Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Byzantine Sagalassos
- Book review: Dar, S 2014 The dawn of the Bronze Age. The pattern of settlement in the Lower Jordan Valley and the desert fringes of Samaria during the Chalcolithic period and Early Bronze Age I
- Le matérel anthropologique dans tous ses états : de la momie aux restes incinérés.
- L'inconnu de la cathédrale. Tentative d'identification d'un ecclésiastique inhumé dans la cathédrale Saints-Michel-et-Gudule (Bruxelles, Belgique).
- The tympanoperiotic complex of the blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus
- Morphological and mitochondrial DNA data reshuffle the taxonomy of the genera Atopochetus Attems, Litostrophus Chamberlin and Tonkinbolus Verhoeff (Diplopoda: Spirobolida: Pachybolidae), with descriptions of nine new species
- Wat archeologisch DNA ons kan vertellen over de tamme kat
- First record of Ciocalypta Bowerbank, 1862 (Demospongiae, Suberitida, Halichondriidae) in the Eastern Pacific, with description of a new species from Peru
- Ecology of Marine Fish
- Ecology of Marine Fish offers updated reviews of the current knowledge on the ecology of marine fish. This book is an all-inclusive reference on the diversity of marine fish, their behaviors, their role in marine food webs, as well as the human and environmental impacts on marine fish, such as pollutants and climate change. It takes a historical approach to discussing spatial and temporal patterns of fish populations and introduces the changing patterns of the present. Each chapter provides an in-depth review of the science behind marine fish populations and the methodological tools to study them. This book is an excellent resource for anyone in the fisheries sector, including scientists and researchers, fisheries managers, marine resource managers, marine biologists, fish farmers, marine ecologists, policy makers, leaders and regulators, operations researchers, as well as students and faculty studying marine fish ecology.
- Note sur la présence en Belgique de Ferreria marqueti (Aubé, 1863) (Insecta, Coleoptera, Curculionidae)
- Etude anthropologique des restes humains (Bronze final) de Ia Grotte de On sous Jemelle (prov. de Namur, Belgique)
- Contribution à la connaissance du genre Nepiodes avec la description de la femelle de Nepiodes terminalis (Gahan, 1906) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Aegosomatini)
- Testing the accuracy of feldspar single grains to date late Holocene cyclone and tsunami deposits
- A new balaenopterid species from the Southern North Sea Basin informs about phylogeny and taxonomy of Burtinopsis and Protororqualus (Cetacea, Mysticeti, Balaenopteridae)
- Pommeroeul Le Grand Marais (Hainaut, Belgique) : un habitat, un moulin hydraulique et un atelier de bronzier gallo-romains ?
- Les ressources minérales du Massif ardennais In : Le Massif ardennais. Un jeune massif ancien. Chapitre 3 : Un riche patrimoine.
- Le géopatrimoine du Massif ardennais In : Le Massif ardennais. Un jeune massif ancien. Chapitre 3 : Un riche patrimoine.
- Le Massif ardennais. Un jeune massif ancien.
- Dossier multi-articles Co-éditeur scientifique (avec Francis MEILLIEZ) du dossier "Le Massif ardennais. Un jeune massif ancien." publié dans la revue Géochronique
- Introduction au dossier éponyme « Le Massif ardennais. Un jeune massif ancien »
- Aperçu général sur un des berceaux de la géologie du Paléozoïque.