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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference The cave bear and prehistoric man: a brief encounter at Goyet, Belgium
Article Reference Mammalian remains from the Upper Palaeolithic site of Kamenka, Buryatia (Siberia)
Article Reference Kulturnie traditsii narodov Sibiri i Ameriki: preemstvennost i ekologia (gorizonti komplekcnovo izucheniya)
Inbook Reference Problema sezonnih poselenii v epohu verhnevo paleolita v zabaikale
Article Reference Des pupes de Protophormia terraenovae associées à des mammifères pléistocènes de la Vallée flamande (Belgique)
Article Reference Le Paléolithique supérieur ancien de Sibérie. Les fouilles de Frans Steenhoudt et Vasily Tashak pour les Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire
Article Reference Taphonomy of Pleistocene mammal assemblages of the Flemish Valley, Belgium
Article Reference Osteometric data on Late Pleistocene mammals from the Flemish Valley, Belgium
Article Reference Preliminary results on the taphonomy of Denisova cave 1992 excavation
Article Reference The dating of two pleistocene mammal assemblages from the Flemish Valley, Belgium
Article Reference Pleistocene zoogdierresten te Uitbergen (Oost-Vlaanderen, België)
Article Reference An anomalous reindeer Rangifer tarandus (L., 1758) skull from the Lower Weichselian at the Bos van A, Zemst (Brabant, Belgium)
Article Reference Bovenpleistocene zoogdieren uit het Bos van A (Zemst, België)
Article Reference Some preliminary results on the Upper Pleistocene mammals of the Bos van A at Zemst (Brabant, Belgium)
Article Reference The mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) of Hofstade (Brabant, Belgium)
Article Reference Les mammifères de la Formation de la Campine
Article Reference Isotopic Tracking of Trophic Relationships (Predation, Competition, Commensalism) between Paleolithic Humans and Predators
Article Reference The Upper Paleolithic beginnings of the domestication of the dog
Inbook Reference The animal remains
Inproceedings Reference GeoConnect³d Cross-border, cross-thematic multiscale framework for combining geological models and data for resource appraisal and policy support: WP5 - Sharing the case studies


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