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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Proceedings Reference Palaeoclimate reconstruction in the Levant region from the petrographic and growth rate of a MIS 5 stalagmite from the Kanaan cave, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon consists mainly of carbonate rocks which contain numerous caves with an abundance of well-preserved speleothem deposits. A 23 cm long stalagmite (K1-2010) was obtained from Kanaan cave, situated just north of Beirut within the western flank of central Mount Lebanon at 100 m altitude. To develop an age model for the speleothem, a suite of uranium series (U-Th) dates was performed in the NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory at the British Geological Survey. The speleothem displays two main segments: The lower segment (segment 1) is 8.2 cm long and displays a general growth axis varying from 8.5 cm diameter in the lower part to 6 cm in its middle part. This segment grew from at least 129.7 ± 0.8 ka to 111.8 ± 0.7 ka. Several hiatuses are observed and are probably linked to detrital layers. The higher segment (segment 2) is 12.3 cm long and displays a thinner diameter varying from 6.5 to 4 cm at its topmost part. This segment grew continuously from 102.5 ± 0.96 to 85.3 ± 0.8 ka. The lower segment, deposited during S-5 event in the Eastern Mediterranean (128-117 ka) shows growth rates reaching 0.15 cm/100 yr coinciding with enhanced rainfall events in speleothem records from the Southern Levant during the S-5 event as suggested by Frumkin (1999) and Bar-Mathews (2003). Speleothem growth stopped between 103.5 and 109 ka and the growth axis rotated. The higher segment shows a more moderate growth rate (0.09 cm/100 yr) until 100 ka, corresponding to low δ18O values in speleothems from Peqiin and Soreq caves and thus to enhanced rainfall events. Very low growth rates (0.03 to 0.06 cm/100 yr) from 100 to 85 ka are associated with colder climates during the latter part of MIS5 subsequent to the S-5 event. This stalagmite demonstrates the palaeoclimatic potential of speleothem records in the northern Levant region.
Inproceedings Reference mtDNA variation in peripheral populations of the groundwater amphipod genus Niphargus (Amphipoda, Crustacea) from the Meuse valley (Belgium)
Inproceedings Reference Lack of macrogeographic mtDNA differentiation in Niphargus schellenbergi (Amphipoda)?
Article Reference The genus Odo Keyserling, 1887 (Araneae: Zoridae) of the Galapagos islands (Ecuador)
Article Reference Spinnen verzameld door Jean-Pierre Maelfait en Lut van Nieuwenhuyse tijdens het Arabel-Weekend in de Viroinstreek
Article Reference Les Araignées "cavernicoles" de Belgique
Inproceedings Reference Assessing the diversity of Congolese snakes with DNA barcoding
Inproceedings Reference Le Niphargus, développement d'un enregistreur autonome de température basé sur un capteur monolithique à diode de silicium. Cas d'étude dans les grottes de Han-sur-Lesse et Remouchamps.
Article Reference Seasonal variations recorded in cave monitoring results and a 10-year monthly resolved speleothem 18O and 13C record from the Han-sur-Lesse cave, Belgium.
Booklet Reference Minerals4EU : A leading minerals intelligence network for Europe - project booklet
The Minerals4EU project is designed to meet the recommendations of the Raw Materials Initiative and will develop an EU Mineral intelligence network structure delivering a web portal, a European Minerals Yearbook and foresight studies. The network will provide data, information and knowledge on mineral resources around Europe, based on an accepted business model, making a fundamental contribution to the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP RM), seen by the Competitiveness Council as key for the successful implementation of the major EU2020 policies. The Minerals4EU project will firstly establish the EU minerals intelligence network structure, comprising European minerals data providers and stakeholders, and transform this into a sustainable operational service. Minerals4EU will therefore contribute to and support decision making on the policy and adaptation strategies of the Commission, as well as supporting the security of EU resource and raw materials supply, by developing a network structure with mineral information data and products, based on authoritative of information sources. The Minerals4EU project is built around an INSPIRE compatible infrastructure that enables EU geological surveys and other partners to share mineral information and knowledge, and stakeholders to find, view and acquire standardized and harmonized georesource and related data. The target of the Minerals4EU project is to integrate the best available mineral expertise and information based on the knowledge base of member geological surveys and other relevant stakeholders, in support of public policy-making, industry, society, communication and education purposes at European and international levels. The Minerals4EU consortium possesses the skills and resources to make this the leading European mineral information network structure that will provide tools and expertise to enhance resource efficiency, minerals supply security and support sustainable mineral development for Europe.
Booklet Reference Geopark Calestienne Lesse§Lomme
Si une région karstique mérite d’être intégrée dans le concept de Geopark, il s’agit bien du territoire regroupant les grottes, paysages et patrimoine centrés sur les communes de Rochefort, Wellin, Marche-en-Famenne, Tellin et Nassogne en Belgique. Marquant le cœur du futur Geopark, le système des Grottes de Han-sur-Lesse jouit d’une renommée mondiale, à la fois dans le domaine touristique, scientifique et patrimonial. Le système voisin, celui de la Lomme et de la Wamme souterraines déjà mis en exergue par Vandenbroeck, Martel et Rahir dans leur livre « Cavernes et Rivières souterraines de Belgique » en 1913, ne cède en rien à sa grande sœur dans les trois domaines précités. Enfin, toute la région regorge de sites archéologiques, dont celui découvert lors des fameuses fouilles subaquatiques de la Lesse, des sites historiques, folkloriques et patrimoniaux.
Proceedings Reference « Nos » oiseaux sont-ils africains ou européens ?
Article Reference Review of the genus Griphophanes Grootaert & Meuffels (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with description of ten new species from Sri Lanka
Article Reference Genital anatomy, jaw and radula of Guladentia subtussulcata (Helicoidea, Cepolidae), endemic to western Cuba
Inproceedings Reference Changes in suspended particle composition in the water column affect floc dynamics
Inproceedings Reference The potential of cohesive sediment and diverse microalgae to flocculate in demanding growth conditions
Inproceedings Reference Application of an 1-DV TCPBE model with Bayesian calibration to diagnose the flocculation potential in the laboratory experiments and field measurement
Inproceedings Reference Sand sourcing from dredge disposal grounds for nature-based solutions
Inproceedings Reference Isolation and characterization of the molecular composition of algal dissolved organic matter
Inproceedings Reference From brown to blue water: Unraveling spatio-temporal variations in the organic matter content of suspended particulate matter


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