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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS): Building a data-driven framework to inform policy
Imagine a future where dynamically, from year to year, we can track the progression of alien species (AS), identify emerging problem species, assess their current and future risk and timely inform policy in a seamless data-driven workflow. One that is built on open science and open data infrastructures. By using international biodiversity standards and facilities, we would ensure interoperability, repeatability and sustainability. This would make the process adaptable to future requirements in an evolving AS policy landscape both locally and internationally. In recent years, Belgium has developed decision support tools to inform invasive alien species (IAS) policy, including information systems, early warning initiatives and risk assessment protocols. However, the current workflows from biodiversity observations to IAS science and policy are slow, not easily repeatable, and their scope is often taxonomically, spatially and temporally limited. This is mainly caused by the diversity of actors involved and the closed, fragmented nature of the sources of these biodiversity data, which leads to considerable knowledge gaps for IAS research and policy. We will leverage expertise and knowledge from nine former and current BELSPO projects and initiatives: Alien Alert, Invaxen, Diars, INPLANBEL, Alien Impact, Ensis,, Speedy and the Belgian Biodiversity Platform. The project will be built on two components: 1) The establishment of a data mobilization framework for AS data from diverse data sources and 2) the development of data-driven procedures for risk evaluation based on risk modelling, risk mapping and risk assessment. We will use facilities from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), standards from the Biodiversity Information Standards organization (TDWG) and expertise from Lifewatch to create and facilitate a systematic workflow. Alien species data will be gathered from a large set of regional, national and international initiatives, including citizen science with a wide taxonomic scope from marine, terrestrial and freshwater environments. Observation data will be funnelled in repeatable ways to GBIF. In parallel, a Belgian checklist of AS will be established, benefiting from various taxonomic and project-based checklists foreseen for GBIF publication. The combination of the observation data and the checklist will feed indicators for the identification of emerging species; their level of invasion in Belgium; changes in their invasion status and the identification of areas and species of concern that could be impacted upon by bioinvasions. Data-driven risk evaluation of identified emerging species will be supported by niche and climate modelling and consequent risk mapping using critical climatic variables for the current and projected future climate periods at high resolution. The resulting risk maps will complement risk assessments performed with the recently developed Harmonia+ protocol to assess risks posed by emergent species to biodiversity and human, plant, and animal health. The use of open data will ensure that interested stakeholders in Belgium and abroad can make use of the information we generate. The open science ensures everyone is free to adopt and adapt the workflow for different scenarios and regions. The checklist will be used at national level, but will also serve as the Belgian reference for international databases (IUCN - GRIIS, EASIN) and impact assessments (IPBES, SEBI). The workflow will be showcased through GEO BON, the Invasivesnet network and the COST Actions Alien Challenge and ParrotNet. The observations and outcomes of risk evaluations will be used to provide science-based support for the implementation of IAS policies at the regional, federal and EU levels. The publication of Belgian data and checklists on IAS is particularly timely in light of the currently ongoing EU IAS Regulation and its implementation in Belgium. By proving that automated workflows can provide rapid and repeatable production of information, we will open up this technology for other conservation assessments.
Article Reference Description of a new species of Tenguella (Gastropoda: Muricidae: Ergalataxinae) from Oman
A new species of the recently re-established genus Tenguella is described from the Sultanate of Oman. It is compared with three of the four species included in this genus: Tenguella granulata (Duclos, 1832), the type species and a common species occurring in the Indo-Pacific, Tenguella ceylonica (Dall, 1923) known from south-eastern India to the Philippines and Tenguella marginalba (Blainville, 1832) from eastern Australia.
Article Reference Indochinese Polydictya lanternflies: Two new species from Vietnam, identification key and notes on P. vietnamica (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae)
Article Reference The Ophiocoma species (Ophiurida: Ophiocomidae) of South Africa
This study raises the number of Ophiocoma species recorded in South Africa from four to eight. All species are briefly discussed in terms of taxonomy, geographic distribution and ecology. In addition, the juvenile of O. brevipes, found on the underside of adult Ophiocoma brevipes specimens, is described in detail. A neotype is designated for O. scolopendrina.
Article Reference Commercially important sea cucumbers of the world
Article Reference Economie et milieu dans les plaines intérieures de Mauritanie occidentale à l’Holocène moyen (Nouadhfat, Aouker occidental)
En Mauritanie occidentale, le site de Nouadhfat, au nord-est de Nouakchott, est essentiel, tant pour la connaissance des paléoenvironnements holocènes que pour celle du Néolithique. Le site se trouve à proximité d’un important paléoréseau hydrographique et sur le rivage d’un vaste paléolac marqué par des diatomites, des gastéropodes d’eau douce et des pistes animales imprimées dans la boue. L’habitat fut occupé par des chasseurs-cueilleurs, des pêcheurs (présence de harpons) et des éleveurs, qui profitèrent d’un milieu évoluant progressivement vers moins d’humidité : une première fois au Néolithique moyen (autour de 6400 cal. BP), puis plus récemment (3900 – 3300 cal. BP), après une crise aride très marquée. Nouadhfat, qui est le site le mieux daté de la région, s’inscrit dans un ensemble d’une grande richesse sur au moins quatre millénaires. La caractéristique principale de ce groupe est sans doute l’existence de nombreuses cultures, qui se sont succédé ou ont cohabité, avant que la limite septentrionale du Sahel ne se décale nettement vers le sud.
Inbook Reference The coastal Plain of Belgium, Joint product of natural processes and Human Activities
Article Reference Depositional evolution of the Lower Khuzestan plain (SW Iran) since the end of the Late Pleistocene
Article Reference New data on the sedimentary processes and timing of the initial inundation of Lower Khuzestan (SW Iran) by the Persian Gulf
Article Reference Ancient whales did not filter feed with their teeth
Article Reference Les Ostracodes de la partie supérieure de la Formation de Teferguenite (Givétien) et de la Formation de Marhouna (Givétien - Famennien) de la coupe du Km 30 (Saoura, Sahara algérien)
Article Reference Présence d'Entomozoacea (Ostracodes) dans la partie famenienne de la coupe du Djebel Hèche (Gourara, Sahara algérien)
Article Reference Ponderodictya belliloci nov. sp., nouvelle espèce d'Ostracode (Metacopida) dans le Frasnien des Bassins de Namur et de Dinant (Belgique et nord de la France)
Article Reference text/h323 Etude biostratigraphique et paléoécologique des Ostracodes du sommet du Givétien et de la base du Frasnien à Ave-et-Auffe (Bord sud du Bassin de Dinant, Belgique).
Article Reference Etude biostratigraphique et paléoécologique des Ostracodes du récif de marbre rouge du Hautmont à Vodelée (Partie supérieure du Frasnien, Bassin de Dinant, Belgique)
Article Reference Les Ostracodes des sédiments envasants du récif de la carrière Beauchâteau, à Senzeilles (partie supérieure du Frasnien, Bassin de Dinant).
Article Reference Présence de Cypridinacea (Ostracodes) dans la partie supérieure du Frasnien du Bassin de Dinant
Article Reference Paléoécologie des Ostracodes au niveau de la limite des étages Frasnien et Famennien, à Senzeilles
Article Reference Sédimentologie et Ostracodes de la limite Eifelien-Givetien à Resteigne (bord sud du Bassin de Dinant, Belgique)
Article Reference Préservation des types et spécimens figurés - Bewaring van paleontologisch typemateriaal en afgebeelde specimens


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