Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- A high diversity in fossil beaked whales (Odontoceti, Ziphiidae) recovered by trawling from the sea floor off South Africa
- A re-appraisal of Craspedodon lonzeensis Dollo, 1883 from the Upper Cretaceous of Belgium: the first record of a neoceratopsian dinosaur in Europe?
- First record of a platanistid (Cetacea, Odontoceti) in the North Sea Basin: a review of Cyrtodelphis Abel, 1899 from the Miocene of Belgium
- Archaeoziphius microglenoideus, a new primitive beaked whale (Mammalia, Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the Middle Miocene of Belgium
- First European pontoporiid dolphins (Mammalia: Cetacea, Odontoceti), from the Miocene of Belgium and The Netherlands
- Systematics and phylogeny of the fossil beaked whales Ziphirostrum du Bus, 1868 and Choneziphius Duvernoy, 1851 (Cetacea, Odontoceti), from the Neogene of Antwerp (North of Belgium)
- A new kentriodontine dolphin from the Middle Miocene of Portugal
- Phylogenetic affinities of the long-snouted dolphin Eurhinodelphis (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the Miocene of Antwerp
- Review of the Miocene long-snouted dolphin Priscodelphinus cristatus du Bus, 1872 (Cetacea, Odontoceti) and phylogeny among eurhinodelphinids
- A temporary exposure of the Late Miocene Deurne Sand Member in Antwerpen (Flanders, Belgium)
- Systematic revision of the Miocene long-snouted dolphin Eurhinodelphis longirostris du Bus, 1872 (Cetacea, Odontoceti, Eurhinodelphinidae)
- Diversity and environmental control of benthic harpacticoids of an offshore post-dredging pit in coastal waters of Puck Bay, Baltic Sea
- Morphometric evaluation of DNA-based cryptic taxa in the terrestrial decollate snail genus Rumina
- Jodoigne: le caveau des Glymes à Notre-Dame du Marché
- Morphology, molecules, and monogenean parasites: An example of an integrative approach to cichlid biodiversity
- The unparalleled biodiversity of Lake Tanganyika (Africa) has fascinated biologists for over a century; its unique cichlid communities are a preferred model for evolutionary research. Although species delineation is, in most cases, relatively straightforward, higher-order classifications were shown not to agree with monophyletic groups. Here, traditional morphological methods meet their limitations. A typical example are the tropheine cichlids currently belonging to Simochromis and Pseudosimochromis. The affiliations of these widespread and abundant cichlids are poorly understood. Molecular work suggested that genus and species boundaries should be revised. Moreover, previous morphological results indicated that intraspecific variation should be considered to delineate species in Lake Tanganyika cichlids. We review the genera Simochromis and Pseudosimochromis using an integrative approach. Besides a morphometric study and a barcoding approach, monogenean Cichlidogyrus (Platyhelminthes: Ancyrocephalidae) gill parasites, often highly species-specific, are used as complementary markers. Six new species are described. Cichlidogyrus raeymaekersi sp. nov., C. muterezii sp. nov. and C. banyankimbonai sp. nov. infect S. diagramma. Cichlidogyrus georgesmertensi sp. nov. was found on S. babaulti and S. pleurospilus, C. franswittei sp. nov. on both S. marginatus and P. curvifrons and C. frankwillemsi sp. nov. only on P. curvifrons. As relatedness between Cichlidogyrus species usually reflects relatedness between hosts, we considered Simochromis monotypic because the three Cichlidogyrus species found on S. diagramma belonged to a different morphotype than those found on the other Simochromis. The transfer of S. babaulti, S. marginatus, S. pleurospilus and S. margaretae to Pseudosimochromis was justified by the similarity of their Cichlidogyrus fauna and the intermediate morphology of S. margaretae. Finally parasite data also supported the synonymy between S. pleurospilus and S. babaulti, a species that contains a large amount of geographical morphological variation.
- Functional integument surface of easy bleeder sawfly larva, Rhadinoceraea micans (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae)
- Validating collections: taxonomy, faunistics, databases, Red Data Books and Site quality Assessment studies at the RBINS Entomology Department
- Ecological speciation is relatively rae in "Higer" Nematinae sawflies.
- Diversity of chemically-based defence strategies in sawfly larvae.
- Leaf-mining habit and defense by volatiles is not contgradictory in Pseudodineurini sawfly larvae.