Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
Vertical stratification of termites in a Panamanian rainforest
Termites in the canopy of a Panamanian rainforest
Testing the transect method to characterize termite assemblages in subtropical forests.
Comment caractériser un assemblage de termites: un test de la méthode des transects
Pitfalls in the characterization of termite assemblages: lessons from neotropical ecosystems.
Effets du micro-habitat sur l’assemblage des fourmis des litières dans une forêt sèche naturellement morcelée du Chaco argentin
Periodic pattern of species distribution in a ground-dwelling ant assemblage
The IBISCA Winkler programme and focal taxa
Subfamilias y géneros de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) presentes en el Parque Nacional Podocarpus
Uso de las hormigas para monitorear las perturbaciones de la selva tropical de los Andes ecuatorianos causadas por los cambios atmosféricos.
Standardized collection of data & tracking of specimens in large biodiversity inventories
Large scale biodiversity inventories and collections: challenges and solutions.
The CTFS Arthropod Initiative database management system
Accuracy of species richness estimates obtained from incomplete inventories: lessons from a benchmark dataset on tropical ants.
Composition and distribution of biodiversity in forests: the EDIT and IBISCA approaches.
Spatio-temporal dependence of the estimation of ant species richness.
Fluctuating asymmetry in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Prostigmata, Tetranychidae)
The IBISCA social insects programme: ants.
Monitoring ants and termites in CTFS plots.
Termite diversity in subtropical forests of northern Argentina