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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Incollection Reference De la matière première entrant à l’usine au produit fini réfractaire.
Incollection Reference Les matières premières de la céramique industrielle fabriquée à Andenne du XIXe au XXe siècles.
Incollection Reference Quelques aspects techniques et sociaux de l’extraction de la derle andennaise
Article Reference Étude archéométrique et recherche de l’origine de la matière première des poteries produites dans l’agglomération gallo-romaine de Tourinnes-Saint-Lambert (Walhain, Belgique).
Year of publication: 2020 Year of printing and availability: 2021
Article Reference L’atelier de potier de Tourinnes-Saint-Lambert (province du Brabant wallon ; Belgique) : enquête pluridisciplinaire sur une officine méconnue du Haut-Empire.
Published in 2020 Printed and available in 2021
Article Reference Legends of the Ardenne Massif, a compelling but undervalued cross-border intangible geo-cultural heritage (Belgium, France, Luxemburg, Germany)
Article Reference Un atelier métallurgique laténien travaillant les alliages cuivreux et le fer à Berloz (Hesbaye liégeoise, Belgique) : étude archéométrique et mode de fabrication des creusets.
Article Reference Référencement géologique des ressources en matières colorantes entre l’Ardèche et le Gardon : un outil pour appréhender les paysages vécus au cours de la Préhistoire.
Techreport Reference Les roches ornementales découvertes lors des fouilles dans l'enceinte de l’abbaye de Stavelot.
Techreport Reference Pierres ornementales de la villa de Nouvelles
Techreport Reference Pierres ornementales du sanctuaire de Blicquy, collections de l’Archéosite du Musée d’Aubechies/Beloeil.
Techreport Reference Analyse pétrographique des roches et des céramiques du site archéologique situé à Larchiwet au Sahara occidental (Maroc)
Techreport Reference Description des pâtes céramiques de 19 tuiles (imbrex, tegula) gallo-romaines du site de Asse.
Article Reference A new pipid from the Cretaceous of Africa (In Becetèn, Niger) and early evolution of the Pipidae
Pipimorpha and its crown-group Pipidae possess one of the most extensive fossil records among anurans, known since the Early Cretaceous in both Laurasia and Gondwana. Pipimorph diversification may have been driven by the breakup of West Gondwana during the Cretaceous. Numerous fossils from South America have been unearthed in the last decade, documenting this event. Unfortunately, Cretaceous pipimorphs from Africa have been limited to a few wellpreserved taxa from sub-Saharan Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, which hinders our comprehension of pipimorph diversification during this key period. The site of In Becetèn, in south-east Niger, is one of the few mid-Late Cretaceous (Coniacian–Santonian) sites from which a pipid, Pachycentrata taqueti, is known. Here, we describe and name a second pipid from the same locality. This taxon is known by a relatively complete braincase. Phylogenetic analyses confirm its position as a pipid, with pipinomorph affinities. This makes In Becetèn the oldest site with at least two pipids. Phylogenetic results are congruent with recent pipimorph relationships, with the presence of an endemic extinct clade in South America, Shelaniinae. The phylogenetic results also allow us to review the proposed definition for Pipimorpha and its subclades and propose new systematic definitions for them. Temporal calibration of the phylogenetic tree based on the fossil record suggests that pipimorphs diversified in a western Gondwana block and confirms that South America separated from Africa around the mid-Cretaceous. Between these two events, pipids diverged in Africa, giving rise to major extant clades. This study highlights the importance of Africa for early pipid diversification during the Cretaceous and of the opening of the Southern Atlantic Ocean for anuran dispersion and diversification.
Article Reference Les otolithes de Téléostéens néogènes de Trinidad
Article Reference Observations nouvelles sur les otolithes du Calcaire Grossier (Eocène du Bassin de Paris)
Article Reference Les otolithes de téléostéens de l'Oligo Miocène belge
Article Reference Les otolithes de téléostéens des sables coquillers du Bois Gouet (Eocène de Bretagne)
Article Reference Contribution à l'étude des otolithes des poissons V. L'origine des Sciaenidae (Teleostei, Perciformes)
Article Reference Edgard CASIER (15 octobre 1904 25 février 1976). Notice biographique


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