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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Baelen « Nereth 2 » : le mobilier lithique, où en sommes-nous ?
Article Reference La fonderie de cloches du beffroi de Gembloux (fin du XVIe siècle). Structure et matériel archéologique en terre. Premiers résultats.
Article Reference Rome à la campagne : les décors de marbre de la villa de la Grande Boussue à Nouvelles (Mons, Belgique).
Article Reference Rome à la campagne : les décors en pierre de la villa de la Grande Boussue à Nouvelles (Mons, Belgique).
Article Reference TTourcoing « Grand Place » (Nord). Fouille José Barbieux. Étude du macro-outillage lithique (meules et pierres à aiguiser).
Article Reference La ville de Huy entre eaux et pierres.
Article Reference Provenance analysis of the natural stones in funerary monuments from the western part of the civitas Treverorum.
Book Reference Du Porphyre et des Hommes au Pays des « Cayoteux ». Des pavés aux granulats, plus de trois siècles d’histoire à Quenast-Rebecq, Lessines et Bierghes.
Article Reference Contribution to the history of roofing slate in Southern Brabant: a methodological approach from the Brussels case study (Belgium).
Roof coverings are crucial elements in the architectural design of any building, from the most rudimentary to the most elaborate, because of the protection against weathering they offer to the buildings. Despite its important role, it remains many gaps or grey areas in our historical and technical knowledge of this stony materials used to make them. In north-western Europe, although roof tiles seem to have attracted the attention of researchers in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain, it must be said that slate did not benefit from the same interest. In Belgium as well roofing using slate has not been the subject of particular attention for periods r anging from the late medieval period to the 18th century. Situated at the crossroads of archaeology, archaeometry and history, this study aims to take stock of the use of this material in the southern part of the former Duchy of Brabant and more particularly in the Brussels Region. The available bibliography, archival sources and data from the geological analysis of samples from archaeological excavations will be mobilised to address several key questions: the goeographical origin of the roofing slates and, therefore, their transport – the Brussels Region is devoid of slate deposits and is dependent on import trade routes for its supply; the particular uses of slate (social groups, types of building); the question of the organisation of the slate roofers’ trade; the question of costs in relation to other raw material, tiles in particular; and finally, special attention will be paid to the various implementations observed in situ. This last approach will include a reflection on the diverted uses of this stony material in other types of structural work. In short, this contribution will seek to characterise the roofing slate in the history of construction in Brabant and Brussels and will resonate with a major ongoing research project dedicated to the evolution of the Brussels roof frames.
Article Reference Production de meules va-et-vient au Hallstatt final – La Tène ancienne au « Camp de Macquenoise » à Saint-Michel (Aisne) et contextes d’utilisation régionaux.
Article Reference Une épingle “des palafiittes » du Bronze final (Xième s. av. n.è.), de l’habitat de Pitet (commune de Braives, prov. De Hesbaye liégeoise, Belgique). Nouvel examen.
Article Reference Etude multiproxy d’une mosaïque pariétale en verre de la villa gallo-romaine de la Grande Boussue à Nouvelles (Mons, Belgique).
Article Reference Du négoce viking à la mise en place d’un système commercial pérenne au Moyen Âge : identification de pierres à aiguiser norvégiennes dans le nord de la France et en Belgique.
Article Reference Les occupations préhistoriques de la Grotte Genvier (Viroinval, Prov.Namur).
Article Reference Mortiers en pierre de Tournai et en grès micacé : actualité sur un ustensile commercialisé par voies fluviales et maritimes.
Article Reference Les glaçures plombifères médiévales mosanes : recettes et expérimentations.
Inproceedings Reference Retour sur les collections gravettiennes de Maisières-Canal: Réévaluation du potentiel du site et premiers regards croisées sur l’exploitation alimentaire et technique des ressources animales fossiles et non fossiles.
Inproceedings Reference Birds remains from Belgium in the past: results of 40 years of bird bones identification.
Inproceedings Reference Early European Foodways: examples from the plant and animal realms from selected Early Neolithic sites across Europe.
Inproceedings Reference Que d’os ! Que d’os ! Les restes d’animaux en contexte archéologique, de la fouille à l’interprétation


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