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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Inbook Reference Middle to Upper Frasnian succession, Kellwasser events and the Frasnian–Famennian boundary in the Namur–Dinant Basin (Belgium).
Booklet Reference Livret-guide de l’excursion géologique dans la vallée du Hoyoux (Belgique) pour les membres de la Société Géologique du Nord. Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, 22 p.
Book Reference IGCP 596-SDS Symposium, Field Guides: The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous successions in southern Belgium.
Book Reference IGCP 596–SDS Symposium, Brussels (September 20-22, 2015), Abstracts
Book Reference Climate change and biodiversity patterns in the mid-Palaeozoic
Article Reference Frasnian reef mounds in the Durbuy-Bomal area (eastern border of the Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium)
Article Reference The highly diversified rugose coral fauna from the Lower Givetian Meerbüsch quarry in the Eifel Hills (Germany).
Article Reference Late Devonian (Frasnian) phyllopod and phyllocarid crustaceanshields from Belgium reinterpreted as ammonoid anaptychi
The taxonomic affinities of fossils from theFrasnian succession of Be lgium previously described asphyllopod and phyllocarid crustacean shields are discussed.The rediscovery of the holotype of Ellipsocaris dewalquei,the type species of the genus Ellipsocaris Woodward inDewalque, 1882, allows to end the discussion on the taxo-nomic assignation of the genus Ellipsocaris. It is removedfrom the phyllopod crustaceans as interpreted originally andconsidered here as an ammonoid anaptychus. Furthermore, itis considered to be a junior synonym of the genus SidetesGiebel, 1847. Similarly, Van Straelen’s (1933) lower to middleFrasnian record Spathiocaris chagrinensis Ruedemann, 1916,is also an ammonoid anaptychus. Although ammonoids canbe relatively frequent in some Frasnian horizons of Belgium,anaptychi remain particularly scarce and the attribution to thepresent material to peculiar ammonoid species is not possible.
Inproceedings Reference Saving paleontological heritage from active quarries: large scale in-situ collecting at the ‘Carrière de Lompret’, SW Belgium (Europe) delivering many unexpected discoveries
Article Reference Eocene cetaceans from the Helmstedt region, Germany, with some remarks on Platyosphys, Basilotritus and Pachycetus
Article Reference A new Miocene baleen whale from Peru deciphers the dawn of cetotheriids
Article Reference Latest Cretaceous storm-generated sea grass accumulations in the Maastrichtian type area, the Netherlands – preliminary observations
Techreport Reference VanNotenetal2017-Bruniquel-caveinfill
Techreport Reference Investigations géophysiques du remplissage sédimentaire de la Salle de la structure.
Inbook Reference Changements environnementaux postglaciaires et action de l'homme dans le bassin du Buech et en Champsaur (Hautes Alpes, France). Premier bilan d'une étude pluridisciplinaire
Inbook Reference Archéologie et paléoenvironnement dans les Alpes méridionales françaises - hauts massifs de l’Argentiérois, du Champsaur et de l’Ubaye (Hautes-Alpes et Alpes-de-Hautes-Provence) : Néolithique Final - début de l’Antiquité
Inbook Reference Structures pastorales d’altitude et paléoenvironnement. Alpes méridionales françaises du Néolithique final à l’âge du Bronze
Inbook Reference Bilan des études environnementales à Ribemont
Inbook Reference L’environnement végétal et climatique
Mastersthesis Reference Etude des peuplements de chênes lièges (Quercus suber L.) dans le Massif des Maures (Département du Var). Essai d’identification des "crûs de liège" et corrélation avec les différents paramètres de l’environnement.


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