Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- World checklist of freshwater Oligochaeta species. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available online at [16 Dec 2016]
- From white to black: maillard reaction products and endogenous porphyrins stain fossil hard tissues.
- Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences.
- De bedreigde biodiversiteit in het globale zuiden heeft meer dan ooit collectieve bescherming nodig/ La biodiversité dans le sud a plus que jamais besoin de protection
- Termite mounds Effects on Composition and Plant Species Functional Types and Traits in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve (Benin, West – Africa).
- Towards an Integrated Lake Basin Management Plan for Lake Manyara, Tanzania, using a tiered multistakeholder approach.
- Capacity development in DR Congo with a focus on biodiversity.
- The role of Belgian and African Natural History Institutions in biodiversity-related capacity building in Africa
- Capacity building for establishing biodiversity indicators in Africa.
- Joining science and policy in capacity development for conservation-relevant biodiversity monitoring in Africa.
- Multi-Proxy Analyses of Bioapatites: Implications for Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology and Bioarchaeology
- Wat is er beslist op de biodiversiteitstop (COP13) in Mexico? What Has Been Decided at the Biodiversity Summit (COP13) in Mexico?
- Investigating Diagenetic Patterns Using δ18Op and δ18Oc in Bone and Tooth Apatite of Modern, Archaeological and Fossil Specimens.
- Evolution of genome size in recent and fossil salamanders.
- Wat is er beslist op de biodiversiteitstop (COP13) in Mexico? What Has Been Decided at the Biodiversity Summit (COP13) in Mexico?/
- Le sommet de la biodiversité du Mexique franchit des étapes importantes. Biodiversiteitstop in Mexico zet belangrijke stappen vooruit.
- Flexible eggshell in Lower Jurassic prosauropod dinosaurs and the origin of the dinosaurian egg.
- Ostracodes
- Ostracod and rock facies across the Emsian/Eifelian boundary at Couvin (Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium).
- Le gisement mésolithique d’Heffingen-Loschbour (G.-D. de Luxembourg). Bilan des études paléoenvironnementales depuis 2003