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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Two celebrations and the Sustainable Development Goals
This year 2023, we have two milestones to celebrate for Hydrobiologia. Firstly, as Hydrobiologia was launched in March 1948, our journal is now 75 years young. Secondly, this is the first issue of volume 850. The second celebration requires a little nuance. Up to and including 2019, each of the 21 issues of Hydrobiologia was considered a separate volume and we ended 2019 with volume 846. Since 2020, Springer Nature standardized its journal portfolio in that one volume now covers a full year. For Hydrobiologia this means that we now have one volume and 21 issues annually. If the publication schedule would have remained unchanged, we would have started 2023 with volume 910 and we would have celebrated volume 1000 in 2027! Now we will have to wait 150 years to celebrate that event, in 2183 no less!
Article Reference Guide de lecture des cartes géologiques de Wallonie à 1/25 000
Article Reference Zinc-lead deposits of Belgium
Article Reference Evolution of palaeofluids at the Variscan thrust front in eastern Belgium
Article Reference Les filons d’antimoine de la région de CâmPha, province de Quang Ninh, nord-est du Viêt-nam : géologie, métallogénie, minéralurgie
Article Reference Influence of heteregeneouslithostructural layering on orogenic deformation in the Variscan Front Zone (eastern Belgium).
Article Reference L'or des Ardennes
Article Reference Le massif de Chaleux - Géologie
Inbook Reference Guide to a lithostratigraphic scale of Belgium. Preface.
Inbook Reference Devonian lithostratigraphic units (Belgium)
Article Reference Isotopic and fluid-inclusion constraints on the formation of polymetallic vein deposits in the central Argentinian Patagonia
Article Reference Le système karstique de la Grotte de Hotton (Belgique) : apport à l’étude structurale et cartographique à la karstogenèse et implication paléoseismologique
Article Reference Géochimie isotopique du soufre du gisement de barite de Fleurus (Belgique)
Article Reference The Helle igneous rock and associate porphyry copper mineralization (Eastern Belgium) : a summary of the present-day knowledge
Article Reference Willemite in the Belgian non-sulfide zinc deposits: a fluid inclusion study
Article Reference The"Calamine-type zinc-lead deposits in Belgium and West Germany: a product of Mesozoic palaeoweathering processes
Article Reference Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Mirwart Formation (Pragian) in the Lambert Quarry (Flamierge, Belgium)
Article Reference Cusp-corrugations due to boudinage nicely exhibited in the Flamierge area (High Ardenne, Belgium)
Article Reference Current status of chronostratigraphic units named from Belgium and adjacent areas. Preface
Article Reference Disused Palaeozoic regional stages from Belgium: Devillian, Revinian, Salmian, Gedinnian and Burnotian.
In Dejonghe, L., ed., Current status of chronostratigraphic units named from Belgium and adjacent areas


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