Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Geniation and the genus concept in ancient lakes
- Speciation in ancient lake ostracods: comparative analysis of Baikalian Cytherissa and Tanganyikan Cyprideis
- Reproductive mode and habitat stability: the example of ancient lake Ostracoda
- Biodiversity and molecular phylogeny - ostracods from ancient lakes
- The effects of reproductive mode and multiple invasions on speciation in ancient lake ostracods: comparative molecular genetics of Baikalian Cytherissa
- The genus-concept in ancient lakes: a comparison between the Cyprideis lineage in Lake Tanganyika and the Cytherissa lineage in Lake Baikal (Crustacea, Ostracoda)
- The effects of reproductive mode and multiple invasions on speciation in ancient lake ostracods: comparative molecular genetics of Baikalian Cytherissa
- Congruence of morphological and molecular variability in non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea)
- Reproductive modes in non-marine ostracods: introduction to clonality
- The application of molecular techniques to the study of ostracods
- Die Beziehung zwischen Populationsdynamik und- genetik bei der Feldmaus
- Genetic variation of an isolated population of the common vole
- L’archéozoologie
- Techniques in Molecular Systematics and Evolution (Methods and Tools in Bioscience and Medicine)
- Molecular systematics and evolution: theory and practise
- Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Evolution
- Marine Mammals
- Molecular Methods in Ecology (Methods in Ecology)
- Statistical Ecology
- Freshwater