Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Evaluation of species richness estimators based on quantitative performance measures and sensitivity to patchiness and sample grain size
- Plant selection for nest building by western lowland gorillas in Cameroon
- Density of herbaceous plants and distribution of western gorillas in different habitat types in south-east Cameroon
- Assessment of higher trophic levels: distribution variability of seabirds and marine mammals during a South-North transect in the Atlantic Ocean.
- Forgotten Biodiversity in Desert Ecosystems, (letters to Science).
- Chapitre biodiversité EIE Parc éolien à Verlée (rapport à Sertius sprl).
- Chapitre biodiversité EIE Parc éolien à Ferrières (rapport à Vinçotte- Environnement).
- Chapitre biodiversité EIE Parc éolien à Aywaille (rapport à Vinçotte- Environnement).
- Complément étude biodiversité pour un projet de Parc éolien à Esplechin (Tournai) (rapport à Wind Vision).
- Service public de Wallonie - Agro-carburants et environnement – Troisième rapport d’avancement du projet. Activités de la période et résultats préliminaires
- Une approche participative des interactions entre les hommes, femmes et la biodiversité de la forêt tropicale dans la région du lac Tumba, RDC. In: Isumbisho Mwapu, P., Balagizi Karhagomba, I., Bukobero, L., eds. International Conference on Governance of
- To what extent large carnivores can support human disturbance?
- Ranging behaviour and sleeping sites of Macaca fascicularis in Bali Barat National Park, Indonesia
- « Directed seed dispersal by western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at nest sites in Southeast Cameroon: implications for regeneration of logged forests”.
- Evaluation of species richness estimators based on quantitative performance measures and sensitivity to patchiness and sample grain size
- Impacts of logging and hunting on western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) populations and consequences for forest regeneration. A review
- Recent decline in suitable environmental conditions for African great apes
- Anti-predator defence mechanisms in sawfly larvae of Arge (Hymenoptera, Argidae)
- First assessment of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) density and bedding behaviour in the Pongara National Park, Gabon.
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of a 10-Year Old Great Ape Conservation Project in Cameroon