborders of Chiroptera (Yangochiroptera and Yinpterochiroptera) include extant genera indicating early establishment of successful and long-term adaptive strategies as bats underwent an explosive radiation near the beginning of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum in the Old World. A second bat adaptive radiation in the New World began coincident with the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum.
Located in Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2017