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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Les pierres décoratives en cité des Tongres : mise en œuvre et recyclage.
Article Reference Résultats de la seconde campagne de fouilles sur le site de Baelen-Néreth 2
Inbook Reference L’ardoise et ses propriétés.
Article Reference New bio-chemostratigraphic dating of a unique early Eocene sequence from southern Europe results in precise mammalian biochronological tie-points
European early Eocene (Ypresian) mammalian biochronology, covering a timespan of about 8 myr, includes three distinct MP (Mammal Paleogene) reference levels MP7, MP8+9 and MP10. These are represented in the unique succession of the Minervois (Southern France) by the localities of Fournes (close to MP7), Sainte-Eulalie (close to MP8+9) and Azillanet (close to MP10). Considering homogenous terrestrial organic matter contribution (type III) as suggested by palynofacies and Rock-Eval pyrolysis, we here demonstrate that the organic carbon isotope curve of the predominantly continental Ypresian of the Minervois closely matches the marine standard carbonate carbon isotope curve. The here studied mammalian faunas and their supposed corresponding MP levels can thus be accurately dated and correlated on a global scale. The endemic Fournes mammal fauna, located just above the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 - ETM2, is assigned to mid-Biochron NP11 (Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone). Accordingly, the Fournes mammal site is about 2.5 myr younger than the MP7 reference level of Dormaal (Belgium, latest Biochron NP9), about 1 myr younger than the MP7 mammalian locality of Le Clot in the Corbières (Southern France, late Biochron NP10 or early Biochron NP11) and very close to the Wasatchian Wa-5 mammalian biozone of Wyoming. A mid-Biochron NP12 age is inferred for the endemic Sainte-Eulalie fauna because of its position at the very top of (or just above) the isotopically negative “ETM3 interval”, whereas the Azillanet fauna, recorded at the top of a δ13Corg positive trend above the “ETM3 interval”, ranges from late Biochron NP12 to early Biochron NP13. Our results indicate that the short-term hyperthermals ETM2 and ETM3 did not affect the endemic character of the mammalian faunas in Southern and Northern Europe during the MP7 to MP8+9 interval. The end of this mammalian endemism likely occurred during the early phases of the EECO (Early Eocene Climatic Optimum) in early late Biochron NP12.
Article Reference Allemaal beestjes. Studie van het dierljk bot uit een Romeinse waterput van de site Tongeren-Oost
Article Reference The good, the bad and the ugly: Framing debates on Nature in a One Health community.
Article Reference Evolution at two time frames: polymorphisms from an ancient singular divergence event fuel contemporary parallel evolution
Techreport Reference Working Group on Marine Benthal Renewable Developments
Article Reference Présence de gersdorffite et de nickeline dans le filon plombo-zincifère de Bleiberg (Belgique).
Article Reference The Stavelot Massif from Cambrian to recent. A survey of the present state of knowledge.
Article Reference Historique des gisements plombo-zincifères de l' Est de la Belgique: le rôle de la "Vieille-Montagne"
Article Reference Géochimie isotopique du strontium des barites, anhydrites, calcites et fluorites de Belgique
Article Reference Etude lithostratigraphique, biostratigraphique et sédimentologique du sondage de Lessines
Article Reference La Vieille-Montagne, l'exploitation minière et la métallurgie du zinc dans l'ancien duché de Limbourg
Article Reference Les enseignements d'une campagne sismique conduite en Belgique, dans le Hainaut, selon l'axe Erquelinnes - Saint-Ghislain
Article Reference Nature et âge du remplissage des fissures karstifiées situées au sommet des calcaires frasniens dans le ravin du "Fond des Cris" (Province de Liège, Belgique)
Article Reference Stratigraphie du Dévonien inférieur dans le Massif de la Vesdre (Belgique)
Article Reference Exploration minérale par géochimie des sols dans la région d' Arteaga (Michoacan, Mexique)
Article Reference Paleogeographic and diagenetic context of a baritic mineralization enclosed within Frasnian peri-reefal formations: Case history of the Chaudfontaine mineralization (Belgium)
Article Reference Electrophorèses de solutions d'acides humiques de sols aurifères et non aurifères


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