Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Study on Prioninae Cerambycid Megopis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) (Revisional Studies of the Genus Megopis sensu Lameere, 1909-9)
- Cerambycidae: Prioninae. New nomenclatural and taxonomie acts and comments
- Cerambycidae: Prioninae. Catalogue of species
- Bionomics and distribution of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus (L.) across Europe
- Sex-Biased Dispersal at Different Geographical Scales in a Cooperative Breeder from Fragmented Rainforest
- Citizen science in action - Evidence for long-term, region-wide House Sparrow declines in Flanders, Belgium
- Post-fragmentation population structure in a cooperative breeding Afrotropical cloud forest bird: emergence of a source-sink population network
- Persistent inter- and intraspecific gene exchange within a parallel radiation of caterpillar hunter beetles (Calosoma sp.) from the Galapagos
- Entomofauna of Flemish Inland Dunes: a Survey in Function of Heathland regeneration
- Distribution of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in inland dunes of Flanders: preliminary results with description of a new species for Belgium.
- Changes of nature development on sils with formerly intensive agricultural use in Flanders: site quality assessment by using invertebrates.
- To what extent does ant-composition and nest-activity influence vegetation and soil characteristics in coastal grey dunes? The example of Lasius psammophilus and Formica cunicularia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
- Changes of nature development on soils with formerly intensive agricultural use in Flanders: site quality assessment by using invertebrates.
- Ground beetles and reconverting agriculture land to heathland and species-rich grasslands in Flanders (Belgium)
- The importance of ground beetles in the studies on wetland restoration
- The effect of nature development on former arable fields in flanders as assessed by the sampling of spider assemblages.
- Habitat preference of ants in dune grassland and their relation to myrmecochoreous plants
- Expanded distribution associated with the use of man-made larval habitats of the day active mosquito Anopheles plumbeus, experimental vector of West Nile virus and a potential vector of human malaria in Belgium
- De insecten-dia-collectie van August Verbruggen
- Paratrechina longicornis an introduced ant in a subtropical swimming pool infrastructure in Belgium